Get Ready For the Shift Into The Light!



Photo by Katelon T. Jeffereys

The Shift into the light has been a long time coming.  This planet and humanity have suffered greatly under the hands of the Dark Elite who have held all in economic enslavement, war, separation, dis-empowerment, disease, violence and so much more.  But take heart friends, as soon, VERY soon, the shift will be initiated and we will finally be free and reconnected to the truth of our Oneness with Source and each other.

So, I wanted to take this chance to thank all those team members of world leaders, from many walks of life, for your dedication and courage in putting together the new systems that will replace those of the greedy and self interested dark leaders.  Many of you have had to continue working in dark organizations as you held the light for this new initiative.  I am grateful for all you are doing to initiate this shift and create plans for the wondrous organizations and systems that will replace the old.

I want to thank all the on and off planet beings who have worked so hard to round up the dark leaders and monitor those who rose up to replace them, to make sure they weren’t starting any new initiatives or getting out of hand.

I extend gratitude to the Light Council who has overseen this entire process. I appreciate all the Archangels and Ascended Masters, Light ET civilizations, Inner earth civilizations, and all those off planet beings who have assisted in this shift, helped humanity and the planet make it safely to this turning point and maintained patience with this situation.

I am immensely grateful for all the 92 Sound Keys for all the love, light, healing, foundation building, protection, and shielding you have provided for humanity, the planet and me, along with the weaponry you have wielded to help shut down the dark.  I deeply appreciate you allowing me to host you and open each one of you to your mission.

I have admiration and appreciation for St. Germaine for amassing all the wealth and all those who have carefully protected it through the ages, in order for it to be provided for all of humanity to rebuild, repair and uplift itself and the planet.

Kudos to all the dedicated light workers, channels, healers, and activists around the world who have sacrificed so much, and kept your faith and focus on a better world.

I bow down to the powerful gateways, portals, energy waves, et all that have been pouring into humanity and the planet, opening hearts and minds, raising the vibration, transforming cells from carbon to crystalline base, and preparing all for ultimately, ascension.

I will forever be grateful for all those on the team that kept me protected, and kept me alive.  You have worked so diligently to guide me, clear me and do what you could to repair the damage from all the dark attacks and interference directed my way and implanted in me throughout my life.

Hugs to all my friends who have supported me on this journey, and all who have opened their homes to me over this last 4 + years, whether it went well…or not.  I know I’ve never been “normal” or even “nearly normal” (from a favorite character’s name in a Tom Robbins book.) Your friendship, love and acceptance have kept me going on this singular path to assist in shutting down the dark and bringing forth the shift into the light.

On this Earth Day weekend, I humbly send much love to this beautiful planet, and being, Gaia, who has withstood much abuse and trauma throughout her history.  I look forward to the time that we are able to heal you completely and restore you to the bounty that is your birthright.

To every human, creature, and species, throughout the land/water/air and soil, thank you for being here at this time to contribute to this powerful transformation. You each had a gift to give, you each knew the stakes were high and that it wasn’t going to be neither easy nor pretty at times, but you came and contributed and held on.  I salute you all!

And lastly, my sincere thanks and appreciation to John Ross, for contacting me Oct. 15, 2014 and inviting me onto this part of my path, doing regular “sessions” to assist with the shift and shut down of the dark.  Your information, guidance, healing energies and channeling has helped me greatly.

Hope to see all of you on the other side of this shift, VERY soon!

Much love, katelon


About katelon

I had been a wellness trainer, therapist, consultant and coach for 40 years, trained in 16 therapies from massage and reflexology to hypnotherapy and NLP, to past life regression and various spiritual therapies. I did my work in person and long distance. I also offered workshops to companies in wellness, stress release, diversity, team building, communication and more. My deepest dream is to create wellness centers all over the world, for not only individual wellness but environmental, family, business, community, and international wellness, along with connecting us with other light citizens of the Universe. I envision a world of peace, harmony and cooperation. I am available as a consultant to work with the creation of wellness centers and eco-villages and often refer others to various wellness centers and resorts in the area of their preference. My present focus is on daily sessions, with a work partner, to shut down the dark control structure and timeline and help usher in a new timeline of Oneness, abundance, peace, and a world that supports the greater good for all, including the planet. It is time to be free of the enslavement and war against this planet and humanity.

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