Category Archives: Energy medicine

Moose Energy for the New Year!


Katelon T Jeffereys

While out walking a few days ago, I ran across this Moose youth calmly chewing on a neighbor’s bush.  Mom Moose was nowhere in sight and so I moved a little closer to take this photo.  When I have animals, birds, snakes, etc suddenly appear on my path, I take note and look up the meaning and gifts of this appearance.  Since in truth, we are all one, we all have gifts to share with each other, including YOUR gifts.  The trees, the sky, the water, the creatures, all have gifts to share. And that is just those we presently see, as there is so much more residing on other dimensions.

Since Moose appeared in my path so close to the New Year, I thought I would share Moose’s gifts with you to take into the New Year.  I truly believe that soon we will finally see the Shift into the light and the move onto a new timeline, the original timeline for this planet, before the dark took us on a very long depraved detour.  The gifts Moose offers will assist us greatly in this powerful transition.  They will help us transverse these changes with more comfort, ease and grace.

I looked at 4 websites that I like to use for this purpose and will share the links at the end.

You notice right away that Moose are strong and courageous, graceful and yet clumsy in a way.  They are fearless and resolute.  You can call upon these qualities to stand your ground.  YOU have a direct connection to Source and with that connection, you have a power that comes from following that guidance from within, trusting your inner authority, and seeking the truth, staying true to yourself, staying in integrity and following YOUR path.  Stand strong with your knowingness!  You will feel and know what is truth for you,and what actions to take.

Moose offers the gifts of confidence, self-esteem, and endurance.  So once you’ve tuned into your inner guidance and authority, guided by Source, you can move forward with grace and trust you will know what to say and do.  Moose have the ability to stand in their magnificent presence and yet they can also camouflage themselves.  This will aid you in knowing when to step out and be seen and heard, and when to retreat in silence…in strength, not fear or submission.

Moose have eyes that see separately, so they have great perception and awareness of all that is around them.  They can see things from different angles.  As the truth is disclosed and much of what we’ve been taught to believe is shown to be dark deception, it will be important for us to open our perception to the truths that have been hidden from us….about ourselves, our existence, Source, our planet, and every aspect of our lives.  We can tap into the ability of Moose to adapt, which will support us in moving forward on this new timeline with as much comfort and ease as possible.

On this new day of a new year and new decade, I send you much love, appreciation and gratitude, not only for taking your time to read, like, comment, follow and share my blog, but your willingness to share this journey with me as we go through such monumental shifts on this home planet we live on.  May it truly be a Happy New Year for ALL and for the planet itself. It is time for every aspect of life to be focused on the greater good for ALL and not just a few.

Before I close, I want to give a shout out to the wonderful people at the Passport Overused blog. I have followed this blog for several years now.  They travel on a shoe string and share their many adventures on their blog and have e-book guides for sale to help others explore this amazing planet as well.  They recently nominated my blog for the Sunshine award.  Although I don’t follow through with the process for these awards, I am grateful for the award and their belief that my blog helps spread sunshine and upliftment to others. Their blog certainly offers this and so much more as they explore the varied cultures around the globe and share their photos and stories on their blog.  So please check out their blog, too.

Much Love, katelon

Here are four websites I like to use to check out the meaning of creatures that I come across on my walks, or in my dreams.




My Passion!



Photo by Katelon Jeffereys

I chose this photo as it is a Passion Flower.  I wanted to share about what I am passionate about.

I’m passionate about helping bring about a new world of light, love, cooperation, clean air/water/earth and airwaves. I’m passionate about having a light based financial system, debt forgiveness around the world, light based governments in TRUE service to this planet and humanity.  I’m passionate about us finally joining forces with light based ET’s and becoming great galactic citizens.  I’m passionate about every man, woman, child and creature on this planet being valued, cared for, nurtured, healthy, whole, safe and able to express all of their divine nature, gifts and talents.

