Perception and Discernment, Following Your Heart!


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All photos by Katelon T Jeffereys

Walking by, you might notice this bush….or not.  You might stop and see its beauty, or just ignore , as it isn’t big and flashy.  If you listen well, your heart will tell you whether to stop and look…or not.

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You might be led to look just a little closer, then walk on…dismissing it as pretty but not worth your attention.

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You might be led to look even closer still…..and see the beauty, the fragility.

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And if you get even closer, you’ll see all the details, the colors, textures, new buds and blossoms….and even the shadows.

Right now, we are bombarded on all sides by mainstream news. Some trust Fox news and other right wing slanted news sources.  Some trust the more liberal press and assume it is all accurate. Many who look closer and may or may not be lightworkers, don’t trust the main stream news at all, rightly so, as much of it is owned and controlled by the RKM, the European faction of the Cabal.  But some of it IS true… how to tell what to believe or not?

And then, some who follow “conspiracy theories”, some of which are very true and some not, and some who follow so called spiritual writers, believe that by reading those sources, they are getting the truth.  Sadly though, people are believing what are lies and propaganda, just because it is from an alternative source. Take the Q Anon info.  It looks and smells like it is about exposing the Cabal, but really, it is dark propaganda, put out by the US Cabal, the Alliance, who are attempting to achieve “partial disclosure”.  Partial disclosure is about exposing and thus shutting down the RKM, getting them out of the financial systems, government and media in the US, without exposing themselves and their true agenda. Their true agenda is NOT a light based world, freedom for humanity, rather it is about them having full access to all the money and power in the US, so they can then rule.  That is evident to anyone who really looks at Trump’s agenda, his administration, his corruption, and the agenda of the GOP majority congress.  It is against the environment, against women and children, against anyone that isn’t a white wealthy male and big campaign donator.  And I’m not saying the Democratic party is clean either, as many on that side are supporting the Alliance and big corporations, too.

I understand it is hard now to discern what is true. I’m learning more and more every day that politicians I used to think were serving the light, weren’t; I’m learning that much of the work John and I did for years, daily, to bring about the Shift into the light, was influenced and corrupted by the matrix (some was worthwhile, thankfully ).  I’m learning that much of the so called spiritual writings and information I’ve based my life and beliefs upon, has been corrupted by the dark.  I’m sure that when REAL  truth comes out, we’re all going to be shocked and surprised.

In working with John more lately , we’re working on personal stuff and to free myself from the matrix so I can move forward and better help myself and The Shift into the light. We’ve had to deal with the dark attacks I’ve been under by dark magicians in my life and also some related to my living situation.  We had to change out my high self, or what I refer to as the director of my incarnation, as the old one was ruled by the dark.  I’ve had to let go of dreams I had regarding family, and reassess the dreams I’ve spent decades working to manifest. 

I’m not saying these things to make it seem hopeless because I truly believe we are in the midst of a huge shift on this planet, I truly do believe the light is winning and the dark is being exposed as the light grows brighter. I do believe we are creating a planet of Oneness, rejuvenation, full and complete healing of all life and all aspects of life on this beautiful planet.  In order to get there though I’m suggesting that we need to look closely inside and outside of ourselves to perceive the truth, listen to our hearts to discern what to let go of, and what to nurture and grow.  Surrender and letting go is scary. I’ve made a career of leap moves and by Sept. 13th, I’ll be set to do another one, as the house I’m presently staying in is being sold and the owner is moving on.  I know though, that in following my guidance, listening to my heart, and looking closely with discernment, I will always be led by and surrounded by love and light, always be led to what is in my greater good.

Here’s to a journey for all of us that is safe, guided, guarded and protected as we blossom and transform ourselves and this world back into the perfection and beauty from whence it started.

If you want to read more of John’s work, his blog is

Thanks for reading!  Please join the conversation by “liking” the post, leaving a comment, and/or following to read more.  If I can help you in anyway, please check out my website

Much love, katelon


About katelon

I had been a wellness trainer, therapist, consultant and coach for 40 years, trained in 16 therapies from massage and reflexology to hypnotherapy and NLP, to past life regression and various spiritual therapies. I did my work in person and long distance. I also offered workshops to companies in wellness, stress release, diversity, team building, communication and more. My deepest dream is to create wellness centers all over the world, for not only individual wellness but environmental, family, business, community, and international wellness, along with connecting us with other light citizens of the Universe. I envision a world of peace, harmony and cooperation. I am available as a consultant to work with the creation of wellness centers and eco-villages and often refer others to various wellness centers and resorts in the area of their preference. My present focus is on daily sessions, with a work partner, to shut down the dark control structure and timeline and help usher in a new timeline of Oneness, abundance, peace, and a world that supports the greater good for all, including the planet. It is time to be free of the enslavement and war against this planet and humanity.

6 responses »

  1. This is an amazing post, Katelon…seeing my current views so clearly and concisely verbalized is highly gratifying…I know how hard it was for me to accept this new level of truth; part of it debunking years of effort and accepting that I had been duped during much of our previous work. You seem to take to this new level of truth like a duck to water…well done.
    It is a pleasure working with you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks John. I’m always up for what is true, ready to walk away from what isn’t. I’ve been so abused by the dark for so many lifetimes, betrayed by so called family, friends and foes, that I have no more energy or patience left for anything or anyone that isn’t authentic and true. At times it’s painful to face the truth but to live otherwise is much more painful.


    • Thanks John. I’ve been so abused by the dark for so many lifetimes and betrayed by family, so called friends and foe, that I have no energy or patience anymore for what isn’t authentic or true.


  2. Pingback: Looking Beyond The Surface…. | Empower and Balance

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