Category Archives: Manifesting

Claiming the New Timeline!


2nd Turquoise toyota 4 runner

Image from Google images

In our session today I told my story of the Turquoise Toyota 4 Runner to my spiritual work partner, John.  It is such an amazing story/experience I had in 1990 that I wanted to share it with all of you. And…I might have told it before but it is worth sharing again.  I’m telling it not only because it was a very physically and metaphysically exciting experience but also because presently, most people on this planet are still very much entrenched with believing in a very dark timeline.  Most people on this planet are still giving their power away to that dark illusion.

As divine beings, created by Source, we were designed to have amazing bodies that healed themselves.  Before dark ET’s re-engineered our DNA and bodies, humans had extremely long lives.  We also had the ability to manifest things into the physical. The bible and other religious and spiritual books tell of these feats of manifestation.  But the dark and their control structures have so far managed to shut that down for the most part and with the propaganda so prevalent now in the media and social media, the dark have mostly managed to keep people in fear and under their control. The dark has kept humanity from their divinely designed abilities.

So I want to share this story to present another side to what we are capable of achieving.

In Sept. 1987 my beloved small lime green Toyota pickup and camper shell were totaled when a car crashed into me coming from a side street.  It was so jarring and violent; I didn’t drive again for months.  At the time, my Mom was working for the high school voc-tech department in my home town.  She had the mechanic dept. pick out a supposedly in great condition big used Oldsmobile sedan for me.  Having mostly had small foreign station wagons, a VW bus, and my small pickup, I was not only embarrassed by this boat of a car but it turned out to have major problems and I’d put 2 engines in it by 1990.

In my imagination, I kept visualizing my ideal vehicle, a Toyota 4 runner, in a light turquoise color that they didn’t even make at the time.  I was using vision boards and doing regular visualizations at the time.    My son had left for college and he had requested that I make a tape of me singing and playing guitar, including all the songs he had grown up listening to me play.  At the time I had been playing regularly with a great guitarist who lived in the Humboldt County where I was living.  He had a recording studio in his home.  So we went into his studio one evening and I recorded a 90 min. tape of me playing all the songs my son had requested.

I had invited a friend to come listen to us record.  After the recording session, I left my boat of a car parked in front of my guitar friend’s home and this friend and I went to eat. When we drove up to the home after dinner, I looked out his car’s windshield, and there parked on the street, where my car had been parked, was a turquoise Toyota 4 runner, the exact same color I had been visualizing.  I was stunned.  I shook my head, sure I was seeing things, but there it was in the physical.

I got out of his car and walked toward the 4 runner, thinking surely, it will disappear now and my boat car will be there in its place. But the 4 runner remained.  I walked up to the door, key in hand, and again, was sure it would turn back into my old car.  But the 4 runner remained.  I put my key in the door of the 4 runner, and still it remained. I could feel the door, see the color.  I stepped into the vehicle, to sit down on the seat, and I was sitting in the 4 runner. I could feel the seat beneath me, see out the windshield to the hood of the 4 runner, see the turquoise color on the hood, look around inside the vehicle….and still it remained the 4 runner.  I put my key in the ignition.  Still it remained.  It wasn’t until I turned the key that it turned back into my old car.

I believe that we are at that tipping point in replacing this dark illusion timeline with the new timeline of Oneness and Abundance.  In truth, this dark timeline is extinct.  You can see that in this false flag pandemic stream, the amount of corruption in almost every government in the world, the continued march toward the destruction of the planet, the racism being revealed and protested around the world.  This dark illusion timeline has kept all life and the planet on a dark detour and it is time for us to reclaim our sovereignty and light based evolutionary path. It is time for us to reclaim our divinity and connection with Source and our Oneness with each other and all life. It is time for us to be living in abundance in all ways, focused on the greater good for all, not just a few.

We have this ability to stand in our power and claim the truth of this new timeline and welcome the end of this present insanity.  So I’m taking this step now to claim that vision, and sustain that vision, a vision that remains past turning the key, and carry that vision into a new bright future for all.  Care to join me?

Much love to all of you.  I appreciate you reading my blog, sharing my blog, following my blog.  I appreciate you joining me on this journey to return to our true path of love and light.

Turquoise Toyota 4 runner

May TRUE Freedom Reign!


Photo by Katelon T Jeffereys

I found this wonderful sign in the front yard of a house I walked by.  This is what I’d like the US to be about, what I’d like all countries to stand for, this Oneness.  This is why I do the work I do every single day, in and out of body, 24/7.  Freedom is my goal…freedom for all life throughout creation. 

This dark timeline detour we’ve been on for so long is about the opposite of all this sign states.  But it is time for that timeline to end.  The dark’s present power is a mirage.  A mirage of lies.

So let us now stand for this freedom.  Let us be the strength and courage to protect and empower ALL lives, all genders, all sexuality, in a healthy way.  We are connected to Source. We have Source guidance and power within us to create.  So let’s remember this and choose the light, choose love, choose Oneness, choose compassion and peace.

Let’s declare this day as a true Independence day…independent from the dark, independent from slavery, independent from lies!  May love and truth prevail.

Love, katelon

Thanks for reading and supporting my blog!

The False Dark Gaia Grid…and other ways the dark has controlled us.


Photo by Katelon T Jeffereys 

John and I do one session a day, and sometimes even two or three. We begin by discussing information and questions that have arisen, we then create a Sacred Circle and do our work. We listen only to Source within to receive information to make sure that we are not being misled anymore by the matrix.  We continue to make headway every day in shutting down the various aspects that are in the way of full disclosure.  We are targeting Full Disclosure and the completion of the Shift into the light, and shut down of the dark matrix and all the Secret Government.  This will include the shut down of the many dark technologies and heinous ways the dark has enslaved humanity and attempted to destroy the earth.  Every day seems to bring new attacks by the dark, which in turn lead us to another group or entity to replace with light based high selves and souls.  We only do work authorized by Source. Occasionally, there is other new exciting information that arises.

