Category Archives: wellness

Happy Birthday to Me…..thank you Source!



Photo by Katelon T Jeffereys

I grew up severely ill with asthma and other respiratory illnesses.  Doctors told my parents I wouldn’t live past 30.  I spent a lot of time in emergency rooms, doctor’s offices, hospitals and at home, struggling to breathe for hours, days, weeks. I’ve had two near death experiences. I have outlived my entire birth family, and outlived my predicted demise by decades. I am absolutely certain that the only reason I’m still alive is because of my study and practice of using spiritual techniques and alternative therapies and natural medicine; many wonderful counselors and teachers; sheer will, and Source and other light beings keeping me alive so that I could do this work I’m doing for the planet. Just like the invisible spider web holding the rain drops that show up in this photo, Source and the light have been shoring me up through all the challenges to my body and being over the years.  So still being alive, being able to dedicate myself to this work and the work I’ll be doing after the new timeline is in place, deserves acknowledgement and celebration!  Woo hoo!!!!

Thanks for joining me on this journey, reading, liking, sharing and commenting on my blog!

Much love, katelon 

Manito Park and Some History


I left West Seattle, Seattle, WA Nov. 1, 2012, thinking I would only be on the road for a month until big positive changes happened on the planet  Dec. 21, 2012.  I’ve been on the road ever since, staying here and there, living on donations and faith, barter at times, and only twice in a friend’s home briefly.  I heard the call and leapt. I had started another blog a few years before, then moved it over to here when that website host shut down. 

In 1978, while briefly working at Prescott College as their communications directer, I attended a workshop led by people from Findhorn, a spiritual community in Scotland.  During the workshop I received guidance that I was to create a wellness center, community.  I knew there were certainly others out there but the guidance was clear. Thus began 40 years spent researching various wellness centers, resorts, and communities. I interviewed various people who had created retreat centers and wellness centers, project managers, construction people, organizational development people, spa managers, architects, looked into sustainability and permaculture,  and connected with a long time green builder architect.  I had a few people join with me at times, attracted a few possible funders that never followed through, and attended many group meetings regarding angel funding.  I even had a company who dealt with angel funders interview me about my plans.  One of the brief “team members” helped me write a business plan, with the help of some retired business consultants.  The architect and I put together some of the details to flesh out the financials.  Mostly though I worked on my own, did my own research and managed to get all the building, property, offerings etc. for the financial and business plan in place. 

Since I was on the road, I decided to tour various wellness resorts and spas I was close to along my travels.  I stopped in Ojai, CA to meet with a woman with a wellness retreat, looking to expand, and we discussed possibly joining forces. I followed every lead.  So far nothing has panned out but I managed to complete my own market research.  None of these research projects and details are part of my training.  As usual, I just follow guidance and figure it out along the way.  I’ve since realized that my wellness centers, which I now call “Transformational welcome centers”, will not be created until after we are on a new timeline.  They will be places to assist humanity in healing and learning how to live in this new world.

So, long story…shortened a bit, these tours led me to create a second blog .   I’ve since run out of room for media for that free blog and presently don’t have the funds to pay for the benefits of upgrading on WP.  So…..I”m sharing here my recent trip to Manito Park, in Spokane, WA.

I’m not fond of Spokane but it does have some pretty parks and nature preserves. My time in nature and walks around neighborhoods are what keep me sane and peaceful amidst this intense work I do daily.  Manito Park is a place I’ve visited several times and written about before on my other blog.  I’d never visited in the summer though, with all in full bloom.  Manito park was created in 1904 and has evolved into 78 acres of landscaped trails and areas, and 20 acres of botanical gardens.  It is located at 1702 S. Grand Blvd., south of I-90, in Spokane, WA.  There are playgrounds, walking and biking trails, some roads, a pond, a cafe, 5 gardens including a Japanese Garden, and Gaiser Conservatory.  I’ve been to the conservatory around the holidays when it is beautifully lit up with holiday lights.  So, I’m going to share some photos I took with my phone camera.  You can click on a photo to get a larger view. Hope you enjoy them and find some peace in your day or night 🙂

This group of photos were taken in the Gaiser Conservatory:

These photos are taken in the Rose Hill Garden and just south of it. Rose Hill is just to the west of the Conservatory:

This is Duncan Garden, a large formal garden, south of the Conservatory:


These are taken in the large Ferris Perennial Garden, which is north of the Conservatory:

Lastly, here is one of the trails:


Thanks so much for reading, liking, commenting, following and sharing my blog. I appreciate your time, interest and support.  The main work John and I do continues. We are making progress and soon hope to successfully help to bring forth a new timeline for all. 

