Monthly Archives: December 2015

Update On My Daily Sessions with the “Team”


Pond photo 3

Photo by Katelon T Jeffereys.  Pond in front of the Botanical Building, Balboa Park,  San Diego, CA.

I haven’t posted much lately about my energetic level sessions I continue daily to bring about the shift into the light and shutdown of the dark. Ever since the work partnership with John ended in mid- July in such a shocking and confusing way, it has taken me a long time to come to a place of peace, even though there still isn’t understanding. I was so worn out physically by the time our work partnership crashed and burned, that it took me awhile to recover physically as well. On top of that, my finances became very shaky along with many more dark attacks, that still continue. So I’ve been doing all I can, with the help of my light team, to hang on, stay positive and continue to do this work that I had started with John Oct 2014, and have been involved with on my own since the dark first came into creation. Unfortunately, when our work together ended the humans and off planet beings that had been talking to me, sometimes for hours, grew more silent.

I used to have hour long “conversations” with some of them, while walking the beach, walking the neighborhood or just sitting around. I still get some information during my daily sessions or sporadically throughout the day, but not as much. They have told me for months now that this shift is done. Occasionally they ask for help and I am guided to do some kind of intervention or authorize a certain kind of help from other beings. I still do clearing and healing work daily for all of them and the shift itself.

John and I had focused on bringing all of humanity and the planet onto the timeline of Oneness and abundance. When we started, many on and off planet beings were preaching the need for arrests, violence, trials, and meted out punishments. John and I felt this was very 3D and would result in the continued pattern so entrenched on our planet. For quite awhile, Sheldon Nidle’s posts had the beings he channels talking about a more war like approach to shutting down the dark. But we continued to work toward a more peaceful shift, not disallowing something like house arrests or something milder to get the dark out of the way so this shift could take place, with the shift effectively ending their rule. In the end we hoped for a more enlightened humanity that would allow for forgiveness and the option for any dark members to either shift into the light themselves or have the opportunity to move on to another planet or place where they could continue to learn and grow. However, we agreed that the dark should not be allowed to hold humanity and the planet hostage anymore.

I was very heartened to read this latest blog post by Sheldon as it very much validates the work we did. Since losing the work partnership doubt has arisen from time to time, and I’ve been wondering if we really made a difference at all. So to read this post was very comforting. Here is the link:

It’s been frustrating to hear every day that this is ready now, going to happen this week, this weekend, this day, to only have it not show up. So that has lead to me questioning my information. Yet I realize that this whole process is like the pond above. We can see the lily pads, the flowers, and yet we can also see the reflections of those. We can see the water, the ripples, and the reflections of that. We can see other reflections of buildings and people next to the pond, yet these are just reflections, not something of substance. And then….there is that fish swimming under the water and who knows what else is below the surface. This reminds me that the experience we are having is an illusion created by the dark, with all their technologies and interferences, and the veil they put in place, keeping us separate from the truth of our divinity and keeping us separate from each other. So what is happening under the surface, and behind the scenes, is getting everything in place for this shift and disclosure. Yes, the dark underlings are fighting to the very end, but they know that end is in sight. The end should have happened in 96 when Anachara surrendered, so the grace period has come and long gone.

The other thing I am remembering is that John and I were working to bring all of humanity onto the timeline of Oneness. In 2012, Bill Brockbrader made a big splash when he stepped forward as a whistle blower and was interviewed on Project Camelot. He exposed shocking information about the US military in Iraq and what was really happening beyond what was being fed us through the dark run media. Like all whistleblowers, he did not fare well. He had been drugged, abused, thrown into hospitals and jails, anything to silence him. They finally got him on trumped up charges and threw him in prison. He is out now and in hiding, but still very active in working to shut down the dark on this planet. I researched Bill Brockbrader 2015 and saw more up to date info on him. Forget all the garbage written about him….that is just the dark ruled BS written to attempt to discredit him. The detail I wanted to reference though, is about the information he shared about working on a govt. project called Project Looking Glass, where they would put various components into this huge machine that looked like the space vehicle built in the movie “Contact”. This machine could look at various timelines and what would happen if this was put in place, etc. We’ve had all these timelines operating right next to each other.

I realized that is where we are right now….it looks like we are on this dark timeline of Donald Trump as the best the GOP can come up with, rising racism and militarism, increasing temperatures/poverty/discrimination, on and on, and yet….and yet…..there is this timeline being constructed and built upon that IS the timeline of Oneness and Abundance. And with all the various energy portals and gateways opening, the energy pouring into the planet, the work being done on the planet by light workers and many others to shift the financial systems, governments, environment, and the help from off planet and some believe from within the earth (The Argarthans), together we ARE creating and populating this new timeline. I am seeing and feeling that more and more, we are living on THAT timeline and that soon, all who choose, will wake up in that world, as if we’d lived there all along and that becomes our new reality!

I’m sure ready to live in that world of cooperation, abundance, rejuvenation, peace,and support in all ways for ALL!

So this holiday season, and today on the lovely Winter Solstice, I invite you to take a few moments to imagine THAT world, and what it would feel like to be living and interacting within all that support, comfort and beauty!

Here’s to Wonder and Joy for all as we welcome the return of the light…not just for a season but for all time!

Much love to you all, Katelon