Monthly Archives: June 2015

Survive or Celebrate….another poem


Those of you who have been reading my blog for awhile, know that I grew up remembering horrendous past lives of torture and heinous deaths, along with talking to spirits and knowing my destiny to come in this lifetime,  yet being told by doctors I was crazy and by my parents “face reality”. It took many, many years of counseling, various holistic therapies, working on myself and following my spiritual journey to heal that terror, fear and disconnect, and move into embracing who I am and the reality I believe in and work toward for myself and the world. This poem came from that journey.


Photo from google images

Survive or Celebrate

A scared child sits inside
a strong woman’s breast.
Remembrances of a lonely
childhood sorrow and fears.

Do loved ones always leave?

Letting the child carry on
struggling to survive
in a world where dreams
aren’t reality.

Love shares joy and pain
commitments are for now
not forever.
Fight, defend
or let go and celebrate.

A battlefield or
a dance,
the choice is yours.

© Katelon T. Jeffereys



So friends…I’m going to share some of my poetry.  Hope you enjoy it Photo 16

Photo by Katelon T Jeffereys


One color, many shades
from deep to pale to bright
Fragile and delicate, yet strong
Reflecting the moods and passions
arising from within and without
Manifesting in bubbles of bliss
Created by the environment
to nourish and support
weaker souls weary on the path and,
to add a moment of pause
and reflection for strong
souls passing through
Quiet, vibrant, boisterous
A symphony composed by God.

© Katelon T. Jeffereys

Creative Blogger Award!


I was just nominated for the Creative Blogger Award by the blog :  Although I don’t participate in blogger awards anymore, I truly appreciate that my blog is read and acknowledged.  In writing a blog, especially the nature of my blog, I sometimes wonder if anyone reads it, relates to it, understands it, etc.  But when I first started my blog, on Posterous, until it didn’t exist anymore, i was guided to do so and felt like if nothing else, I would get to express myself and make my intentions clear that I am dedicated to my spiritual path and being authentic, and that I truly care about humanity and this planet and desire to uplift all and do what I can to assist in the transformation and freedom of all.

I love as she shares beautiful digital art and poetry. I had never known about digital art and it looks like so much fun to make, and seems to open doors that other art mediums haven’t in the past.  Her blog is beautiful to look at and quite inspirational. So please take the time to check it out.

I follow a couple other poetry blogs and they have inspired me to start sharing some of my poetry.  I have shared one poem on my blog, if I’m remembering correctly, so do want to share some more. Hopefully you all will allow me to digress from the metaphysical info and share something else occasionally 🙂Rose  stained glass