Monthly Archives: September 2020

11 Years on WordPress!


Photo by Katelon T Jeffereys……alley found peach raspberries

I started this blog to “come out of the closet” as a spiritual/metaphysical person. I had spent so much of my life being judged, diagnosed, rejected, and much more for my metaphysical and spiritual experiences and knowledge growing up. I had learned to hide it all and attempt to fit in as “normal”.  So I wanted to make a stand in my life publicly and just put all of me out here. 

I started another blog, to be the site for my reviews of various resorts, wellness centers and retreat centers that I’ve visited during my almost 8 years on the road.  One of the resorts wanted the link to my blog so they could share my review in their online newsletter. I decided it was best to keep my spiritual/metaphysical blog and the more “professional” reviews separate. So I hurriedly took all my walks, hikes, photography and reviews off this blog and put it on my “Walk With Me” blog.  I haven’t posted there in awhile as I’m out of room in my media allowance and waiting until after the shift to have the funds to pay for a WP plan.  Right now, I’m living on faith and donations.

I started out including on this blog, articles I had written for local spiritual and new age newspapers, and online sites as well.  This blog was also a place to somewhat market my 40 year career as a spiritual/emotional/physical holistic therapist, trainer and coach.  I used to occasionally post book reviews, music and movie reviews, recipes and other random posts amidst my spiritual posts. 

For quite awhile though my focus has been more on the almost six year daily work I’ve been doing, sometimes alone and sometimes with my work partner/John, to shut down the dark’s weapons/governments and power and control on this planet and help usher in the new and original timeline for this planet. This timeline is governed by Source law, truth, greater good and is based on light, love, Oneness and abundance for ALL.

I declare that it is time for this to be harvested!   May it be so NOW!

Thanks for joining me on this long journey. I appreciate your comments, likes, shares, follows and support!

Love, katelon