Much love, katelon

I Stand In Prayer With Standing Rock!



Katelon T. Jeffereys

I stand in prayer with Standing Rock

I stand in prayer with Gaia

I stand in prayer with humanity

I stand in prayer for clean water, safe water, sacred water

I stand in prayer for clean air, food and soil, too

I stand in prayer for safe, clean, warm housing for all

I stand in prayer for opportunities for all

I stand in prayer for free energy, clean energy

I stand in prayer  for Unity and Oneness, inclusion,  for All people and creatures

I stand in prayer for reparation and sovereignty for Indigenous people everywhere

I stand in prayer for freedom and sovereignty for all

I stand in prayer for all to be treated with respect, honor, love, peace, gentleness, as a sacred being

I stand in prayer for the return of Wholeness, and divinity claimed once again

I stand in prayer for cooperation, healing, peace, light based government, operating for the good of all and the planet, spread across the lands and waters of this earth

I stand in prayer for rejuvenation, full and complete healing, re-claiming, restoring,  perfection

I stand in prayer for the return of joy and wonder, empowerment and balance, comfort and community

Please stand with me as we lift up all those at Standing Rock, all who stand for the light and love, ascension and light restored, throughout this planet and to our galactic supporters

From a song I wrote “Embrace”

“We got to get back to the truth and light

Release the war and the fight

Let’s save the love in the human race

Embrace, Embrace

Embrace, Embrace”

Let me know what you are standing/praying for……..

Love, katelon

Light heart shaped cloud amidst the darkness, this morning.
Katelon T. Jeffereys

My Passion!



Photo by Katelon Jeffereys

I chose this photo as it is a Passion Flower.  I wanted to share about what I am passionate about.

I’m passionate about helping bring about a new world of light, love, cooperation, clean air/water/earth and airwaves. I’m passionate about having a light based financial system, debt forgiveness around the world, light based governments in TRUE service to this planet and humanity.  I’m passionate about us finally joining forces with light based ET’s and becoming great galactic citizens.  I’m passionate about every man, woman, child and creature on this planet being valued, cared for, nurtured, healthy, whole, safe and able to express all of their divine nature, gifts and talents.

As I’ve mentioned, things weren’t great for me growing up…maybe financially, but emotionally, health wise, mentally, etc. it was quite challenging.  And yet, that is what led me to my true work as a professional holistic and spiritual healer, knowing that I’m just the midwife, as healing happens THROUGH me and through the person whom I am working with, with Spirit guiding the way. It’s what led me to lead Spiritual ceremony, teach creative music and movement to children, lead public workshops as well as taking workshops to youth, government agencies, non-profits, businesses,  and corporations.

I was able to move myself from years of deep depression and suicidal thoughts to strength, inner calmness, and the courage to take on my now 149 week journey of living on faith and trust. And all the 16+ therapies I learned were ones that worked for me, so I learned them to share with others.

I know this is a challenging time as we transition from the darkness that has held this planet for so long, into a light based world.  There is much we are releasing as at the same time, we are being blasted with so much light and love to move us forward.

I am passionate about helping all of you in any way I can.  Doing my work is so much fun and brings me so much joy. I love digging into my vast tool bag and being guided in what would work best with each of you, to help you make this transition with more ease and grace.

Please check out my website and check out what is offered there.

For those who are ready to play, I am offering a 20% off special for Sept. for those who follow my blog. Just let me know when you contact me.  There is so much I can offer via skype and by phone.

For those who choose the free stuff, there are pages of stress release/energy medicine techniques with instructions.

Let me know if I can help in any way.

Enjoy these times! We are so graced to live at this time on the planet and to be a part of this amazing transformation.  This morning, while standing in the shower, I could feel my entire body pulsing with energy, each cell vibrating with light as if the physical parameters of my body don’t exist anymore.  It is happening now friends, please allow and embrace it.

Much love to you all, katelon

A Change of Pace….Some Aromatherapy Recipes for Relaxation!