A few days ago, this happened for me.   Part of my process of creating a sacred circle includes grounding in Gaia.  Suddenly, in the midst of our session, I was aware that the matrix had created an interface that hijacked any grounding we do, so that instead of grounding in the true light of Gaia, we end up grounding into the dark matrix “Gaia grid”. A long time ago, some spiritual article or call I read or listened to suggested that we always state we are grounding in the energy of earth that had already been healed.  I didn’t understand that completely nor did I always remember to clarify my grounding work as being into the energy of earth that had already been healed. Receiving this information about the dark matrix Gaia grid, explained this clarification to me.  This information sparked even more insights.  Suddenly I saw that when the dark did its original bioengineering to distort and control humanity, it not only distorted our DNA, but also all systems in our body and circuitry in our brain.  By distorting our DNA, no longer would the cells replicate in health and perfection as originally designed but it kept all systems and the brain wired for distortion, disease, and death.  This is why we all have cancer cells. The very action of cancer cells out-pictures this distortion. These dark technologies wire our brains with this distortion so that we end up in this loop that keeps us disempowered, blocks our connection with Source, feeds us fear.  It’s as if our compass isn’t set to true North anymore, it is set off that mark.  Our true design and nature is rejuvenation, immortality, healing, renewal, and Source within ability to create and manifest all we need. 

This dark manipulation of our DNA sets up this distortion of our circuitry, our neuronal pathways in our brain, tying us to the matrix, and this becomes that loop that keeps us repeating this downward spiral.  The same is true when we attempt to ground into earth. Instead of receiving the nourishment, a foundation of belonging and stability, we receive the dark energy that keeps this distortion fed.  This keeps our entire energy system tied in to their matrix.  This keeps us separate from Source, each other, unsuccessful, ill, feeling un-worthy and powerless. This also keeps us more susceptible to all the other dark manipulation via religions, education, “healthcare”, politics, consumerism ,all the chemicals in our food/water/air and much more.

The same thing happens when we attempt to connect with Source, as the beam that connects us, is hijacked above, just as it is below.  John discovered that the light most people report in near death experiences isn’t Source at all, it is a false light projected by the matrix so that souls keep getting snagged into the matrix, thus controlled from lifetime to lifetime.  I will write about this more in a second post as I’ve had 2 NDE’s and the second one was extremely vivid and did not include going to the light. I now understand why.

This new information helps me see why so many law of attraction systems and processes are so challenging and often lacking in results.  Yes, we can succeed from time to time, but really, all we are doing is still manifesting within the matrix, within scarcity and lack. Until we are completely disconnected from this matrix, and it is dissolved, we can’t be completely free.

I’m not telling you this to say there is no way out.  There is a temporary way out, and that is to specify that you are grounding in Light Gaia, you are connecting to Source light.  Also, in our session, I worked with all life upon the planet, surrounding each being with a protected tube of light from Source to Source within to Light Gaia, to best protect all until the true solution takes place. My intention was that this truly did provide some temporary help until the true solution takes place.  Source supports our work so I trust it had some positive effect 🙂  That true solution of course is Full Disclosure, exposing and shutting down all the dark and their technologies and opening the way for full healing and rejuvenation. With the dark matrix shut down, we are once again, and immediately, connected to the Divine, to Source, to the power within us that is Divine, the power within us that truly manifests our desires for the good of all.  When the Shift happens and we exist on the timeline of Oneness and Abundance, all the law of attraction precepts become activated without limits, as long as we follow natural law and manifest for the good of all.

So may this be so, ASAP!!!!!

Thanks so much for reading and following my blog. If you need more background info, there are many past blog posts on my blog, as well as on John’s blog

Much love, katelon

Looking Beyond The Surface….


2018-09-18 12.48.54.jpg

Photos by Katelon T Jeffereys

Dear Readers……I was guided to take this photo over a week ago. Today I received the information I was to write to create this post.

There is SO much propaganda being written and shared these days. No, I’m not talking about CNN, MSNBC or the other media sites accused of fake news by our “dear” president. I’m certain that not all they report is accurate.  But I’m talking about the often shared and talked about Q Anon posts, shared and dissected by many spiritual sites. I’m talking about many channels who also laud Trump as the great white knight here to save us all and bring into being the new earth, shutting down the dark forever. I’m talking about the “conspiracy” sites that share the same.

For those of us truly working toward a new world, contributing our time, energy and gifts and talents to assist in bringing forth the Shift into the Light and the shut down of the dark, we want to hear that yes, this is happening, we do have humans we can see that are helping create this with us, we want to know that the truth WILL be revealed, that the dark IS being shutdown, along with all their heinous programs/institutions/governments.  We want to believe and have proof that we will be able to experience healing of ourselves, our planet, and that peace WILL come.

And indeed, it all IS happening, the light IS winning; we ARE going to have the world we desire.  We DO have help, but it certainly isn’t how this propaganda describes it and Trump is certainly NOT the white savior.

Have you noticed that all the sanctions against Iran are targeted at shutting down their oil production, all while Saudi Arabia and the US are experiencing high prices for their oil and increasing their production of oil? I’m not defending Iran’s government.  But the US has a very long history of supporting and propping up dark governments, like those in Latin America, past and present, like the present Honduran government illegally elected and killing anyone who opposes it.  The US has killed democratically elected leaders, and supports any government it can control, no matter how dark they are or how they treat their citizens.

Have you noticed how similar the present policy of putting immigrant children in cages, with hundreds missing, is to the reports  put forth in the propaganda of pedophile rings,  of course only attributed to supposed dark democrats?  Have you noticed that as more and more progressive democrats are succeeding in elections across the country as mid-term elections are coming up, that this propaganda is now calling these candidates communists, with Trump telling Evangelical leaders that if they don’t get out the vote and fight these candidates, their very freedom will be taken from them?