As I’ve mentioned, things weren’t great for me growing up…maybe financially, but emotionally, health wise, mentally, etc. it was quite challenging.  And yet, that is what led me to my true work as a professional holistic and spiritual healer, knowing that I’m just the midwife, as healing happens THROUGH me and through the person whom I am working with, with Spirit guiding the way. It’s what led me to lead Spiritual ceremony, teach creative music and movement to children, lead public workshops as well as taking workshops to youth, government agencies, non-profits, businesses,  and corporations.

I was able to move myself from years of deep depression and suicidal thoughts to strength, inner calmness, and the courage to take on my now 149 week journey of living on faith and trust. And all the 16+ therapies I learned were ones that worked for me, so I learned them to share with others.

I know this is a challenging time as we transition from the darkness that has held this planet for so long, into a light based world.  There is much we are releasing as at the same time, we are being blasted with so much light and love to move us forward.

I am passionate about helping all of you in any way I can.  Doing my work is so much fun and brings me so much joy. I love digging into my vast tool bag and being guided in what would work best with each of you, to help you make this transition with more ease and grace.

Please check out my website and check out what is offered there.

For those who are ready to play, I am offering a 20% off special for Sept. for those who follow my blog. Just let me know when you contact me.  There is so much I can offer via skype and by phone.

For those who choose the free stuff, there are pages of stress release/energy medicine techniques with instructions.

Let me know if I can help in any way.

Enjoy these times! We are so graced to live at this time on the planet and to be a part of this amazing transformation.  This morning, while standing in the shower, I could feel my entire body pulsing with energy, each cell vibrating with light as if the physical parameters of my body don’t exist anymore.  It is happening now friends, please allow and embrace it.

Much love to you all, katelon

Love Is REALLY All We Need!



This post is an update/progress report about the work I was led to do on Jan. 1st, to help assist in the final dark surrender contract signing and leading to the roll out of the light agenda. But first…a story….

At the place I’m presently staying I’ve been doing various activities from organizing, cleaning, giving massages to my host and her family, some house maintenance stuff and gardening.  I’d been working on yard clean up and weeding for days, putting in an hour to one and a half hours a day.   Now I happen to like clover, have often used red clover for medicinal purposes, but to my host’s thinking, it is a weed, therefore it needs to be pulled and discarded.  On Jan. 1st, I was working to weed a long row of a short hedge.  There was quite a bit of clover sticking through. At first, I was just picking the tops one by one, which was not only time consuming but I realized I wasn’t getting the root, and so it would regrow.  So then I started pulling the prickly hedge apart to get down toward the ground. Even though my hands got scratched up, I found that if I took the time to get near the root and main stem, the plant with several branches and thus tops, came out easily with one pull and more was accomplished.   While noticing this, I was hit with the guidance that if John and I, with the help of the team, could identify the main person stonewalling the complete physical surrender and signing of the surrender agreement contract, and apply some technique or pressure, he would shift and thus shift the entire group stonewalling and the surrender could go through.

Later, while talking to John, I shared my information given to me and the work I was feeling guided to do.  John listened but was going through his own process that day and unable to do a session.  I told him that I was guided to do it alone.  It took me a few hours to feel the time was right to do the session.  I often will do an abbreviated invocation of the team and cast a sacred circle to work alone while I am around the house, at the beach or on a walk, but that day, I was led to call in the complete light team and also team of observers that John and I normally call in and to cast the circle fully in the manner we typically use.

As John has mentioned in his blog these sessions are like meetings but created in sacredness, with great care taken to make sure we are protected, that we are fully under cosmic and universal law, on the timeline of Oneness, receiving and sharing information from only the highest truth and highest sources.  They are conducted like business meetings with spiritual activities included.  John and I are there as advisers and consultants,  in service to the team and the light agenda.  I addressed the whole team, sharing my gardening story and the guidance I had received, then asked if it was true, was there really just one kingpin person that if he could be reached and shifted, it would shift all the rest and allow the surrender to take place. The answer given was yes.  So I then asked what I could do to support or bring about that person shifting. I was told if I would channel love and light to that person, the shift would happen.

