It Truly IS Time For Victory To The Light…and YOU can help!


Neither John or I have written much lately about the work we are doing.  The announcement of the surrender came so close but then there were errant people of power that needed work, and some still straddling the fence between light and dark, plus the Nouveau dark power leaders that refuse to surrender even though the stand down order has been given.   So it has been one tedious 24/7 day after another coming with more interventions, authorizing the light ET’s and the members of the light to intervene more and more as we work to finish this battle between the light and the dark, at least enough to open the way for the surrender team to make the announcement that will fully shut down the dark. The Nouveau dark know it is a losing proposition, they know the surrender is coming quickly and they are pulling out all stops.  They are attacking other lightworkers and John and I more as well.  I passed full exhaustion months ago, so each day surprise myself by staying positive and active in spite of any new symptoms of the dark’s attacks. I know the light is protecting me and protecting all light workers so we can do our jobs.

The battle IS being won though. So I wanted to harness your energy and support to see this project through.  Since it is spring and where I’m staying presently offers many demonstrations of that in my daily walks, I’m going to share some lovelys and walk you through an experience to harness light and love and claim it for yourself and the world, along with FULL Victory to the light.

Look at this Iris.  It blooms for only a day, and yet it bursts forth with all its got, in all its beauty. It may only have a day, but it shows up boldy, even though it is soft, fragile, delicate….like the light. But don’t let that fool you, as it managed to withstand the drought conditions of Southern California, and still burst forth to share its beauty with the world.


Take another look from another angle and see how deliberate it is in its structure.  Each part knowing its place, just like the light forces.  Each member of the light forces, each of us, knows in our deepest heart what part we are to play in finally bringing this surrender announcement over the finish line:


And now, face it full on, take in it’s full beauty, design, structure…its victory in blooming for this one glorious day!  This shift, this victory to the light has been long planned.  Everyone has trained long and hard for it over many lifetimes. Together we are creating a new timeline, a timeline of Oneness, that is just as beautiful and more so, that this Iris, just as ornately designed.  The seed was planted long ago, waiting dormant in the soil of humanity, and now it is time to sprout and bloom:


Now let’s add in more senses.

Here is some Jasmine, which is in full bloom around the neighborhood here. Can you smell the scent?  The light that is available to us now is that tangible. Scent is one of the strongest memories, so you can’t forget what it was like to be One with Source, to live in Unity with all others. That experience is in your DNA and no matter what the dark has tried to do to manipulate our DNA, we are ultimately created by Source and the memory is there…so just as you can smell the Jasmine, remember smelling Jasmine at some point…in a soap, a perfume, your childhood home perhaps, a favorite park or arboretum, ….so take in that smell and remember your origin, remember your power as you unite with all others, with Source:


And now…as you view this lavender, you might notice the slight breeze that is blowing the flowers back and forth, gently, barely perceptible, yet…you can feel it, can’t you?  Surrender to that breeze, trust the movement that is taking place on these lavender flowers and on us, as Source, Ascended masters, archangels, stir our souls to action, supporting us, prodding us, awakening us to take a stronger stance as we stand for the light now, fully, completely.  And allow the healing properties of the lavender aroma to relax you, keep you alert, yet at peace, as together, we take this last and final stand:

wpid-2015-04-29-13.56.10.jpg.jpegI welcome and appreciate your presence and participation in this last activity to bring the dark to their full surrender, standing ready to transform it with love, compassion and light, allowing the dark to transition, along with us, so together, we may forge a new world of cooperation, forgiveness, creativity, as we embrace our divine selves ….in the light…in love…in UNITY!


much love, katelon

About katelon

I had been a wellness trainer, therapist, consultant and coach for 40 years, trained in 16 therapies from massage and reflexology to hypnotherapy and NLP, to past life regression and various spiritual therapies. I did my work in person and long distance. I also offered workshops to companies in wellness, stress release, diversity, team building, communication and more. My deepest dream is to create wellness centers all over the world, for not only individual wellness but environmental, family, business, community, and international wellness, along with connecting us with other light citizens of the Universe. I envision a world of peace, harmony and cooperation. I am available as a consultant to work with the creation of wellness centers and eco-villages and often refer others to various wellness centers and resorts in the area of their preference. My present focus is on daily sessions, with a work partner, to shut down the dark control structure and timeline and help usher in a new timeline of Oneness, abundance, peace, and a world that supports the greater good for all, including the planet. It is time to be free of the enslavement and war against this planet and humanity.

15 responses »

    • Thanks so much Mary, and thanks for taking the time to comment! I am doing all I can to take care of me, with the light’s help. They are keeping me alive and safe so I can finish what i started millions of years ago 🙂 love, katelon


    • You are very welcome! Thanks for reading and commenting. I am learning that most people on wordpress only follow a blog to get people to follow theirs and then don’t bother or intend to keep reading. I love your blog and read it regularly, as is my commitment to the blogs I follow. So thanks again and I”m glad you enjoyed the message.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Katelon, I just read a private message you sent me – about not listening to the calls anymore, etc. I commend you on your work of millions of years. (I certainly know what it’s like to raise my hand and volunteer). In what way can I be of service to you in what you’re doing. I’m sure I can do something. {maybe just praying) I am in Missouri, probably not close to you, but I’m sure there is something I can do. Thanks, Jane
    P.S. can you reply to my email? I sent it to sign up for your blog. Email and text messages are the easiest ways to get a hold of me. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

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