Yes, some of the information shared IS true (not the communist democrat stuff 🙂  I’ve explained in past posts about how the US dark, the Alliance, is attempting partial disclosure, attempting to oust the European dark from the US, the RKM, making themselves look like the White Saviors, while portraying themselves as innocent and working for the light. Their agenda is to oust THAT dark group so that they will have full control of the US.  It is a turf war and has nothing to do really with bringing forth a light based world.

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But you don’t have to look far below the surface to see the darkness in the Executive orders, policies, laws submitted, the Trump appointed Supreme Court justice candidate, cabinet members, and administration put in place right now to see the darkness, the corruption, the greed and inequality,  the agenda to destroy the environment/women’s rights/healthcare/rights of Natives and other ethnic groups/ freedom to protest/1st amendment rights on and on.

So please friends, keep your faith, harness all the power and strength within you, harness your connection with Source and do what you are called to do to assist in this beautiful Shift into the light.  Freedom IS coming, the light IS winning, we DO have much support from Source, the Great Central Sun, Gaia, the Wholeness of our beings, and the unseen light who are helping.  WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for, not Trump, not the GOP, not the Alliance. WE are the ones who WILL usher in this new world of Sovereignty, Abundance, love and light for the planet and all life and aspects of life on it.  Please look below the surface and see and feel your divine connection and your ability to assist in bringing us onto a timeline of Oneness and Abundance.

Thanks for reading, thanks for your contributions to this shift.
Much love, katelon

You might enjoy reading my previous post:

The Timeline of Oneness and Abundance



Photo at

Ok…Ok….I know this is a road, not a timeline 🙂  But I wanted a photo of a timeline going straight in front and not side to side like the timeline photos I found online. 

If you’ve been following my blog  you’ve heard me talk about timelines.  I’ve been working with another spiritual worker, John, off and on, since mid-Oct. 2014, to assist the light in shutting down the dark timeline this planet has been on for WAY too long.   We’ve also been assisting in bringing all humanity and the planet, on to a timeline of Oneness and Abundance.  You see the effects of this dark timeline all around you…nationalism, separatism, racism, poverty, a small group of visible billionaires focused only on greed and self interest, corruption, enslavement in many ways, wars, corrupt governments, on and on.  You can also see glimpses of the light timeline when people reach out to help each other, people coming together to stand up for clean water and air, and people coming together to end the exploitation of resources on the planet.

Most people have a way of organizing time …past, now, future, with some seeing the future in front, the past behind them, and some seeing the future to the right, the past to the left…many ways we view our lives.  Each time we make a choice, take a direction, we initiate a timeline possibility.  But I’m talking about a planet now and all the creatures that exist on it. And right now, and for quite awhile, our timeline has been hijacked by dark secret groups who thrive on malevolence, greed, power and abuse in most aspects of life here.  This is coming to an end. John and I and many others are working toward that end.

John mentioned in his latest post that he has been focused on assisting with this timeline shift for a decade and that I joined his effort few years ago.  As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been focused on shutting down the dark and bringing it back to Source since its inception, millions and millions of years ago.  The other day, in one of our joint sessions, we asked the Light Council why I’ve been such a target for the dark. They’ve been attempting to kill me for years now, and recently the attacks had been coming on a daily basis, with battles taking place in my body between light and dark forces, random attacks and them triggering dark technologies they’ve had implanted in me since conception and birth. These attacks brought much pain, weakness, often targeting my heart, my tailbone and spine or my already compromised lungs.  Each time we thought we’d shut down the culprits, another group would attack. Thankfully, the Round up team we work with round these rascals up each time, so that is seriously cutting back on the resources of the dark members who remain.  But I was weary of being the canary in the coal mine, being the target to alert the light team to more nefarious beings to shut down and round up.

Anyway, I was told that I had worked on bringing all humanity onto the timeline of Oneness, during a lifetime in Egypt, and almost succeeded.  John got that this was 3500 years before Christ.  I’m not sure of the time but I’ve remembered that lifetime for decades.  I was a high priestess and had a mystery school where I trained other women.  We WERE succeeding.  Some of the priests were dark and didn’t appreciate that their lifestyle might change.  So they came to me and offered me the choice of being killed by them (been there, done that…too many times), or I could drink poison and kill myself…but gee, once out of body, I could help more people. (Don’t ever believe people who are offering you that choice).  I chose the poison, leaving my husband and children and all those in my school behind.  In 1990, I re-experienced that death during a hypnotherapy session. I later researched what hemlock poisoning feels like and it was exactly what I had gone through. 

So, yes, I’ve been working on this project for a very long time.  So I remember the goal. But the truth is…so do all of you.  The Timeline of Oneness and Abundance is what it is like to be united with Source.  Some would describe it like heaven.  Although it is about cooperation, all of us coming together for the common good of the planet and each other, it is not a dystopian existence with all our choices taken away, drabness, or sameness.  Rather, as our survival needs are taken care of, the planet cleaned up and healed, economic slavery a thing of the past, everyone reunited with the Divine and talents and gifts from other lifetimes remembered, we are then free, as sovereign beings, to express even more of ourselves, with joy and wonder.  As we tune into the subtle realms, we are able to work in harmony with those beings who work with the water, plants, soil, animals, etc. so together we can create an even more beautiful existence for everyone and the planet.  Findhorn, a spiritual community in Scotland, communicates with the plant devas and they are able to grow huge vegetables in rocky sandy soil and have roses bloom amidst the snow. 

And what is true is that you remember THIS…You out there…you remember this as it is planted within your DNA, the divine blueprint of Oneness.  So I’m calling upon all of you now. I’m calling upon all the priestesses and goddesses I trained way back when in Egypt. And I’m asking all that are called to, to join with John and I and remember this timeline of Oneness and Abundance.  I’m asking you to sing it into the physical along with all the Sound keys I’ve brought forth, with all the light beings working to assist in bringing this forward, with all the humans working to shut down the dark and bring forth this Shift into the light.  The shift has already happened on the level of energy so it is already assured of success. 