Fields of yellow

I don’t know about you but between this heavy work I am doing and all the energy coming into the planet, I am feeling pretty worn out these days. Then, on top of that, there is the frantic holiday season energy that kicks up the atmosphere about 80 degrees and things can get pretty dicey.

So I decided to take a break today from talking about ousting the dark and give you a couple recipes to make your own aromatherapy bath salts and scrubs, for relaxation for you and/or for DIY gifts to give as presents.

These are both easy to make. Sorry I don’t have pictures, but they are very easy to follow recipes. One year I made up gifts bags for friends with a jar of homemade bath salts, salt scrub, small bottles of an aromatherapy oil mixture and a spray bottle of aromatherapy oil mixtures in water and a little bit of vodka to preserve it. In Seattle, WA, there is a great store, called Zenith Supplies, and they carry a good supply of massage lotions and oils, candle making supplies, aromatherapy oils and various containers to put your creations into for gifting or home use. You can order from them online, too.

I also made them one year in a preschool/after-school program where I was working. We used it as a fundraiser. We took used baby food jars, cut up pieces of calico fabric and put it over the lids, and tied that on with ribbon. I printed out labels that we attached via the ribbon.

To make these, you can use any size container with a lid, as you will want to allow the salt and borax, if you are using that, and the oils, to marinate for several days, stirring it occasionally to make sure that the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the oils spread throughout.


Ingredients: Ginger, lemongrass, geranium oils; sea salt, Epsom salts, borax.
Directions: Add 1/2 cup after bath water is drawn, may add extra Epsom salts.
Uses: Uplifting and relaxing. For aches, pains, poor circulation, coughs, indigestion, colds, flu, infection, mental fatigue, nervous exhaustion, stress, depression.

For this recipe for bath salts, I used both epsom salt and sea salt, along with the borax, but you could just use all of just one salt if you choose. If you use 1 cup each of epsom salt, sea salt and borax, use around 20-30 drops combined of the essential oils. You can divide the oils evenly or use more according to your preference. If you prefer a stronger smelling bath salt, just add extra oil. Wait a day or so though to make this determination, as the oils will permeate the dry ingredients. When I make this for gifts, I make it in big quantities, doubling and tripling the amounts used.

Warming Salt Scrub:

Ingredients: Sea Salt, Safflower oil, Vitamin E oil; Tangerine, Clove, Cinnamon oils.
Directions: Test on small area first for allergies. Wash face or body first, then apply small amount of product, scrub, then rinse.
Uses: Exfoliates, nourishes and moisturizes. Aromatherapy oils for relaxation, depression, infections, digestion, circulation.

For this recipe, for each cup of sea salt, use 1/4 cup of safflower oil and 1/4 cup of Vitamin E oil. You could also use Almond oil instead of the Safflower oil. If using 1 cup of sea salt start with about 15 drops of the combined essential oils. I would recommend using more of the Tangerine and less of the clove and cinnamon as they are very strong oils. So perhaps 11 drops of Tangerine oil and 2 drops each of cinnamon and 2 drops of clove. Again, let this marinate in your closed container and stir occasionally, adding more essential oils if desired, and even adding more salt and/or other oils to obtain the desired scent and texture. Salt scrubs can be used in the bath or shower, using your hand or a wash cloth, to invigorate and exfoliate the skin.

Another thing you can do, is simply keep a container of sea salt in the shower and scrub with it each day. It not only helps stimulate and exfoliate the skin, it helps to scrub off negative energy you may have accumulated, from others or your own challenges.

Hope you have found these helpful. As you can tell, I’m not an exacting person when it comes to recipes as i like to experiment. 🙂

What Do You Desire?



I recently read the book “Appetites” by Caroline Knapp. This book is a powerful and honest look at her years living with anorexia, and also dives much deeper into what it is like to be a woman: the roles we are handed, the conflicts with our Mothers and the female role, how society treats and judges women, how we judge ourselves, and how that affects our ability or inability to even acknowledge our appetites/desires, let alone get them met.

