Monthly Archives: May 2015

The Quarantine: How The Dark Has Kept Us Enslaved, Separate, Poor and Suffering.


Dramatic sky 2

It was a dark and stormy night…….Remember those lines from old Peanuts cartoon strips, with Snoopy typing away on his typewriter? Well, my friends, it has been a dark and stormy night for millions and millions of years.  When I first saw the dark appear I knew it was a bad idea but Source decided since free will was the name of the game, it needed to be allowed.  So I jumped up, “hand” in the air, and decided it was my job to bring the dark back into the fold of the light and Source authorized me to do so.  Later others were sent on the quest as well.

In 96, Ankara, the head of the dark, surrendered and recommended that all his created species and planets and forces of dark should surrender, too. A deal had been made with Source and the dark wasn’t able to overthrow the light, so it was time to transition to the light and make new choices.  Many forces did surrender but the Chimera and Archons on this planet didn’t, and darkness continued to reign here. In Oct. 2014, John Ross received the guidance to take up the task to attempt to get the Chimera to surrender and I joined in.  We have worked together ever since, daily since early Nov. 2014. And I do daily sessions on my own, too.  We quickly were able to get the Chimera to surrender and the Archons soon followed.  On Jan. 1st, 2015, in a solo session, I was able to finally get the leaders of the dark forces on the planet, to sign a surrender document and call for the surrender of all dark agencies, governments, forces, individuals, opportunists, etc.  The stand down order was given.  Instead of complying, the what I refer to as “Nouveau dark’ decided since “Daddy” was now surrendered, the kids would take over and strut their stuff.  John and I have been working with the surrender team ever since to shut them down and get this surrender finalized for all humanity.

John recently wrote a blog post about the Quarantine the dark have had in place on this planet, effectively shutting humanity off from truly knowing its divinity and power as a co-creator with Source and from light forces and beings having the ability to fully help us.  You can read his post at   I’ve been guided to write more about how the Quarantine has affected us.

John and I first started working together in March 2014, attempting to help me with my health challenges, and other challenges.  At first, John thought, like many New Age people do, that I hadn’t been able to fully heal myself, in spite of working intensely on myself and seeking others’ help as well, since 1973, because I received benefits from being ill, wasn’t exhibiting the vibration to align with that health, on and on, but basically believing that at some level, I just didn’t want to get well or wasn’t working hard enough.   John quickly learned of my dedication and tenacity and my long time work, lifetime after lifetime, of fighting the dark and how it has affected me. Through working with others, too, John learned how invasive the quarantine and dark interference is and how intricate this web of toxicity was implanted within humanity and the planet, especially focused on keeping lightworkers from completing their work of shutting down the dark.  People like me, we found out, were filled with various technologies, booby traps of sorts, interference that keeps us ill and kicks in more strongly and dangerously the closer we get to the surrender.  This interference doesn’t only affect health, it affects finances, relationships, careers, every aspect of a person’s life. We even recently discovered that some people, me included, were affected in a way that we struggle with even breathing in this atmosphere or grounding in Gaia to receive her healing and sustaining energy. Thankfully, the light has been able to keep me alive as the attacks have become more and more life threatening, but there is much they haven’t been able to affect due to the Quarantine.

I’ve written before about how the law of attraction sounds great, and yes, there are examples of people who have managed to step out of the Quarantine, and reclaim their full power and divinity, and religions and books have sprung up chronicling these stories. But, as you know, many of them met an early and painful demise. I’m not writing this to scare you or place you in a victim position, but to point out that we have been victims, and to shed some light on how pervasive this reign of terror has been.  And to skip ahead a moment, remind you that there is a light at the end of this, as when the dark surrender is complete, which I believe will be soon, all of the Quarantine and its effects will be wiped away, all technologies within humanity and the planet and directed at humanity and the planet, will be shut down. And what a glorious time that will be.

The dark has been so successful in its treachery, that many so called channels, liberal entertainers, political figures, spiritual teachers, are either a wolf in sheep’s clothing, appearing to be light but really working a dark agenda, and/or being interfered with by the dark, unknown to them, and thus leading many astray.  The dark even attacks lightworkers through those that are close to them and unsuspecting as well,  by getting through a person via their own unhealed issues, and then directing the dark’s attacks through them to the lightworker, creating drama and/or even affecting their health. The good news, again though, is that after the shift into the light, many of these brilliant people both compromised lightworkers and dark leaders, will be able to transition to the light completely and use their highly tuned skill set to help heal and transform this planet.

The Quarantine and the siege of the dark have created religions, philosophies, and dogmas that tout competition, lack, poverty, separation and powerlessness because it keeps individuals struggling in all ways, being willing to be slaves in order to just survive.  Look at the religions that teach us that we need intermediaries in order to talk to God, as if all the prophets and avatars existed thousands of years ago and we can’t possibly have direct connections ourselves and if we do, it is either mental illness or Satan.  Look at an educational system that often is only for the rich, and even then, it teaches us to regurgitate facts rather than learning to question, learning how to learn.  Many companies are set up to just keep working their employees to burn out, then easily replacing them with people who have even less offered to them in return than the ones before.  John and I have recently discussed the habit of profit making apartment complexes that continually raise the rent each year, slowly turning up the heat so to speak, instead of caring for their long term tenants, honoring their loyalty and thus doing all they can to make their stay better each year.  They figure they can just bring in someone new to rent the space, and start the process again.  Everything for a profit.  Healthcare has often been the same way with low cost “alternative” therapies, successful ones, either banned or greatly discounted, while research facilities raise money for more toxic and profit making procedures and drugs that only make things worse.

Planes fly overhead dumping chem trails, polluting our waters; weather manipulations cause havoc to often poor countries; water is polluted with toxic fluoride in the name of cavity prevention while it fries our brain; vaccinations that began with positive intent and success, turned into vehicles for more toxins to damage populations all while schools make it mandatory to receive them; technology is made with toxins that are transmitted electronically to cause more physical damage and scramble brains; entertainment and the media is so manipulated that it brain washes the masses while it dumbs us down, sells us their agenda and lies, pushes us to indulge in consumerism to keep the economic slavery intact and sell their wars; the soil, water and food have been filled with toxins to weaken us and keep us ill.  The list goes on and on.

Once the shift happens, it will be shut down though, the truth will come out, and opportunities will spring up around the world for humanity to reclaim the truth of their divinity, reclaim health, rejuvenation, and our true power as co-creators with Source.  I have suffered lifetime after lifetime to work toward this end.  And it is in sight!!!  Praise be to the light….can I get an Amen?!!!

Much love to you friends as we struggle together through these last days, and to the finish line. May we soon cross itogether, in the light, in wonder and joy!!!

love, katelon