So please join with me in singing forth, shining forth, praying forth, affirming forth, aligning your vibration with this Timeline of Oneness and Abundance for all who choose it. 

Thanks for reading, thanks for bringing your light to the planet at this time!

Love, katelon

You can find more posts here about the Sound Keys, glimpses into living on the Timeline of Oneness and Abundance, the Sound of Creation and my work. So welcome!  Come and look around and stay awhile 🙂 And if any of you are experiencing strange unexplained symptoms, see your doctor or health care provider if needed, but remember, yes, it might be just Ascension symptoms that some write about, or you, too, might be going through attacks from the dark.  If so, call in the light, claim your sovereign space in your body, call in protection, and send the dark away, letting them know they are breaking cosmic law and are NOT allowed.  There are so many light beings here to support us and help us.

The Sound of Oneness, Sound of Creation!


2017-06-07 15.42.29

Photo by Katelon T. Jeffereys

I wanted to share an amazing experience I had on June 8th. First I’ll share what led up to it, so please read to the end 🙂

I haven’t written about it sooner, or written any posts, because in the last several weeks, and months, I’ve been under so many attacks by the dark Galactic Forces, and other dark beings, that it was too dangerous to do so.  My health had gotten very precarious.  As long time readers know, I’ve been fighting this original dark, the Dark Galactic Forces,  since its inception millions and millions of years ago and they are not a fan of me 🙂  My spiritual work partner, John Ross, and I, have received word that they are finally neutralized, so now I can share my awesome experience.  John has written a post  about the dark Galactic Force and the link to that post is at the bottom of this post. There are still some RKM members left on the planet and their machinery still hums on but soon with the Shift into the Light, it will be shut down for good.  The last few remaining rogue dark beings out in creation will be neutralized at some point, too.

So on with my story…  I do a daily walk each day and as much as possible, I do that walk before John and I begin our joint session. It is a time I use to do a session alone, to focus on the healing work I do daily for past clients, family, friends, and all of humanity and the planet, along with opening to any guidance or information that I can then take into the session and share with John.  We get together and share our information, discuss it and then set a plan for that day’s session.

I always begin my session with an invocation, just as John and I do together as well. I start with my dedication and love for my son, Source, the planet, humanity, the shutdown of the dark throughout creation and the Shift into the light. I make statements that let the dark know they are not allowed or welcome in the space, that the space is governed only by Cosmic/Universal law, and then I ground the space and anchor it in the crystalline core of Gaia, the crystalline gridwork of the 5th and 6th dimension and beyond, the heart gridwork, the Solar Christ gridwork, Source and the Great Central sun. I connect with and welcome all the wonderful energies of light that are flowing into the planet and humanity.

Then I create a sacred circle with Rainbow colored portals, Archangel Michael’s sword of truth, St. Germaine’s violet flame, and any musical notes, sounds, songs, and vibrations that can bring us into wholeness and perfection and get this Shift complete, in the physical. I call in Archangels, Ascended masters, Light ET’s, Source, my team of guides, high self and Guardian Angels, and many other light beings and energies to support this process and to keep it in the light and in truth and to establish and maintain this sacred circle for me to work within.

I have a list of others I call in, ET’s, Angelic beings, planets, humans, the teams that are working on the shift and the other wonderful programs that will be rolled out along with it, friends and family.  Then I enroll this group of light beings to do full and complete clearing as well as to apply direct healing energies to not only friends, family and old clients but throughout the planet and humanity, along with the dark secret governments and all their allies.

Then I surround everyone and everything with a Golden bubble of Enlightenment and Transformation, the Star of David and the sacred circles.  I call forth all the Sound keys, and resources gathered in the first part of my invocation (above), and have them flow into every pore, of every living being, into every organ, gland, system cell, down to the DNA and out to all the furthest reaches of the aura, down to the core of the earth and out to the energy fields around the earth, clearing away any darkness, anything that gives power to the dark or keeps it in place, clearing, cleaning, ….and then what remains is the divine blueprint, the divine plan, love and light that transforms, and reforms every aspect of life on this planet.

…and that’s when the magic began…an invocation/healing/clearing I have done thousands of times, on a walk in the neighborhood I’ve done hundreds of time, …I heard a dove cooing.  Then a sound started, like a gong or crystal bowl….waah…..waah……..I looked around to see if there was some large wind chime on a front porch…and there were none to be seen. The Sound increased and became louder and stronger…as if I was in the midst of a crystal bowl sound bath times 100…the sound was radiating up from the pavement, sounding on each side of the street, above me, all around me. I could feel it vibrating on my skin and in my body.  It went on for a block and a half of my walk. 

Spirit had gifted me the experience of the Sound of Creation, the Sound of the darkness dissolved, and only love and light remaining, the Sound of the Timeline of Oneness and Abundance I’ve been targeting in the work with John since mid-Oct. 2014 and all my lifetimes.  THIS is what we are moving toward friends.  For those that are open you will hear it…perhaps not as loudly, as we wouldn’t hear much else 🙂  It IS what surrounds us all the time though, but with the Veil and quarantine imposed upon earth, we’ve been mostly shut off from it….and left with the dissonance of disease, war, violence, mistrust, and separation.

Homeopathy used to be one of  the most used healing modality on the planet and in the US, until the AMA was formed to kick homeopathic Doctors out, shut down their medical schools, etc. Its natural remedies focus on bringing forth a vibration that when put in place among the dissonant vibration of ill health, injury and loss of balance, brings the organ, gland or system back into harmony, back into resonance.  Then the body and mind can heal themselves. 

The dark have been bombarding us with toxins in our food, our water, the air, in vaccines and medications, and through the airwaves, to bring us out of balance, out of harmony, out of resonance with our divinity, ourselves, and each other.  Imagine what it will be like to live in harmony and resonance, once again, with the Sound of Creation, the divine blueprint and plan orchestrating our entire bodies, minds and lives. 

What a beautiful symphony THAT will be. And it is so close friends….

Love, katelon






More Glimpses Into Life After The Shift!



