Monthly Archives: July 2019

Within Your Heart!


Photos by Katelon T. Jeffereys

You can look at this sculpture and photo in many ways.  One way is just to see the sculpture as it is….empty in the middle, a frame of a heart.  Sometimes it feels like that in our hearts doesn’t it?  Loneliness, the end of a relationship, the death or estrangement of a loved one, the end of a job or leaving a home behind, life contains lots of these experiences.  And yet, if you look through this sculpture, you see it contains lots of life….plants, trees, grass, a lake, pathways.  Even during those hard times, if we change our perception, we can still see and feel LIFE, BEAUTY, vibrant options that nourish us even now and vibrant options that offer new growth opportunities.

Even when skies are gray and rain is coming down….their are love and beauty to be found.

Even among the weeds and detritus on our path…..there is love!

If we open our eyes and expand our view, not just looking straight ahead, but all around… is there, stacked up, ready to receive, ready to revive us and return us to balance and the knowingness that love exists and is available to us when we open to it.

On my walk this last weekend, I stopped to see a tiny spider, hanging by an invisible strand of web…just hanging there in the middle of the path at eye level. I stopped to interact and made sure that when I moved forward, I didn’t break that strand.  Later on, I was mesmerized by 3 small black butterflies swirling around each other as they flew, seemingly dancing together.  I watched for awhile. Meanwhile, a Mother and daughter walked by, so intent on their aerobic agenda, looking straight ahead, that they didn’t notice this dance going on right next to them.   Their version of love might have been enjoying their exercise and their conversation…..and they didn’t notice the butterflies or me.  But there we all were, finding love, experiencing love.

I appreciate you for taking the time to read my blog.  I’m sending love out to you through these words and through the energy I send out!

Love, katelon

In the Center!


Photo by Katelon T Jeffereys

In the midst of the apparent craziness around us, keep your focus in the center, take a deep breath, notice the beauty around you…in the flowers, in the sky, in a dog’s wagging tail, in the laughter…..feel your heart beating….steadily, constant……the light is winning….this darkness will soon be a vague memory!

Love, katelon

The Gift Amidst the Shadows!


Photo by Katelon T Jeffereys



See the heart shaped sunlight spot on the path? Sometimes life is like that… have to look closely to see the gift on your path, hidden in amidst the shadows.
During these crazy times as the dark timeline crumbles, it’s important to look for the light, look for the gifts, stay in your heart as much as you can, feel your inner strength and peace and connection with Source.
We’re getting “there”. The light timeline is tangible. And soon, the dark timeline will be exposed for what it is and be gone forever…and we’ll step onto the light timeline, the true timeline, the one we were originally designed to walk, seamlessly…just continuing our stroll 🙂
Love, katelon
Thanks for stopping by, thanks for reading, “liking”, commenting, following my blog!

May TRUE Freedom Reign!


Photo by Katelon T Jeffereys

I found this wonderful sign in the front yard of a house I walked by.  This is what I’d like the US to be about, what I’d like all countries to stand for, this Oneness.  This is why I do the work I do every single day, in and out of body, 24/7.  Freedom is my goal…freedom for all life throughout creation. 

This dark timeline detour we’ve been on for so long is about the opposite of all this sign states.  But it is time for that timeline to end.  The dark’s present power is a mirage.  A mirage of lies.

So let us now stand for this freedom.  Let us be the strength and courage to protect and empower ALL lives, all genders, all sexuality, in a healthy way.  We are connected to Source. We have Source guidance and power within us to create.  So let’s remember this and choose the light, choose love, choose Oneness, choose compassion and peace.

Let’s declare this day as a true Independence day…independent from the dark, independent from slavery, independent from lies!  May love and truth prevail.

Love, katelon

Thanks for reading and supporting my blog!