Monthly Archives: March 2018

Happy Equinox Friends, Wherever You Are!


2017-06-26 17-1.01.20.jpg

Photo by Katelon T Jeffereys

Today is Spring Equinox, also called Vernal Equinox, the time of equal day and night.  After today, there will be more and more day/light leading up to the Summer Solstice in June.  It’s no accident that Easter, the  Christian religious celebration of Christ’s Ascension, return to the light, is tied into this planetary transition of lengthening days and light.  The Pagan celebration recognizes that the end of winter and the rebirth, blooming, bursting forth of nature, happens with the return of more Sunlight to thaw the snow, and feed the growth of all nature.  Many animals give birth during the spring.

Astrologically, it is also the day the Sun moves into Aries, the first planet in the Zodiac…fire, bursting forth, inserting its seeds of dreams into the physical.  Iraq celebrates  March 21st as a New beginning!  Kurdistan celebrates for 3 days!

I suggest that we, too, can let our past, our regrets, disappointments, any less than judgments we’ve placed on life or ourselves, any conditions/relationships/situations holding us back from our light path, and of these also holding the planet back from her light path, dissolve and transform as the light increases.

We’ve been held back by the dark matrix and elite on this planet for long enough, with their greed, self interest, violence, destruction, enslavement , divine denying, dis-empowering, corrupt, manipulative, power over others systems/governments institutions/technologies, wars, lies, and fear/separation/lack inducing rhetoric. We’ve been held in suspended caterpillar larvae state.  Time for the butterfly to be birthed within the light.

We are presently being given much support from the Great Central Sun and beyond, to return to zero point, start again.  Gateways have opened, portals have opened, light and love are flowing forth in great intensity.  My body has been burning in fever for a week, assimilating and integrating this energy for the planet, humanity and myself.  I spent much of the last seven days in bed, too weak to do much of anything else but hold the intention of my spiritual work to assist in the Shift into the light, and dissolving any remaining power of these old outworn and outdated dark beings and systems.

Today I arose, ready to begin a new life, in the light, on the path of Oneness and Abundance.  Care to join me ?  🙂

Much love and joy to all of you, katelon