I have done this for years to assist in manifesting goals, smoothing relationship challenges and many other uses.  So I got myself physically in place, put my hands up facing outward, and asked the key person to step forward. Then I asked the team to join me in channeling love and light toward this person.  Since I have often used the practice of channeling inaudible notes, melodies and songs into a person in my healing sessions and also into situations and countries in need of help, I added in the piece of doing this for this person. I could feel the energy flowing through my entire body and stayed with the process until I could feel the energy stop.  During that time, the energy expanded to not only fill the person but ultimately surround the planet  and fill humanity as well.  Also, during the experience, I asked the team to help this man open to receive all this love, light and music, for healing and to help bring him into harmony with his divine self and mission.

Afterwards, I asked the spokesperson if it was complete and he said yes.  I asked what was happening then, and he said that the man had shifted, the entire group of stonewallers had then shifted, and any other floaters resisting shifted and the contract was now completely and fully signed, with the surrender now ready for a full public announcement of the surrender of the dark and the roll out of the light agenda for the world.  I felt stunned and asked again to make sure this was true. I was told it was true and that the announcement would happen on Jan. 2nd.  The plugged ear signal I’d had since before Thanksgiving, the signal for the full dark surrender, started to shift, my ear started to open and then closed, so I knew it had almost happened but then run into snags. I proceeded to do all the regular things we normally do in our sessions, the healing/clearing circle, and clearings on a few topics. On Jan. 2nd, I wasn’t surprised to find that there had been some complications and the announcement was now in discussion but not complete, as that was my experience with the ear unplugging then plugging up again.

On Jan. 2nd we received the information that the announcement could have happened but it was stopped to work out some details.   John asked to see the fully signed contract and it was shown to him.  We were told that the team in charge of this needed some work, so we helped to set up alliances and focused our normal healing/clearing circle  and other clearings on our regular topics but put special emphasis on the announcement and the light roll out. We also focused on bringing the team into harmony and connection.

On Jan. 3rd, since we received information of the stalling, I was given guidance that evening to add in an energy medicine technique of using the infinity symbol between two people, taking your hand starting facing the other person, curving up and over toward the other person, coming down toward yourself, then up and toward yourself, then curving down to complete the infinity symbol on it’s side, to bring harmony and balance to a relationship. So I called out different pairings of each of the announcement team members and also the roll out/announcement as an entity itself, until I had done that with all the available pairings. Then I was led to place each of them on the points of the Star of David and connect each of them in that way and empower them with the Star of David, for clarity, intention of purpose, alignment and harmony.  We are now including  in our sessions both the blast of love, light and music and the infinity symbol and Star of David techniques  for the announcement and roll out team and anyone else who cares to receive them.

Yesterday I asked Mr. X, as we call him, the stonewaller that shifted on Jan. 1st, why he even was willing to step forward on Jan. 1st, as he had told us the day before that without that love intervention, he could have stonewalled for two more years.  He informed us that he is a high light being, and he walked into the body of Mr. X, during that Jan. 1st session, with the agreement of the soul aspect that had been there to walk out for awhile, that the love blast assisted in this walk in experience and helped the new Mr. X to feel at home and to help make the transition easier for him.  He also stated that this is something that the light does, come in and take care of some messy business and then hand the body back to the original soul if that soul chooses to return.  So the new Mr. X will have to withstand the disclosure of all Mr. X’s dirty deeds and then go about restoring Mr. X’s relationships and assist in cleaning up the dark deeds and their outcome.  I was teary realizing the commitment this soul was making.

So good news friends, the end is finally in sight, after millions and millions of years.  And in the end, it truly was LOVE that made the difference and in the beginning and continuation of the New World to be, LOVE truly will be the order of the New Day!!!

Focusing Energy Brings Results!


Arizona slot canyon

A few weeks ago I offered to do some energy healing for a friend. He had been experiencing sharp pains and was so concerned about he had sought out medical tests to rule out any serious health challenges. I used a technique I learned in 1987, from a healer and man who channeled, too. He combined Huna techniques he had learned in Hawaii, reflexology, acupressure and Reiki to create this technique. He called it NET, Natural energy therapy. I am a Reiki master but I love and prefer using the form of healing he taught over using my reiki modality. I still call in Reiki energy but also much more, working with the client, any beings of light assisting him/her as well as working with Spirit and any beings of light working with me.

