Monthly Archives: July 2014

Your Words Will Come Back To Bless You


My friend Pedro is at that place I’ve been so many times in my life and especially these last almost 21 months. Please hold he and his family in your heart and envision them quickly in a wonderful and perfect home.

And especially please join us in affirming the abundance that is THE truth on this planet NOW and forevermore.

Thanks and blessings, katelon

The Roofless Church

Dear Love Ones,

Today I was fortunate enough to be blessed by words that I had written over a year and a half ago.  As I am writing this, I am in a situation where I have to “walk by faith and not by sight.”  When I look at the world through the filter of the conventional wisdom, my family is screwed. But when I look through the eyes of Spirit or when I invite God to translate the experience into heavenly terms, I find that we are blessed beyond measure.  My Teacher, Señor Jesus says that we are not supposed to worry because God knows all that we need and has the desire to fulfill that need and will do so.  The 23rd Psalm begins, “The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want.”  And when speaking of himself and his path to those who said one would follow him anywhere…

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One Lovely Blog Award



Last week my blog was nominated for The One Lovely Blog Award by Zak Reid. I’ve been following Zak’s Blog Quick Me Ups for awhile now, and building a friendship. Zak’s great blog is a wonderfully uplifting blog of quick inspiring articles, poems and “good news”, and his warmth, big heart and positive attitude are always a welcome visit to my day. So to receive this award nomination from Zak means a great deal to me, so thank you Zak!

The rules for the award are as follows:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them.
2. Share 7 things/facts about yourself.
3. Nominate 15 blogs with links to their blogs.
4. Contact these bloggers to let them know.

Fields of yellow

I’d like to start instead by listing the 15 blogs I am nominating. I regularly read these blogs and receive emails in my inbox when there are new posts to read. I comment on most of these blogs as I truly love and value the content. Whether they bring photos or stories, are sad, funny or thought-provoking, they always shine a light on the beautiful heart of the blog author and that is what brings me to treasure them. So here is my list and their place in the list doesn’t designate preference as they are all special to me.

So here goes:

1. Petals Unfolding – Amy shares her beautiful photos, poems and her big heart.
2. Cult Fit – a lovely blog of photos, poems, topics to meditate upon, and life stories about bike riding, yoga, mindfulness and one man’s journey to be more present in his life.
3. Belove Believe – A sweet blog of images, quotes, uplifting and encouraging.
4. A Spiritual Journey – An honest, heart touching blog of a woman’s spiritual journey while finding ways to reach out to her autistic son, gain independence and progress amidst her health challenges, all while furthering her education.
5. Otrazhenie – An often thought provoking blog of stories, images and poems. Some shock, some amuse, but all express the deep care the author has for humanity.
6. Freedom 4 Humanity – A profound discussion of humanity’s journey to transformation and sovereignty and the authors contribution to assist the planet and individuals to healing.
7. Jjbegonia – A delightful collection of wonderful recipes, shopping ideas and stories of the author’s delight in her culinary family’s life. I love how close they all are and how much time they share together.
8. Neihtn – A blog with beautiful photos, sharing Neihtn’s love for nature and all it’s beauty. Neihtn is also the author of the book Village Teacher.
9. Falling Down The Rabbit Hole – Lisa’s blog is an honest sharing of her Christian path of healing.
10. Through Open Lens – Lukus shares his wonderful photography and fun remarks on this blog.
11. The Nefelibata Channel – Andrea shares her music and healing journey on this blog.
12. Cool San Diego Sights – This blog is a daily journey to all the flavors of San Diego as depicted through art, events, and hidden gems.
13. Story Shucker – Stuart shares stories of escapades with his friends and family, both funny and touching.
14. International Bellhop Travel Magazine – A delightful collection of videos, photos and introductions to wonderful places to travel around the world.
15. The Roofless Church Blog – Pedro shares his exploration of his faith, stretching the boundaries of Christianity, inviting us to question and deepen our spirituality along the way.
and…one more-
16. Evolving the Senses – Isis is an artist and on a growthful, spiritual journey, so she shares small canvases of thoughts, feelings, deep questions, to invite you to explore your life and psyche more.


Before I list my seven things I want to thank all of you who read my blog, comment on my blog and those of you who follow my blog. You have given me the courage to be publicly vulnerable with my writing and allowed me to enter your life, if only for a moment. It is my joy and honor to be allowed into your life and I am filled with gratitude for that gift.

Ok….here is my list of seven things.

1. I graduated with a degree in early childhood education from the University of Arizona, in 1977 and have been involved in working with children from 1970 to 2004, from volunteer work, paid teaching positions as well as teaching creative music and movement to children ages 2 1/2 to 12, privately and briefly through the Humboldt State University’s children’s music program. This work led me to live on the Navajo Reservation at one point.
2. I’ve been on the road for almost 21 months now, traveling through Oregon, California, Utah and Arizona so far.
3. Music has been my passion since I was making up songs from age two, with dreams of entire concerts, from beginning to end, regularly appearing in my night dreams. I play guitar, write some songs and in high school, sang publicly in choir and an 8 part group that performed in various local community clubs and organizations.
4. I have worked on and researched to create one or more international wellness centers/resorts/eco-villages since 1978 and it’s looking like I finally might soon have the funding and support to create them.
5. I grew up with severe asthma, spent my childhood and into adulthood in emergency rooms and hospitals and died a couple times and was close to death many times.
6. I love to be outside moving through nature, communing with the trees and land around me.
7. I can make my way around cities but prefer smaller towns for living, where nature is close by and community thrives.

Thanks again for the nomination Zak and for the opportunity to introduce my readers to other treasured blogs!