Photo by Katelon T. Jeffereys

I was reminded of a few more magical events, and circumstances that happened during that time I wrote about the other day, so wanted to share them.  Here’s the link to the first post:

Just as this green portal that showed up on my photo but wasn’t seen by my naked eye, for now, these higher dimensions and often ET’s ships, are not seen by everyone at every moment. But soon, these higher dimensional beings and energies will be seen by all.

As those of you who have read my blog for awhile now know, I’ve remembered other lifetimes since around age 2 or 3. Also, during my childhood, I walked in and out of other dimensions, as well as seeing other dimensional beings as physical.  I had interactions with Jesus and the disciples and other beings. But once doctors started telling my parents I was schizophrenic and suggested giving me drugs, I learned to suppress that part of myself.   That did create a kind of schizophrenic situation as I attempted to be something I wasn’t and blend in, become “normal”.  It led to deep depressions and sometimes suicidal thoughts, for many years. As a result, much of my spiritual abilities became suppressed.

One of the biggest blessings of that 1988 and on overt support by light ET’s and higher beings was a return of those abilities.  Once again I could see higher dimensional beings, not quite as physically as before, but very clearly.  Several times I had clients on my tables that would see these beings, too.  They’d say….”Do you see that being at the end of the table (they were on a massage table), that looks like……” and I’d look up and describe what I saw and it was exactly what they were seeing.  It was great to have that validation.  I started being visited by a famous actor, who’d come and stand next to my bed, an out of body experience for him and an energetic visitation for me. I’d read an article about him and see pictures of his home that I could remember already walking through. That connection lasted several years.

I met several people that were part of a tragic lifetime I had as a Native, in that Northern CA. area.  One by one, my interactions with them brought more information about what had happened, how the dark had once again killed me for being light and attempting to bring the light to the world.  This understanding even seeped into one of my clients who still had a lingering issue we hadn’t been able to clear completely. She called me one day, without me even mentioning this past life of mine, and said that she’d been a student of my mine (I was a Medicine Woman), and she’d seen me killed and she had chosen then to stay away from her power and knowledge. She also informed me that I was to channel a dance and we’d do it together and it would help her heal. She had never expressed interest in metaphysical things before so this was quite surprising. But I went on to tape myself drumming, had her come over, I channeled a Native dance that we did together, and her deeply instilled issue was finally resolved.  A few weeks ago I just finally healed the curses placed on me during that past life experience.

After living in northern CA for almost 4 years, I moved back to AZ and ended up living with my Mom, in my small conservative southern AZ hometown.  Normally, my Mom just kind of tolerated my various spiritual journeys and metaphysical leanings. So it was surprising that she supported it this time. Again, looking back, I can see that the light ET’s were still overtly able to support me, which will be the norm for us all after the shift. 

I started doing massage and other healing at her house. She opened her home for me to do that…shocking!!!  She even supported me doing a breath work workshop in her living room and spread the word among her friends.  It was stunning to lead this workshop with some of her friends, a few local elementary school teachers and others; people I never imagined would be interested in a breath work workshop. I even led an Equinox ceremony at a new local New Age Bookstore.  One of the most startling things that happened was during an energy healing session with a client.  She lay on her back, fully clothed. I was down at her feet working with her grounding chakra. Suddenly she lifted up her head and looked at her abdomen, which was being physically manipulated, as if someone was massaging it.  She and I both realized that there was another being with us, from another dimension, standing there doing the healing work with me. It was so magical and healing to experience these high dimension situations in my hometown after spending my years suppressing all of that there.

Another thing I did while there was teach a psychic class to two students.  In our last class, as we started the class in my healing room, we could see other dimension beings standing in each corner.  Then we drove out to one of my favorite little mountain ranges, in the desert, to hold an ending ceremony.  We laid down a blanket; I called in the four directions, called in other higher beings and cast a sacred circle to hold our ceremony within it.  During our ceremony we started noticing a UFO in the sky. One of the two students was a pilot, so he could easily tell that it couldn’t possibly be an airplane or a this planet flying object. As the ceremony drew to an end and we stood up to exit our circle we found it surrounded by a 6 inch wide, 3 inch deep trough around our circle.  We knew then, that ET’s and a UFO had joined our ceremony.  None of us had conscious knowledge of the interaction but the physical evidence was all around us.  There is no other explanation for that trough.

So I’m really clear now that these kinds of interactions, and interventions, ones even more conscious, obvious and physically witnessed, will be part of our life post shift into the light. This will happen because of several changes.  The dark and their technologies will no longer be holding us hostage and separate from the truth of our Oneness with Source, or separate from our inborn abilities to manifest and create out of energy. Jesus and many other evolved beings have demonstrated mastery over their bodies and the ability to heal, manifest food and objects and transform matter into something else, and many other abilities. These abilities are ours as well. With the dark gone and our freedom obtained, we’ll have the time and energy to access and use our many gifts and talents, ones learned and gained this lifetime and others.  With disclosure, ET’s of the light and other higher dimension beings will be sharing their technologies and wisdom with us, interacting with us, assisting us in rejuvenation of our bodies, and healing of our minds/emotions and bodies. 

So all these things I shared with you in this post and the one before will be commonplace as barriers are dissolved for us all.  I hope you have enjoyed these posts and my others. My wish is that my writing helps to uplift, inform and assist you in this amazing transformation taking place now on this planet.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

May the shift be initiated quickly, with ease and grace. And may we all step onto this new path to live in joy and wonder once again.

Much love, katelon

A Glimpse Of Life After the Shift!


Sunset 6 panorama

Photo by Katelon T. Jeffereys

In 1988 I had some remarkable things happen.  I want to share them with you as I believe they were a peek into what life will be like post shift.

I’d always wondered about them as on one hand, things just seemed to click into place, which wasn’t my normal experience, and then things would crash.  I asked a wonderful astrologer about it and she explained that during that particular time, I had very supportive aspects.  But that didn’t seem to explain it fully to me. It was as if all those things we read about in “The Secret” and hear from the channeled being “Abraham”, were happening for me. I had not had things like that happen so smoothly and magically before or since then, to that degree.  So stating the right affirmation, or being at the correct vibration, was not the explanation. 