I understand that it is Spirit doing the work and my role is as a midwife. It is also up to the person receiving the healing to allow it to happen, to align with releasing blocks and old wounds to make room for healing to take place. I often will send musical notes, breath, and other creatures and natural elements in to assist the work. I use handholds around the body pulling out disharmonious energy and then allowing healing harmonious energy to flow in and take its place. At times I do shamanic work and psychic healing, working with the person to release an old wound or energy whether it is from this lifetime or another. Again, I am only the midwife. Healing happens between the person and Spirit.

When I am done moving around the body, I then do the same process with specific chakras (energy centers), then balance the chakras, raise the energy in the chakras and then end by placing colors into the aura that the soul requests.

This session with my friend was quite profound. I knew and could feel that he was ready to release this pain and I could feel him aligned with the healing 100%. What a joy! At the end, his pain was gone completely. I found out today, that weeks later, it remains gone.

I am in awe of this work, very honored to be a channel for it, and so grateful that my friend allowed it to take place. I’m so grateful to have been led to that teacher in 1986 and to be able to study with him while he was alive. I feel blessed every day for this path I’ve been led to walk since early childhood. Health and wholeness is our true state, as we are meant to vibrate in harmony, in love and in joy.

Feeling Blocked from Reaching Your Goals? You’re Missing This Key Piece. – YouTube


Feeling Blocked from Reaching Your Goals? You're Missing This Key Piece. – YouTube.

I really enjoy Carol Tuttle’s work. I have enjoyed her newsletter, short videos, courses and books. It has been helpful for me to reclaim and honor my true nature. I never enjoyed various typing methodologies such as the Meyer Briggs typing or the process that types people as a green, blue, etc. One of my business offerings is taking team building into businesses. I preferred using movement improvisational exercises so each person could have aha’s about their different perspectives and tendencies. So I was surprised that I enjoyed Carol’s energy typing so much.

I grew up very hyper, loving to always be dancing, singing, moving, talking, humming and my movements were quick, just as my thinking processes are quick. This movement was too much for my more still parents and I often got in trouble for my movement and it seemed like joy wasn’t acceptable. So learning to reclaim that part of myself through Carol’s work was very healing for me.

I have studied and used energy medicine healing for years, too, in my therapy practice. I have seen how powerful imagery can be for people. This technique that Carol teaches here is short and quick! Try it and let me know how it feels for you and any changes or understandings that arise for you.

What came up for me in watching this video was my start in life as a premature baby. My Mother needed to have a cesarean delivery and her doctor wanted to go on vacation so delivered me a month early. This was a rocky start for me as my lungs weren’t fully developed and ultimately it led to severe asthma. But I see also, that it created this energy around never being able to complete things, feeling like I am pushed and the support falls out at the end for my endeavors, and I’m left struggling with it on my own. I have done much healing around this issue and things have been shifting for me tremendously. But in watching this short video, I see now where this pattern of mine started. It was like I was always playing catch up in my life, and/or I just rushed ahead, feeling like time was running out and I needed to complete things very hastily as the opportunity might not last long.

So please, use this short technique and let me know how it works for you!

Take A Moment To Use This Simple Stress Release/Re-framing Tool!


I have been a holistic therapist/teacher/coach for over 34 years. My work can be very esoteric but I also focus on work that is practical and gets results. For several years I took workshops into companies and government agencies as well as teaching them publicly. I liked to teach simple tools that can be used in the moment to shift things so a person could get back to trust, peace, and clarity.

I received an email from a friend today whose daughter had been at the Boston Marathon but left an hour before the bombs exploded. I can understand his concern and fear when he first heard of the tragedy and didn’t know if his daughter was safe or not. But since he found out about her safety, he has been watching the news non-stop, has developed sores all over his body, hasn’t slept well, has been unable to work, letting the stress and fear overwhelm him and he has bought into the media hype.

