The Constant Companions via Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 416 « Golden Age of Gaia


The Constant Companions via Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 416 « Golden Age of Gaia.

via The Constant Companions via Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 416 « Golden Age of Gaia.

I sometimes just skim this channel’s posts but something led me to read the entire post today and I’m glad that I did, as it really spoke to me.

Since I had remembered past lives since age 3, been walking in and out of other dimensions and interacting with various spiritual beings, I faced much criticism and doctors even tried to diagnose me as mentally ill. My parents kept telling me to “face reality” and I just couldn’t understand why anyone would want to limit themselves so much when what I saw was so much more vast and beautiful.

At age 8, I started exploring other religions, looking for answers. I made my way through the local Christian churches, the Catholic church, the Quaker church in another town, various eastern religions and gurus, a brief exploration of the Muslim religions, the Native American medicine wheel and many other spiritual/metaphysical/new age/new thought churches and groups.

I was looking for something to explain my memories and to create a sense of belonging. Growing up with so much rejection and judgement, I had learned to hide my light, attempting to fit in, but never too successfully. I had weak lungs since birth as my Mom’s doctor took me a month early as a c-section baby so he could go on vacation. So this stuffing my light only served to exacerbate the lung challenges and also led to deep, long depressions and suicidal thoughts, and all of that led to more isolation and rejection.

I felt like this light that I knew myself to be was too bright, too big, and so I just held it in. Then I went searching for a way to fill up that space and become whole again. And many of the answers I sought were a search for a way to heal my physical and emotional body. That led me ultimately back to my spiritual self.

I had also held in my light not just because my family and classmates were judging me for my experiences and my differences but because of a fear that once again in this life I would be harmed for shining my light, like my past life memories had shown me at such a young age.

I’m grateful for my journey through all these various paths, and am just as grateful for finally returning to my truth, that my light is ME, and it is not only ok to shine my light, it is imperative for my health and well being and that of the world.

I know this story might not be “YOUR” story but I bet that some of it is, so let’s hold hands and together step into the greater US, and together we can step up into the higher dimensions and live the life of our dreams!

Shine on brothers and sisters, shine bright, shine BIG!!!!!

About katelon

I had been a wellness trainer, therapist, consultant and coach for 40 years, trained in 16 therapies from massage and reflexology to hypnotherapy and NLP, to past life regression and various spiritual therapies. I did my work in person and long distance. I also offered workshops to companies in wellness, stress release, diversity, team building, communication and more. My deepest dream is to create wellness centers all over the world, for not only individual wellness but environmental, family, business, community, and international wellness, along with connecting us with other light citizens of the Universe. I envision a world of peace, harmony and cooperation. I am available as a consultant to work with the creation of wellness centers and eco-villages and often refer others to various wellness centers and resorts in the area of their preference. My present focus is on daily sessions, with a work partner, to shut down the dark control structure and timeline and help usher in a new timeline of Oneness, abundance, peace, and a world that supports the greater good for all, including the planet. It is time to be free of the enslavement and war against this planet and humanity.

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