Last week, I asked about it during my daily energy level session that I have each day, with my spiritual work partner, John.  If you’ve been reading my blog, you know that we work daily, alone and together, creating a sacred circle, then tuning in with various “teams”, to get information, give information, and do any requested or guided interventions, to assist in bringing forth the shift into the light. We also take time to address questions we have about events in our present or past. 

The information I was given was that during that time in 1988, the ET’s of the light were very involved in guiding me and supporting me.  The dark interference and attacks, implanted in me since conception and ongoing, was still happening, but somehow, during that time, the ET’s of the light were able to over-ride that more and assist me.  Then, the dark would kick in more strongly, and things would crash.  But the light ET’s would intervene and magic would happen once again.  Eventually, the light ET’s had to back off as the dark still held so much power (and still does until the Shift into the light), and the ET’s saw that if they continued to help me at that time, I would have ended up severely hurt or dead. 

What is so exciting for me about learning this information is that it shows me how smoothly and easily we will be able to create and manifest once the Dark are shut down for good.  Also, the dark matrix that has run and informed every aspect of this planet and severely affected our bodies, will be dissolved.  The dark technologies and interference placed within many and directed at all of us will be shut down, too. No longer will we be separated from our higher selves and Source, or each other.  We will regain our ability to create and be assisted by higher beings and Light ET’s as well.

As a long time holistic/spiritual therapist, I have seen how frustrated people have been as they watched the movie “The Secret”, listened to Abraham, took this or that workshop, listened to various phone calls with spiritual healers and teachers, etc. and not been able to achieve the promised results.  These people often then blamed themselves, feeling that if they just put more effort into shifting their vibration, chanted more, did more affirmations, etc. they’d be able to get what they wanted.  I would try to explain that we all grew up in this wounded society and often wounded families and so there were things to be cleared away in order to be able to manifest our desires.  But even in doing that work, and believe me, I’ve been the QUEEN of diligent efforts with a myriad of therapies and techniques, I’ve only achieved minimal results.  Occasionally I would have breakthroughs personally or see them in my clients, too. But consistent results would escape me and them.   Then, in the work with John and the discovery of how much interference I’d been dealing with my whole life, from the Dark Secret govt., I realized why all of humanity has been struggling so.

So let me share with you the magic that happened for me in 1988, because I am realizing now, and am quite excited to see, how wonderful our lives and our world is going to be. I realize what I experienced is only part of how glorious it will be because I still had both light and dark working side by side.  Imagine what it will be like to have full light sailing forward!!!  Yahoo!!!

I have made many leaps in my life and was getting ready to make another one in June 1988.  The fall before, on my way to a massage job interview, while traveling south on a main street in Tucson, AZ, a driver decided to pull out from a side street and attempt to cross the street. She crashed into the passenger side of my  little Toyota truck, totaling it.  I ended up receiving many months of therapy for my injuries and had finally enrolled the help of a lawyer to do my negotiating with the insurance company.  He expected me to receive my settlement before June.  So I had decided to leave Tucson and attend a summer school program, in Fort Collins, CO, in Orff Schulewerk, which is a method of teaching music to children.  Music had always been my deepest love and I have a degree in Early Childhood Education.  I had missed CO, so had thought I’d relocate there after the training, figuring I’d travel around and home would call to me.

I had given notice with my apt., made plans to put my stuff into storage, set up for my high school aged son to stay with my Mom that summer, and had registered for the training.  A week before I was to leave, my lawyer called to tell me that the insurance company wasn’t budging and he might have to file a lawsuit to get any funds for me, and that might take a year.  I called a long time psychic advisor and she suggested I continue my move out, find a friend who’d let me come stay for a few days and continue to focus on my desired result. I followed her advice and headed to stay with an old client, a woman who taught piano.

I arrived there, and we played music together, the first time she’d heard me play or sing and she told me she’d pay for my college classes, she loved my voice and wanted to support my dream.  I made some bread with her, re-wired all her lamps and we had a good time. I continued to focus on my desired result ….car accident negotiations complete, check in the mail, me in CO.  The next day, my lawyer called, stunned, and said he didn’t understand why or how, but the insurance company had called, offered to pay everything he was requesting and the check to me would be in the mail and received in time for me to make it to my training in CO.

I returned to Tucson to gather my traveling supplies, loaded up my car and headed off to CO. I had specific desires for a place to stay for the training…a certain price, on campus, pool and workout room close by, my own kitchen, furnished, and a phone.  I had already called the school several times and they assured me that didn’t exist on campus.  I just drove on, continuing to focus on my desire. 

I got to campus, visited the housing dept. and again, they assured me that didn’t exist. They sent me over to the Student Union building to look through a book of rooms to rent…not my desire, but I went anyway. I was sitting there only a few minutes, looking through the book and someone working there came over and asked what I was looking for.  I told him and he said  that it sounded exactly like the housing they save for foreign students. However, since the school session was starting, if there was a vacancy, it would be available to me. He made the call, there was a vacancy, and within 10 min. of getting to campus, I had my desired apt – furnished, perfect price, pool across the street from it, workout room in the building next door, a phone and full kitchen!!!

The courses went well, I looked all over CO but it wasn’t calling to me, so I headed to WA when a friend called to ask me to come for a visit. I went there and looked around WA and that wasn’t it either. I kept making phone calls to random universities and other leads, in CA, and was led to a man at Humboldt state that had just received a flyer about a little wellness center opening in Arcata, CA. I called the center, the woman said come on down, and I started out a few days later to move to the Arcata, CA area, sight unseen. 

Over and over things just seemed to click into place.  Within the first week I had my first client, had set up to teach creative movement and music to children and had children enrolled, had my first ever public workshop set up teaching Stress release, went to a Chamber mixer and won the raffled off prize…things just flowed.  I ended up finding a great place to ultimately settle, across from a cliff next to a river, then sand dune, then ocean. A location a psychic had described in the 70’s.

