Monthly Archives: March 2021

Calling All Souls!


John and I have been focusing our work lately to prepare humanity for the end of the dark timeline, disclosure and the rolling out of the new timeline. We welcome souls to support this work and the new timeline ❤…..all hands on deck 🙂

I intend that more and more souls are embracing and supporting a new world, a new timeline of Oneness, abundance, peace, cooperation, equality – based on Source truth, Source law and serving the Greater Good of the planet and all life.

The time is NOW for this to be our shared reality. The time is NOW for a new light based timeline.  The time is NOW for blossoming into all we are capable of being, and all the joy and wonder this creation holds.

2016-06-17 08.06.26 flower in bud case
Photos by Katelon Jeffereys

I’m owning and claiming the success of this Disclosure project and the successful roll out of the Light based timeline in this NOW moment. I’m calling forth miracles and Grace, and love and light to over-light them and all supporting them.


Sending on love, light, miracles and grace to all!  Thanks for reading, liking, commenting, sharing and supporting this project and a new world. Thanks for bringing your light to the world at this important time of creation.

Love, katelon