Things happen in our lives, to us, and others. And yes, it is important to have compassion, and normal for us to have reactions to things. But when we let it continue to override our peace, we just end up making ourselves sick, and drawing more and more negativity to ourselves. We are left unable to contribute in any way or make clear decisions.

I’d like to share with you a tool that is on my website. What I love about this tool is that you can use it in the more detailed way to shift something that you are reacting to in the moment, or use it for something that happened in the past. When we react to something now or in the past, we attach an emotional charge to that event, make decisions about ourselves and life based on those emotions and will continue to script and live our lives from that emotional place, until we are able to be present and shift ourselves to make a new choice. So you can also use this tool in the moment, just simply using the hand holds as described and not going through the steps.

I hope you find it useful. Remember, you do have a choice, you are in charge. Choose peace!!!!

Learning to Love Ourselves, Some Techniques!




I’ve been thinking a lot lately about love…loving myself, loving others, loving the world, loving what IS right now…on and on.  I’ve been out of a relationship a long time, healing myself so that I could finally have a healthy, supportive relationship, SO that I could finally BE that healthy person in a loving relationship.  I’ve been focused on this healing not just for a romantic partner relationship, but also for a loving family relationship, my work, and my true purpose this lifetime and for the world.

 I’ve come to believe that this is the ONLY true work of our lifetime…learning to love ourselves, relaxing enough to let go of all the “stuff” that we erroneously believe about ourselves that we’ve carried forth from other lifetimes, been programmed with from childhood and society, this belief that we are separate from our divinity.  If there is an original sin, I believe this is the apple we ate…this belief that we are anything other than divine and perfect.

            I went to an NLP meet up yesterday and the guest speaker was Jack Elias, a local hypnotherapist/NLP master and teacher. He did some funny impersonations of how we catch a negative thought, latch onto it, and then use it to beat ourselves up with it.  He pointed out how it is Nazi thinking in how what we do to ourselves is so horrific.

            I have seen this in my son, my family, my friends, my clients, and myself.  It affects our physical health, our relationships, our finances, and how we treat others as well.  That is why I have written so much about healing ourselves and coming to peace within us, how that then creates a positive affect on the world and helps contribute to a more peaceful, loving world.

            I’m sure you have experienced walking into a room where people have been angry or arguing with another. The negative energy is palpable.  Since those emotions create chemical reactions in our body, you can understand how this affects our physical well-being.  Masaru Emoto has demonstrated this with his water experiments, how thoughts change the form of the water crystals.  Since a large percentage of our body is water, these negative thoughts directly affect our body.  And like attracts like, so the more we focus on these negative thoughts and emotions, it seems like more show up to join the dance.

 Here are a few techniques you can use to assist you in more deeply loving yourself and clearing the negative self-talk:

 1.  Yesterday, Jack Elias suggested you could just dance with it.  Low self-esteem?  Dance the low self-esteem dance…. dance free form, or waltz, or whatever, as you announce here you are feeling low self-esteem…. or whatever thought/feeling is up for you.  Pay attention to what else shows up. Old memories that hold that emotion or belief for you, other beliefs that have supported that emotion, …whatever it is, just be inquisitive. This is an opportunity for healing and for releasing these negative emotions in a playful way.

 2.  Louise Hays suggests using affirmations and mirror work.  I feel that affirmations can be powerful, if you pay attention to the “yeah buts” that often show up as you are saying the affirmations.  Your conscious mind will be stating the affirmation “I deeply love myself” and your subconscious might spit up “oh yeah, that’s a crock of #! *+!”, or stuff you heard from your Mom, Dad, school mates….So pay attention to those, thank them for showing up, love them, too, and keep going. For mirror work, you can look into a mirror and state “I love you” “I appreciate you”, you can bow and say “Namaste” the God within me recognizes the God within you.   You can use whatever phrases you need to hear.  Your childhood is over, your past lives are over, (although really, the only time is now…. smile) so NOW is the time to be the loving parent to that wounded you and tell yourself all those things you needed to hear, are still needing to hear, and allow yourself to move to that place of owning self-love.