Over the course of my time there I ended up teaching my first corporate workshop, hired by the Forest Service to teach a stress release workshop. I gave lectures to banks and other businesses, a first. I started leading ceremony publicly for equinox and solstice celebrations, I wrote several songs, my poetry writing flowed, and my music course for children expanded to other pre-schools and eventually was brought into the University’s music training for children.  My therapy practice expanded into working with rape, incest and abuse victims and severely mentally ill clients. I learned several new therapies. I started playing music with a great guitarist and we recorded our work. So many things came together there as my awareness just skyrocketed.

As I mentioned earlier, it wasn’t all sparkle and bliss, as the dark intervened and blew up the engine in my car in WA, and the car ended up with 2 engine jobs to get it working correctly and still needed more major work after that. A wellness center I attempted to start with a couple friends fell through, too. But there was no denying the flow and expansion that had happened.

So I just wanted to share this with you as we are quite close to the shift happening.  We’ve talked before about the Dark being shut down and all their dark ways being revealed, along with all the lies that have been sold us in religions, education, healthcare, etc….the rough stuff we’ll be sorting through post shift. We’ve dreamed of what it will be like living in a new world but had nothing other than channeled info to call upon to define what it might look like post shift.  So I’m writing to tell you I’ve seen how magical it can be with the light on our side, with being empowered  and getting results….and my experience, like I shared, had both light and dark intervening.  So…just imagine what it will be like with no barriers, nothing in the way….

Woo Hoo!!! Yippee!!!

So hang on, we’ll soon find out for sure!

Much love, katelon


Light Time Travelers To The Rescue!


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Photo by Katelon T Jeffereys


I mentioned yesterday, in my post, that after the Shift Team had failed to meet the April 30th deadline for initiating the shift, in the physical, John Ross, my spiritual work partner, and I, looked for answers and help.  Since I am familiar with Timeline Work from my NLP training, and have used it since 2000, plus in my more recent introduction to Light ET Time Travelers (more below), I was guided on Monday to suggest calling them in to help. 

John and I communicate with what we call the “Light Council”, off planet beings who are coordinating and assisting the shift into the light on this planet.  I asked if it would be helpful and allowed, to call in the Light Time Travelers to travel into the future and identify THE few highest probable solutions or pathways that lead to a successful initiation of the shift.  They ok’d that, so John and I stated our authorizations for the Light TT’s to set off and do so, finding the solutions that meet their criteria: light based, smooth execution, safe, secure, successful, etc.

I asked them to return to the Light Council, when they were successful, to report their findings, sharing all the details of who is involved, how, what is needed to protect them and all the moving pieces, on and on. The Light Council can then gather the people and resources, set up protection and assistance, including expanding capabilities for the various teams, something we’d asked for last Sunday.  I also called forth all the Sound Keys to accompany the Lt. TT’s, to help light up the “winners” and assist in other ways.

The Lt. TT’s have found “the winners”, have returned with the information and the Light Council is working now to get everything set up.  This will provide all those who are responsible for initiating the shift to have everyone on board and all they need to successfully carry out their mission.

Now I’d like to give you some background on Timeline work.  In NLP, there are interventions that a practitioner can use to assist a client in finding the solution to their present desire or issue.  For example: Let’s say a client comes with a desire to find a new job.  The practitioner can assist the client in stepping into the future, on their timeline, and speak to their future self, finding out what they did, where they went, all the details of what circumstances and actions led them to the job they were seeking. This information is then available for the client to use.  Timeline work can also be used to go back into the past and identify what happened and when, THE key event, that created some issue or circumstance they are having now, do work with that event to gather info and heal things, and then come back to NOW, with new resources and energies to support the desired change. These are techniques you can play with yourself, too.

We all have a way of ordering time….for some people the future is in front, the past is behind.  For some people, the future is to the right, and the past is to the left.  Whether it is true that time doesn’t exist, or not, we all have a way of remembering and identifying with our lives,  on this timeline.  And just like the many trails that exist in the wilderness, we all have these different paths we can take, and one step leads to one outcome, another step leads to another.

It is similar for the planet and humanity.  Right now most of us are ensnared on this timeline run by the dark Secret Govt. Their timeline is running out as they lose power. Many possibilities exist for how we move from the present apparent NOW in the dark, to the shift into the light and a planet of Oneness and Abundance, with all humanity and creation moving toward Ascension. So that is the realm of possible timelines that we sent the Light TT’s into, to discover the pathways that succeeded in achieving the light outcome.

John and I first became aware of the Light TT’s in Jan.  It came about because at the time, I was being severely interfered with and attacked by the dark, on a daily basis.  This has happened all my life due to my soul’s decision to go after the dark when it first was created and allowed to exist. Source agreed with my decision and let me fast forward through the steps into incarnation, the first soul to see this dark and work to bring them back into the light. I had no idea how many millions of years this would take 😦  So because of this long history of mine, against the dark, they set me up with many limiting technologies implanted in me, at conception, and set up outer interference as well.

These dark attacks and interference have increased since John and I first started working together mid-Oct. 2014, and even more so once I started opening the Sound Keys in Dec. ( see my past blog posts about the Sound Keys).  In Jan., I was undergoing severe attacks to my spine, with my entire spine feeling beaten, and sometimes it was my tailbone and sacrum alone.  The pain was almost unbearable. John and I worked on this daily, calling in help from our light teams, John doing work inside my field to attempt to clear it, me doing my own healing work, and even when it cleared, it would be back hours to a day later.  We were asking the team to protect me as well.

Finally, the team showed us that there were dark Time Travelers who were traveling back in time to be able to sneak in and attack me before all this protection was set up, going back in time to alter my requests. So John identified and called in Light TT’s to set up a command post at my tailbone, to keep these dark TT’s from entering and causing harm. At times the dark would even come in and affect my heart.   It took several days to a week to finally keep me free of their attacks. 