I receive numerous emails every day about petitions to sign for political, environmental or social justice causes, so am reminded regularly about how poorly women are treated all over the world: child brides, honor killings, rape, incest, poverty, domestic violence, the sex trade and more. Even in the US there are more women and children killed or abused every day than died in the Vietnam war. Women still earn less than men for the same jobs. Powerful women, political women, still often elicit nasty judgements against themselves for behavior admired in men. The laws in place and proposed to govern a woman’s health and reproductive rights are appalling, with politicians still blaming women for their rapes, and blaming their sexuality as being an issue…the same men who want to have sex with these women?! Feminism may have made some changes in our culture but not many.

Looking at this in a larger more metaphysical way, you can see it in the repression of the Goddess and how healers and medicine women were killed as witches. The female has been vilified in many of the world’s religions. Patriarchy took over and we’ve had wars ever since.

These are some of the things I have worked to change in my private holistic/spiritual healing practice and my social justice activism. But I also see it as a bigger picture because I believe with the ruling elite’s agenda and the cabal basically running this world for so long, ALL people have been kept from truly becoming aware of their deep desires as well as being able to fulfill them. How could any of us do that without balanced, healthy and loved female and male aspects of ourselves?

I loved reading the book in light of the changes now taking place on the planet, as we work to finally and completely oust the dark’s rule, reclaim our “original blessing” and existence as a divine co-creator with Spirit. And I appreciated the private places it led me to as I examined the issues I grew up with about self identity and lack of self acceptance, handed to me by my wounded Mother and Father, and reinforced by a wounded society.

I grew up thin, so was always able to eat what I chose as far as weight goes, but did grow up with various allergies and chronic asthma. So as I moved into my attempt to heal myself, many various diets were explored and battles were waged against foods I craved and yet knew weren’t good for me. My Mother was a wonderful cook and baker, and not affectionate, so baked goods replaced my needed hugs. I’m a baker as well, so this sugar war has been waged over and over throughout the years.

I had one brief bout of anorexia the summer and fall before graduating from college. I had been teaching for a year at my son’s wonderful alternative pre-school but was required to quit that job and teach in a “real school” as a student teacher, in order to receive my degree in education. The upcoming stress of that, and the experience of working within the restrictions of that public school, the knowledge that I was graduating with a degree I didn’t know what to do with and the then requirement to fully support my son and I alone, led me to put weight on for the first time in my life. I had no idea how to respond to that as it seemed to have nothing to do with how much or little I ate, so I just mostly quit eating. By the time I graduated that semester I had given myself an ulcer.

Although I didn’t grow up fat, I was well acquainted with the teasing and judging, at the hand of school mates, for being thin, having freckles, wearing glasses, having asthma and being smart. So the self judging part of childhood seemed to rule my life. I also was quite aware of how others were treated, as my early activism was born. My family was quite critical and that led me to struggle with identifying what I truly desired and left me feeling guilty for wanting anything at all. Both my parents weren’t able to pursue their dreams and my Father didn’t even want to be married to my Mother but remained so under his Father’s rule. So the model of healthy awareness of desires, what would be fulfilling and the acceptance and healthy acquisition of those, was absent in my family. and life.

I am grateful to have tools to use to address all of this now as well as my understanding of how this fits with the bigger picture transformation taking place on the planet. We are all in the midst of clearing out the emotional baggage and limitations that have plagued us for so long. As we move up to higher dimensions and toward ascension only loving, light selves can make that transition. Anything else is too dense. So I welcomed this opportunity that this book afforded me and the healing it led me to do.

Imagine a world where we grow up loving ourselves, knowing our self to be lovable, fully attuned to our body, our sexuality, our desires and the ability and support to pursue the fulfillment of those in a healthy way. Imagine a world where women are honored and respected, and the female aspect within all of us is celebrated and nurtured. I’m excited to live in THAT world! And it starts within us.

What are your deepest desires?

What are you hungry for and perhaps weren’t allowed to have?

What would fill and nurture that most vulnerable part of yourself?

These are great questions to ask yourself.

Please join the conversation and share below, too!

Thanks for reading, thanks for being a part of this world and it’s transformation, thanks for being YOU, wondrous YOU!!!!

Slowmo on San Diego Boardwalk…another way of living!


I just watched this delightful video about a very successful doctor who left his life of dissatisfaction and materialism and chose a life of enjoyment and aligning with the spiritual!

It’s time more people left the rat race and chose a life of what brings them joy!

We’ve been brainwashed so long, in our society, to believe in financial enslavement, then we spend the earnings on diseases, divorces, wars, and distractions, to attempt to alleviate the pain of this enslavement.

