Monthly Archives: March 2014

Vulnerability and authenticity: the courage to take off the mask


It can feel scary to be authentic and allow yourself to be vulnerable.
Growing up, I went through so much criticism, rejection and judgment, that I spent much of my time attempting to cover up the real me, as that me was treated so poorly. But by the time I graduated from high school, I felt schizophrenic, having the real me I had to hide and the “me” that i showed others, and had felt suicidal for two years. It took me a long time to finally heal that and claim my truth, but it is so well worth it.



“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and be . If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.” 

Brené BrownDaring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

vulnerable1From The Vulnerability of Growing Up

As Christine Hassler notes in her article The Power of Vulnerability “most of us can relate to times when we expressed an emotion and it was not received well, so we develop suppression techniques. Although it may seem like we are protecting ourselves, suppressing our expression erects walls around our hearts and reinforces beliefs about it not being safe to share our genuine feelings with another. As a result, we form relationships that are based more on fear than love. Rather than being truly…

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Salad Bowl of Multiple Identities


I love this…a “Salad Bowl of Multiple identities”. Even as a young child I was very sensitive to the discrimination that happened around me, not only against me but other children as well. Since I had such a strong spiritual identity, it just didn’t make sense to me how people treated each other.

Time to create a world that celebrates the differences and comes together to harness the strengths of each other.


“We don’t need a melting pot…, folks. We need a salad bowl. In a salad bowl, you put in the different things. You want the vegetables – the lettuce, the cucumbers, the onions, the green peppers – to maintain their identity. You appreciate differences.”

Jane Elliot


“My first exposure to murder,” the Nobel-winning economist Amartya Sen writes in “Identity and Violence” “occurred when I was 11.” It was 1944, a few years before the end of the British Raj and a period of widespread Hindu-Muslim riots. The victim was “a profusely bleeding unknown person suddenly stumbling through the gate to our garden, asking for help and a little water.” Rushed to the hospital by Sen’s father, the man died there of his injuries. He was Kader Mia, a Muslim day laborer knifed by Hindus. He had been asked by his wife not to go into a hostile area of then-undivided…

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Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast March 2014 – An Unexpected Revolution


Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast March 2014 – An Unexpected Revolution.

What makes you happy? What are your dreams? What are goals you have been ready to give up on? What else is possible?

I have spent 35+ years working on, researching and attempting to fund a destination international wellness center/resort/learning center/community. My long time mission statement is “To inspire individuals to rediscover wonder and joy”. My idea about wellness goes way beyond just merely having a healthy body, as my long time career of being a holistic/spiritual therapist has shown that wellness isn’t just the absence of illness. Wellness implies the totality of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well being. And this needs to take place within a well environment.

I have long felt that for individuals to be truly well, they need the skill set and structure of a well family, well companies, well cities, well countries and a well world. One affects the other and ripples outward. So the focus of my wellness center is to support, inspire and teach individuals, families, companies and communities what it takes to truly be well. This includes healing our water, our air, our soil, and growing healthy sustainable food; educational systems that support the individual learner in a healthy way; music, art, dance, creativity to uplift and transform; healthy communication and social skills that support healthy relationships with self and others; deep spiritual attunement that underpins the knowledge that we truly are ONE, thus we co-create a world of peace and cooperation.

I am ready to claim the fulfillment of this dream I have worked on for so long, and held in my heart since childhood.

The time is now for us to step into our power, fulfill our dreams for ourselves and the world.

So, what are you ready to bring forth?