Sunshine Blogger Award



I’ve just been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by a great blog

I’ve only been reading his blog for a short time but truly appreciate his honesty, his commitment to a spiritual way of living and the variety in his posts. So please check him out.

I don’t follow award rules but do appreciate when readers enjoy my work and acknowledge it.  Sufian asked me the questions: If God was to appear before you right now, what form do you think He would come to you as? Would you be skeptical? What would be your reaction?

I believe God would appear as light, and I would welcome the interaction and not be skeptical as I’ve been seeing and talking to spirits and other dimensional beings all my life.

I do want to give a shout out to some blogs I’ve recently been following. I recommend you check them out:

1.  beautiful blog of a spiritual nature.

2. A great blog written by a man with Aspergers, who has a radio show, has guest writers along with his own posts and a very eclectic blog.

3.  Zak has a great uplifting blog, with short inspiring posts to help lift you up and spread positivity throughout the world.

4.  A great once  a day photo post with fun facts.  Very creative photography.

5.  Eva is a great poet with deep thoughtful writing.

6.  Wonderful photography.

7.  Nirmala posts simple stories and memories of day to day life and glimpses from her childhood growing up in India.

8.  Very sweet blog with stories, photos and musings of the heart.

These are just a few of the wonderful blogs I read daily.  I don’t follow blogs that I don’t read as I feel it is important to support the blogs I choose to follow.  Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

About katelon

I had been a wellness trainer, therapist, consultant and coach for 40 years, trained in 16 therapies from massage and reflexology to hypnotherapy and NLP, to past life regression and various spiritual therapies. I did my work in person and long distance. I also offered workshops to companies in wellness, stress release, diversity, team building, communication and more. My deepest dream is to create wellness centers all over the world, for not only individual wellness but environmental, family, business, community, and international wellness, along with connecting us with other light citizens of the Universe. I envision a world of peace, harmony and cooperation. I am available as a consultant to work with the creation of wellness centers and eco-villages and often refer others to various wellness centers and resorts in the area of their preference. My present focus is on daily sessions, with a work partner, to shut down the dark control structure and timeline and help usher in a new timeline of Oneness, abundance, peace, and a world that supports the greater good for all, including the planet. It is time to be free of the enslavement and war against this planet and humanity.

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