Monthly Archives: August 2010

Staying Afloat During the Storms – Leading To A New Destination!



     If you have been reading my blog at all, you know that personal growth work and accountability is a focus of mine.  This focus has intensified during this electric summer.  You can feel the winds of change blowing more intensely as things are heating up around the planet, not just from global warming and all the intense astrological events, but I believe it is because of the deep transformational changes that are taking place all around us and within us. 

       So how does one stay in grace, patience, peace and afloat, during all these changes?  How do you stay focused on what you truly desire for yourself and the planet as you sometimes watch all your deepest, darkest, limitations, miss-perceptions and distorted memories come to the surface and sneer at you with a devilish grin?

      Even though I’ve been on this path, with awareness, since childhood and even more consciously since 1973, I am still learning, still growing, still being challenged, and yes, still lose it from time to time. So occasionally I find myself either snarling at some irritation with a customer service person, or snarling in my head at some miss-perceived slight, situation or past relationship.    I do remember that I’m human, that feelings are fleeting, thoughts and judgments are just passing through, but sometimes I seem to get lost in them for awhile, and take THAT journey down the rabbit hole, which can have so many other “attractions” that it is like Disneyland on steroids, and I’ve got a handful of tickets and there’s no line to wait in…I can just jump on board and take the next ride into despair, anger, resentment or whatever emotion is being served up.

      And other times, I manage to just forget the story, and move into the emotion.  Normally the feeling comes first, then my mind attaches meaning, and that leads to more “oh yeah and what about this and that”, and pretty soon I have an entire string of examples of when I  felt that way at other times.  So when I meet that with curiosity instead, drop the story, move into the feeling and notice where it is in my body, and start noticing what it tastes like, looks like, smells like, whatever attributes it has, then allow that to expand and expand until it fills my whole body…pretty soon it just flows right out.  Then I can see that none of those perceived events from the past were any more real that this present one, they were just a feeling with a story attached, maybe true but likely not.

     At a meet-up this weekend, the presenter talked of a very vivid traumatic memory she had and how she had remembered herself being a different age than she really was, and so she posited the question to us asking if any of our memories are real?  Perhaps, she suggested, some of the details might be wrong, or maybe the entire memory isn’t real either.  I watched a short video today about quantum physics, talking about how everything is just a hologram projected outwardly, a picture that our brain makes up from what it takes in from the outer world, filtered through our beliefs. Spiritual teachers have talked for thousands of years about how we are just dreaming this life.  Now scientists are coming to a conclusion that is almost the same.  My Russian existentialist professor discussed this in my Russian literature class in 1974.

      Since quantum scientists and energy psychology therapists are teaching us that WE can turn off the beliefs held in our DNA that are creating our limiting beliefs, thus creating limiting experiences and turn on programs for beliefs that support us, we can then evolve ourselves and create the life and world of our dreams.

      So next time you find yourself taking a wrong turn into despair, frustration or believing you are powerless, you can stop and ask yourself about the story you are telling yourself, drop into the feeling, be curious, ride the wave and not only allow it to just pass right on through, but you will be re-setting your internal GPS system to lead you more and more along paths that are more prosperous and supportive in all ways!

       If I can help you in any way, please contact me!  I’ve been doing this work professionally, as a teacher, therapist and coach, for over 30 years, and have a great bag of tools to help you clear any obstacles, create a gentler path and start traveling more of the life of your dreams.  I do work in person, by phone and long distance as well as teach workshops!

      Enjoy the ride, stay curious about the dark stuff, allow yourself to move into the feeling and drop the story, let the feeling move on through and then pull out your list of things you enjoy, parts of your life that are working right now and let THAT fill you up.  Soon, you will find yourself afloat again and perhaps soon, landing in a brand new world!

Katelon T. Jeffereys



Check out my latest stress release tool on my website!



I just added a new stress release tool on my website. It is called “Cross crawl”.  It is great for strengthening the cooperation and balance between the two brain hemispheres, improves physical/mental coordination, keeps the mind alert, the body balanced and helps to relieve physical stress and fatigue.

Find it at my website  Go to the navigation bar and click on the link for Stress release tool four!

Let me know how it goes for you!

Katelon T. Jeffereys

Seattle Life Coach


If you dream it…it will come!



Check out my latest article on It is part two of a two part article on dream boards and variations of them.  “If you dream it…it will come!” If you didn’t read part one yet, the link to it is just below the article.

Katelon T. Jeffereys


Check out my latest article on Satiama’s website!



This article is part one of a two part article about dream boards and variations of them. The title is “If you dream it…it will come.”

Katelon T. Jeffereys