Monthly Archives: March 2010

Staying in your heart space!



    Like many long time light workers, I have seen my destiny since early childhood.  I, of course, figured that it would just flow forth, manifest when I was in my twenties and I’d be on my way, living my dream.  Little did I know that I’d still be waiting and working on this 31 years later…and counting!!!!! 

     At times I have felt patient, continued to do the research, put the information out there, make contacts, on and on, feeling trust and the faith that yep, this is gonna  happen when the timing is perfect for me and the Universe.  At other times, I have sobbed, screamed, yelled out to some unseen force WTF, told God to either heal me or kill me, manifest this dream or take it away….complaining that I just couldn’t keep holding up this positive front, doing the work without any outward sign of something happening or coming together.  Sometimes these extremes happen within one hour…sometimes over months or years.  And still, I keep the faith, take the steps that I am led to take,  or sit back and wait when that seems to be the guidance.

      When I was given my spiritual name of Aradhana, the message told me about the name was that when you surrender to the path of realizing Oneness, you prepare the soil, tend the soil,…and wait with a prayerful heart and one day the sprout…and you are suddenly fulfilled. The name, Aradhana, means divine prayer…to pray without ceasing.  Well, I have been praying and praying, keeping focused on this destiny given me for a very long time.  So, come on sprout???!!!!!

     As many of us are envisioning, affirming, praying, meditating and working toward a new world of peace, harmony, compassion and cooperation, at times we can see that all around us. At other times we run into the old reality that seems to feel like the blast from some stinking furnace or a brick wall.  I got blasted on Friday, walking into a situation bearing “friendship” bread, and being greeted with anything but friendship.  I quickly removed myself, sobbed some, then looked at what I could do to shift things, take care of myself and prepare to spend the next 7 1/2 hours giving loving, nurturing massages and healing work to my clients.

     Luckily, I remembered what I had just read in Karen Bishop’s latest mini-e-book, called “Creating  the New Reality ” In it, she talks of how we have come to this time, bearing the skills and wisdom that we have used so many times before, and that these visions of what we are to share truly are getting ready to manifest, now that the New world is being readied and created to sustain them.  She suggested that we envision these situations, relationships, places, communities, careers…whatever they are, and just love them, send them love, feel the love you have for them. She recommended to not put yourself in the picture, which is quite different than how others have suggested we use visualization.  For me, this made sense, as it then feels like I am not attached to the outcome, I am simply and completely just loving these people, places and things, honoring them, feeling gratitude that they exist.  She explained that by doing this, these people, places, things will then assist by manifesting the conditions to bring us together with them.  So, that was my focus the rest of the day. I envisioned  and felt all this love that I feel for these centers I am to create, this work I am to do, all the people who will come to these centers, be employed by them, work with me to create them; for my true love partner that I know I will be with; for the community I will live in; for all the places I will visit around the world and all the people I am to meet; for all the music I will create and enjoy; for my son and his son; on and on.  Pretty soon, rather than the trauma, pain, confusion and grief I had started with that day, I was feeling filled with love, gratitude, joy, sweet compassion and fulfillment and I surrounded and filled my clients with all this love. I ended up being more tuned in to their needs and more successful in helping them than I ever had before.

    So, what started out as a disaster and confrontation that I just wanted to run from, turned into one of the warmest and tuned in days I’ve had in quite awhile.

     I dedicate this to Kuan Yin, who reminds me to seek peace, offer love and compassion and wait in wholeness and holiness for guidance and fulfillment.

      Om mane padme Om!!!  Blessed Be!!!!

Katelon T. Jeffereys

Seattle Life Coach