 3. EFT, emotional freedom technique, is a great tool for shifting the negative self-talk and getting to more self-love.  There are places you tap on acupuncture meridian points that physically free up energy that has been held stuck there due to trauma, stress and holding patterns.  EFT starts with a set up phrase that accepts and loves where you are right now….”Even though I am beating myself up right now, I deeply and completely love and accept myself” and you can add…”And I am willing to be open to learning to love myself now”.  That phrase is done while taking the little finger side of one hand and using a “karate chop” motion on the little finger side of the other hand.  You state it three times. Then you move on to the various acupuncture points on your body and head, tapping and stating what seems to be real right now….”beating myself up, feeling like crap, no one loves me, I don’t even love me”, just allowing yourself to be with what you are feeling and thinking right now and then you can move to more positive statements “well, there is that one friend that loves me, sometimes I love myself, what would it be like if I could really love myself?, I like that feeling, “…on and on, until you feel a shift. Then breathe deeply.  Other thoughts, emotions and beliefs might come up and then you can tap on them.

 4.  David Spangler talked of a wonderful practice of bringing “you” out to sit in front of you.  Then think of something or someone you feel love and appreciation for and fill yourself up with that.  Then you can pour that love and appreciation into that “you” in front of you, until that “you” is filled up and overflowing. Then you can bring that “you” back into your body and feel the difference.  This is a very gentle practice and very powerful.

 5.  You can sit in what is called a whole brain posture, a variation of the “cook’s hook up” energy medicine posture.  You cross your right ankle over your left, sitting or laying down, and then cross your left wrist over your right wrist, turn your hands so they face each other and clasp your hands together.  You can start with a release statement, thinking to yourself whatever negative emotion is running for you at the moment, “I’m now releasing all worry, fear and self-judgment”. Keep saying it to yourself as you breathe and hold this posture. Then when it feels like you are finished, unclasp your hands and uncross your ankles.  Place your fingertips together like you are holding a ball, and breathe.  This brings both hemispheres of the brain together to support this belief and release the negative.  You can then do the exercise again and use a positive statement ” I now deeply appreciate myself just as I am”, same posture, and same two steps. Psych-K and other energy techniques use this hold.

 If you want more information about any of these techniques, there is more information about these people and techniques on the Internet. I have simply been paraphrasing their techniques.  Also, I have several meditations and techniques on my website for free.  If you have any questions or would like some help, I would love to assist you in clearing anything limiting you from truly seeing what a beautiful and blessed being you are and all that you bring to the world. This has been my work for over 30 years and I am trained in and have studied many therapies and techniques. It is an honor to serve you in this way.

 Let’s fill up this world with love, person by person until we have claimed the truth of heaven on earth!

 Katelon T. Jeffereys

Seattle Life Coach

Photo by Nancy Merryl


Staying Afloat During the Storms – Leading To A New Destination!



     If you have been reading my blog at all, you know that personal growth work and accountability is a focus of mine.  This focus has intensified during this electric summer.  You can feel the winds of change blowing more intensely as things are heating up around the planet, not just from global warming and all the intense astrological events, but I believe it is because of the deep transformational changes that are taking place all around us and within us. 

       So how does one stay in grace, patience, peace and afloat, during all these changes?  How do you stay focused on what you truly desire for yourself and the planet as you sometimes watch all your deepest, darkest, limitations, miss-perceptions and distorted memories come to the surface and sneer at you with a devilish grin?

      Even though I’ve been on this path, with awareness, since childhood and even more consciously since 1973, I am still learning, still growing, still being challenged, and yes, still lose it from time to time. So occasionally I find myself either snarling at some irritation with a customer service person, or snarling in my head at some miss-perceived slight, situation or past relationship.    I do remember that I’m human, that feelings are fleeting, thoughts and judgments are just passing through, but sometimes I seem to get lost in them for awhile, and take THAT journey down the rabbit hole, which can have so many other “attractions” that it is like Disneyland on steroids, and I’ve got a handful of tickets and there’s no line to wait in…I can just jump on board and take the next ride into despair, anger, resentment or whatever emotion is being served up.

