Monthly Archives: April 2014

Slowmo on San Diego Boardwalk…another way of living!


I just watched this delightful video about a very successful doctor who left his life of dissatisfaction and materialism and chose a life of enjoyment and aligning with the spiritual!

It’s time more people left the rat race and chose a life of what brings them joy!

We’ve been brainwashed so long, in our society, to believe in financial enslavement, then we spend the earnings on diseases, divorces, wars, and distractions, to attempt to alleviate the pain of this enslavement.

Crazy huh?

Time to wake up!!!

What brings you joy?

What are you passionate about?

What puts you in the “zone”?

What aligns you with the divine?

Go for it NOW!!!

Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

And…go out and enJOY your weekend!

Connecting With Past Life, Future Life, Past Present Life and Other Dimensional ‘You’s” For Healing


I was reading the article I linked below and found it quite interesting as it describes the positive effects of NLP Timeline work I offer, as well as Past Life Regression Work I created and even the Frontal Occipital Hold stress release exercise that is on the first “stress release tools” page on my website

All of these various therapies allow you to take a higher consciousness and understanding into a past event, for understanding, healing and even transformation. It then releases an emotional holding pattern created in that event and frees you up in the present. In visiting a future event, you can either take your newly healed and restored energy and understanding into a future event, to support your desired outcome or you can access knowledge and understanding from that future you to bring into the present to assist in healing and transformation.

Scientists have been proving, through quantum physics, that you can change the past. And results shown as a result from these therapies, shows they affect not only you but anyone else involved in the situation.

These are challenging yet exciting times now and if I can assist you in any way, please let me know. My work can be done long distance even using phone or skype.

Here’s that article I mentioned…wonderful article:

DL Zeta: Traveling Time and Dimensions to Transform your Life

David’s Desk #83 Suiting Up


David's Desk #83 Suiting Up.

I love David’s writing and imagery. I can see this happening all around the world as normal citizens protest their governments in many countries; the occupy movement spreading around the US; whistle blowers stepping up risking their lives in the name of freedom; individuals all around me shifting spiritually as they release limiting beliefs, relationships and situations, as they step into their power.

It is a glorious moment on planet earth!!!