But through this situation, we were able to work with the light and get these dark Time Travelers stopped for good. They had been attacking others as well, and interfering with the teams working to bring about the shift.  They were part of the legions of dark that the SG has used throughout the ages, to do their dirty work.   This situation also alerted us to these Light TT’s, and we’ve been able to call upon them for other uses since Jan.

So let us all hold the vision of this work being successfully completed and the Shift into the Light being fully initiated, successfully, irreversibly, with as much ease and grace as possible.  And as I state every day….Today would be a great time to get it done!

Much love, katelon


Waiting For The Shift Into The Light!



Photo by Katelon T. Jeffereys

Just like this fragrant sweet pea, growing up amidst another bush, THE initiative that will finally and fully bring forth the shift into the light exists and will prevail.

Recently I stated in a blog post that the shift was close.  I didn’t mention dates at that time, as I’ve learned over the last couple years of my work, to have a wait and see attitude.  Actually though, the team that John and I call “The Shift team”, assured us that by April 30th, the shift would be initiated. (The shift happened at the level of energy, on March 2nd).  They also assured us that it was all green lights, no more doubts or fears stopping anyone; all the plans were set and scheduled.  As you can imagine, I felt excited and relieved, that after working on this ALL my lifetimes, and this entire one, that the dark ruling elite would finally be shut down and humanity and the planet would be free at last.  

When it became apparent last Sat. that it wasn’t going to be the case, I felt betrayed, confused and very disappointed.  I went through a weekend of meltdown, and then on Monday, got back to work, focused on finding out what happened to stop it and what I could do to assist in moving it forward to completion.  I did work last weekend, too, but more as a disgruntled and depressed “employee”, rather than the leadership role I normally take in this work.

For those who are new to this blog, I’d like to pause and give more background. 

In reality, we are communicating with each other, on the unspoken level, all the time.  That is why you click with some people, and are repelled by others, why some places feel comfortable to you and others don’t.  People known for channeling tune into the energy of whom they are channeling and relay that information.  People known for being psychics, tune into your thoughts and energy field, or that of others, to relay the information they gather and share.  We all do this, it is just that some are conscious of doing this work and some aren’t. 

When my work partner, John Ross, and I, do our work, we start with creating a sacred space, inviting in help and assistance from higher dimensions and beings, make sure the space is protected from the dark, and that our egos are out of the way, and we carry on our sessions like any business meeting or therapeutic session.  We each do work on our own and also do a joint session each day.

John brings his skill set and knowledge to the session and abilities to heal and assist, I bring the same and call upon my 38 year practice in holistic health and the various healing modalities I’m trained in.  Together we call in the various members of the teams working to bring about the shift into the light, and shut down of the dark secret government and all who support and profit off of them,  and all those working to bring about the light based programs and initiatives that will roll out with the initial shift or follow soon after.We also call in all the off world beings here to support these efforts.

We then gather information, give information and provide assistance.  Sometimes we are providing healing interventions and John might assist in a dark being surrendering or shifting into the light, or share information; and I might use NLP timeline work or other NLP techniques, use visualizations or use my skills from the Spiritual Response Therapy work I do. Sometimes we call in people, at their high self level, whom we feel might have new information to share or perhaps to join one of the teams and provide assistance that way.  Sometimes we act as problem solvers. 

So you see, we just carry forth as if all these beings are sitting in a room with us, a room set up as a sacred space.  As far as the humans are involved, only a few advanced in working at this level, are conscious of these interactions.  But the information shared with each human’s high self, does filter down and make a difference.  Scientists have been able to measure the positive shifts that take place, in the physical, when there are mass worldwide meditations. This demonstrates that we are capable of affecting physical matter with our energy level activities.  The Heart Math Institute has done experiments with a person located countries away, focusing certain thoughts and feelings on a plant or living tissue and the effect is measurable on that plant or living tissue. If I am having an issue with a person, in my own life,  I will often have an energy level discussion with them, stating all the things I might not be able to do so in person.  I have experienced huge shifts doing this work, for myself, the other person and our relationship.

Now some of you more skeptical people might question our techniques, or assume we are making all of this up. And actually, John and I have asked the same question. I refer to it as us possibly being just “fan boys”, like the population of some video gamers who play these games with others, acting as if the games are real.  But both of us have experienced too many situations and interventions in our health, our lives, and in information that comes up in other blogs, validating what we are “hearing” in our sessions, to deny the truth of our work. 

There is no denying that people are rising up all over the world to stand for healing the environment, moving away from fossil fuel use, the huge disparity in income and power;  standing up for women’s rights, clean water, truth, governments working for the people rather than corruption and self interest.  There is no denying that the current President of the US is exposing his ignorance and immense self interest more and more, as his policies continue to fail and be met by investigations and court orders over-turning them. 

OK…back to the story.  We discovered that some members of the “Shift team” had concerns and weren’t ready to move forward with the shift.  Since this shift is for the light, any choices made by this team needs to follow from consensus, not from a leaders dictatorial decree.  This team still has a high potential of succeeding and they are doing internal work to move this initiative forward.  Meanwhile, John and I were both given guidance for other possible steps to take.  So Sunday and yesterday, we once again gathered the teams together, checked in with each of them and proposed the efforts we’d been shown as possible solutions.  Since the teams consist of humans, and off world beings, changes can happen quickly and in a manner that we can’t necessarily achieve in this 3D world.

So things continue to move forward and I’m still confident that the Shift into the light and a moving of all of humanity and the planet off this dark timeline and onto a timeline of Oneness and abundance will still happen soon…not by April 30th obviously, but soon, very soon 🙂

Thanks for all that these teams are doing, moving against millions of years of dark rule, and all that you are doing in your own unique way.  We all support this process when we say NO to the darkness and envision a world of peace and harmony, love and joy, cooperation and creativity, a world that works for the good of all and the planet. 

Much love, katelon