      And other times, I manage to just forget the story, and move into the emotion.  Normally the feeling comes first, then my mind attaches meaning, and that leads to more “oh yeah and what about this and that”, and pretty soon I have an entire string of examples of when I  felt that way at other times.  So when I meet that with curiosity instead, drop the story, move into the feeling and notice where it is in my body, and start noticing what it tastes like, looks like, smells like, whatever attributes it has, then allow that to expand and expand until it fills my whole body…pretty soon it just flows right out.  Then I can see that none of those perceived events from the past were any more real that this present one, they were just a feeling with a story attached, maybe true but likely not.

     At a meet-up this weekend, the presenter talked of a very vivid traumatic memory she had and how she had remembered herself being a different age than she really was, and so she posited the question to us asking if any of our memories are real?  Perhaps, she suggested, some of the details might be wrong, or maybe the entire memory isn’t real either.  I watched a short video today about quantum physics, talking about how everything is just a hologram projected outwardly, a picture that our brain makes up from what it takes in from the outer world, filtered through our beliefs. Spiritual teachers have talked for thousands of years about how we are just dreaming this life.  Now scientists are coming to a conclusion that is almost the same.  My Russian existentialist professor discussed this in my Russian literature class in 1974.

      Since quantum scientists and energy psychology therapists are teaching us that WE can turn off the beliefs held in our DNA that are creating our limiting beliefs, thus creating limiting experiences and turn on programs for beliefs that support us, we can then evolve ourselves and create the life and world of our dreams.

      So next time you find yourself taking a wrong turn into despair, frustration or believing you are powerless, you can stop and ask yourself about the story you are telling yourself, drop into the feeling, be curious, ride the wave and not only allow it to just pass right on through, but you will be re-setting your internal GPS system to lead you more and more along paths that are more prosperous and supportive in all ways!

       If I can help you in any way, please contact me!  I’ve been doing this work professionally, as a teacher, therapist and coach, for over 30 years, and have a great bag of tools to help you clear any obstacles, create a gentler path and start traveling more of the life of your dreams.  I do work in person, by phone and long distance as well as teach workshops!

      Enjoy the ride, stay curious about the dark stuff, allow yourself to move into the feeling and drop the story, let the feeling move on through and then pull out your list of things you enjoy, parts of your life that are working right now and let THAT fill you up.  Soon, you will find yourself afloat again and perhaps soon, landing in a brand new world!

Katelon T. Jeffereys



Check out my latest stress release tool on my website!



I just added a new stress release tool on my website. It is called “Cross crawl”.  It is great for strengthening the cooperation and balance between the two brain hemispheres, improves physical/mental coordination, keeps the mind alert, the body balanced and helps to relieve physical stress and fatigue.

Find it at my website  Go to the navigation bar and click on the link for Stress release tool four!

Let me know how it goes for you!

Katelon T. Jeffereys

Seattle Life Coach


Opening Doors!



     With all the changes taking place on the planet and in each country, the media and many religious institutions are screaming out fear, gloom and doom. Darwin taught us that evolution happens through survival of the fittest, competition…. which leads to a belief in lack and limitation. It also leads to greed, with people, companies and countries attempting to have power over others.  But is this the truth?

     When I was doing my first research for the stress release and wellness workshops I lead for companies and the public, I ran across the information that Louis Pasteur admitted on his death bed that another prominent scientist had the correct idea…that our body isn’t attacked from outside by germs, rather, our cells are changed within by what we eat, our thoughts, our emotions…the environment we create inside ourselves.

      I was listening to an interview with Bruce Lipton the other day, author of “Spontaneous Evolution” and a biologist, and he discovered many years ago that the environment that DNA cells were in, dictated what they became.  Along with that, he talked about the fact that simply by speaking to the DNA cells created a change in them.  He said that Darwin wasn’t correct, that evolution happens through cooperation, not competition, and yet in schools and society we have been fed this misinformation that has created this environment of fear, struggle, etc. inside ourselves and in our world. Russian research as confirmed this as well, and they speak of the fact that we are in charge of our evolution and that we can actively evolve ourselves by changing our thoughts, basically coming into cooperation with what it is we desire.