Crazy huh?

Time to wake up!!!

What brings you joy?

What are you passionate about?

What puts you in the “zone”?

What aligns you with the divine?

Go for it NOW!!!

Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

And…go out and enJOY your weekend!

Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast March 2014 – An Unexpected Revolution


Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast March 2014 – An Unexpected Revolution.

What makes you happy? What are your dreams? What are goals you have been ready to give up on? What else is possible?

I have spent 35+ years working on, researching and attempting to fund a destination international wellness center/resort/learning center/community. My long time mission statement is “To inspire individuals to rediscover wonder and joy”. My idea about wellness goes way beyond just merely having a healthy body, as my long time career of being a holistic/spiritual therapist has shown that wellness isn’t just the absence of illness. Wellness implies the totality of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well being. And this needs to take place within a well environment.

I have long felt that for individuals to be truly well, they need the skill set and structure of a well family, well companies, well cities, well countries and a well world. One affects the other and ripples outward. So the focus of my wellness center is to support, inspire and teach individuals, families, companies and communities what it takes to truly be well. This includes healing our water, our air, our soil, and growing healthy sustainable food; educational systems that support the individual learner in a healthy way; music, art, dance, creativity to uplift and transform; healthy communication and social skills that support healthy relationships with self and others; deep spiritual attunement that underpins the knowledge that we truly are ONE, thus we co-create a world of peace and cooperation.

I am ready to claim the fulfillment of this dream I have worked on for so long, and held in my heart since childhood.

The time is now for us to step into our power, fulfill our dreams for ourselves and the world.

So, what are you ready to bring forth?

Focusing Energy Brings Results!


Arizona slot canyon

A few weeks ago I offered to do some energy healing for a friend. He had been experiencing sharp pains and was so concerned about he had sought out medical tests to rule out any serious health challenges. I used a technique I learned in 1987, from a healer and man who channeled, too. He combined Huna techniques he had learned in Hawaii, reflexology, acupressure and Reiki to create this technique. He called it NET, Natural energy therapy. I am a Reiki master but I love and prefer using the form of healing he taught over using my reiki modality. I still call in Reiki energy but also much more, working with the client, any beings of light assisting him/her as well as working with Spirit and any beings of light working with me.

I understand that it is Spirit doing the work and my role is as a midwife. It is also up to the person receiving the healing to allow it to happen, to align with releasing blocks and old wounds to make room for healing to take place. I often will send musical notes, breath, and other creatures and natural elements in to assist the work. I use handholds around the body pulling out disharmonious energy and then allowing healing harmonious energy to flow in and take its place. At times I do shamanic work and psychic healing, working with the person to release an old wound or energy whether it is from this lifetime or another. Again, I am only the midwife. Healing happens between the person and Spirit.

When I am done moving around the body, I then do the same process with specific chakras (energy centers), then balance the chakras, raise the energy in the chakras and then end by placing colors into the aura that the soul requests.

This session with my friend was quite profound. I knew and could feel that he was ready to release this pain and I could feel him aligned with the healing 100%. What a joy! At the end, his pain was gone completely. I found out today, that weeks later, it remains gone.

I am in awe of this work, very honored to be a channel for it, and so grateful that my friend allowed it to take place. I’m so grateful to have been led to that teacher in 1986 and to be able to study with him while he was alive. I feel blessed every day for this path I’ve been led to walk since early childhood. Health and wholeness is our true state, as we are meant to vibrate in harmony, in love and in joy.

More Beautiful Trees!


Beautiful old trees in Granite Creek park

I’ve enjoyed my time in Prescott and enjoyed the sweet little trail along Granite Creek. The Creek runs through town and has this trail that leads ultimately to a park. These trees are in the park. Everywhere you go in Prescott it seems that there are trees. It certainly isn’t as green as Seattle, where I used to live, but I’m enjoying all the green trees. My heart especially lights up when I see Aspen trees.

I used to crawl out my window and sleep in a tree. I loved how it’s branches held me in such a loving embrace. It felt more like home than the bedroom I had inside the house.

Perhaps that is why I still love trees so much. I talk to them, lean against them, feel their bark and tell them how much they mean to me. They seem to ground me and bring me back to a place of peace.

Do you have a part of nature that particularly calls to you?