     Candace Pert, the author of “Molecules of Emotion” and a scientific researcher, has also come to the conclusion that our thoughts and emotions change our molecules and thus affect our health.  Even in the movie “Avatar” it talked of how we are all connected with each other, and the earth, that environment is important…inner and outer. And I don’t believe the movie was just “science fiction”. Wayne Dyer repeated a quote in a recent interview that stated, “When you change the way you look at things, things change.”  Quantum science has proven this to be so.

      David Spangler, an author and teacher of spirituality, says that it is time for us to collaborate with all components on earth and beyond the seen and unseen to sustain and enhance the ecology of the planet.  In a recent interview that I just listened to, he also spoke of how different wines are best savored in different glasses, as the container in which the wine is poured into affects the flavor, expression and really, the life of the wine.  He used this as an explanation of how we, too, need to be a part of what he calls “incarnational evolution”…. to best evolve ourselves, evolve our “containers”, so that we can more fully express ALL of us, and assist in the evolution of this planet and even Spirit itself. Seconding that is a quote by Richard Tarnas, the author of “Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View”: “What seems to be unfolding is not only recovery of the soul of the world, the anima mundi, but a new relationship with it.”

     We are at a crossroads globally and I feel this personally.  As I watch things falling apart around the world, all the earth changes and government battles, I see things falling apart in my life as I’m being forced to let go of old behaviors, beliefs, relationships, and situations that in truth, haven’t been supporting my good, my true Spirit, my wholeness…but keeping me small instead.  At times I meet this with grace, humor and open arms, at other times I am filled with terror, anger, and feel powerless.  I am focusing on creating open doors in my mind, my heart, my life, so that I can fly forward and live the kind of life I desire.

      I searched online to find pictures of open doors and found the one I included in this post.  I showed it to a friend and for her, it felt scary, like she might fall. But for me, when I look at it, I see myself flying!  I was graced with the opportunity to do a tandem hang-glide off a mountain in Edwards, Col. before coming to Seattle in 1998.  We were lucky to catch this sweet updraft and I experienced flying. The entire experience was so supportive, beautiful and encouraged me to trust this next leap I was going to make. If I had known then what I’d face in Seattle, I probably wouldn’t have come here, but on a deeper level I also trust that I needed to die in this fire here to be reborn to fulfill my destiny.  That flight off the mountain and how I was gently lifted and carried softly to my landing has been the lifeline I’ve used many times to remind myself that it is going to be ok!

     As I’ve walked this path of transformation I have continued to receive assistance from the many new and older mind/body/spiritual therapies out there, sometimes going to others for help and often working with myself, too. This path has led me to learn and use several techniques including hypnotherapy, NLP, breathwork, applied kinesiology, One Command, EFT, Emotion code work, regression work, Spiritual response therapy, Spiritual Restructuring, meditation, visualization, energy medicine techniques, Reiki and other energy therapies along with the spiritual healing work I have instinctively done since childhood.  I have seen it’s positive affects and powerful transformations with my clients and with me and am grateful for these tools to use to assist me in moving through these changes; cooperating with Spirit and with the earth changes, cooperating with my body, heart, and mind as well.

     How about you? Are you, too, feeling overwhelmed at times?  Are you looking for ways to travel this journey with grace and more gentleness?  I invite you to check out these authors listed and check out my website I offer in person sessions and have had powerful results also from doing phone sessions for people and long distance healing work, too. I also am available to teach classes, workshops, lectures and coaching.  You can find testimonials and more information on my website and also some tools to use.  I am able to combine therapies in a unique way to fit the person, the situation and the desired outcome. I have taught corporate workshops on various topics, too. Let me know if I can help you in any way.

      I’m scared at times but mostly I’m excited about changing me, evolving me and joining hands with others and the earth to assist in the grand transformation that I believe we are in the midst of.  Let’s be BIG, let’s be WHOLE and HOLY, and let’s follow our dreams and create and fly through open doors!

Katelon T. Jeffereys

Seattle Life Coach