Category Archives: Ascension

Moving Forward!


by Katelon T Jeffereys

       I started my healing practice in 1979, offering Reflexology, the first healing therapy I learned in 1978.  I had been studying herbs and other spiritual healing techniques for years but this was the first official training I had received.  I went on to expand my trainings/offerings to 16 therapies, one of them created by me, along with all the various additions I had studied over the years.  My work led me to help individuals young and old, offer public workshops, coaching and even taking workshops into companies, and city/state/federal offices. For the last 40 years this was my focus.  It has always been about helping people clear what was in the way so they could shine bright, and have the health, relationships, peace, and abundance they were desiring.  Ultimately, peace, harmony, empowerment and balance were always the goal….for all life and the planet.

Since Oct. 2014, my work consciously shifted to a bigger scope, as I connected more deeply with John Ross, and we began our project of doing what was ours to do to assist in shutting down this dark timeline detour we’ve been put upon for a very long time, and help bring forth the Shift into the Light and a new timeline of Oneness and abundance, love, light and peace for all.  For those who have long read my blog, you know that my work on this started at the inception of the dark millions and millions of years ago, but this work with John was the first time I’d consciously focused on this work in this lifetime.  There I was in my private practice focused on helping companies and individuals yet, I could only do so much as full healing and success remained very limited for all on this dark timeline. The dark made sure of that.  So it made sense to just go directly to the core of the dis-ease.

I loved my years of work and I know I helped many.  Through my private practice, working in chiropractic offices, spas, resorts and then in the business world, I met so many wonderful people, lived so many beautiful places and grew as I had to push myself into doing business and all that entails.   I had to learn the computer to create manuals for my workshops and trainings, flyers and other marketing materials, forms for my business use.  I finally created a website for myself in the early fall of 2008.

I was at an extreme low at the time as I’d just gotten injured at my workplace, with my boss and the staff denying the injury.  I was out of work, in extreme physical pain, emotionally feeling betrayed and a friend urged me to take the time to create a website.  So I found Homestead, and through weeks of trial and error, many phone calls to them for help and guidance, my Empower and Balance website was born.  It reflected my animated and random personality, my love and devotion to helping others and I was pleased, even if it didn’t look as professional as many other websites out there.  I added to it and edited it over the years.  And today…..I shut it down!

My private practice has been dwindling over the last few years as Source showed me that it isn’t my focus anymore.  My focus is bigger now.  Since I started doing research in 1978 to fund and create an International wellness center, which morphed into a dream of eco-villages and Transformational welcome centers, I still maintain my FB group Worldwide healing centers/communities. I still maintain my FB biz page, too… in the sidebar. My Transformational welcome centers/eco-villages dream may or may not be part of the new timeline. 

I’m ok with surrender.  I’ve been doing it all my life and even more so the last six plus years since I left my job at a spa and my private practice and home in Seattle.  I don’t know specifically what I’ll be doing once the new timeline is in place, but I know it will be more public, working with more people at a time but still maintaining my focus on light, love, service, Oneness and abundance for all….on this planet and beyond 🙂

Thanks for continuing to support me along this journey. I appreciate you reading my blog and joining in the conversation.  I am always here to support you in ALL ways!

Love, katelon

If you want to read more about the work I’m doing, John is more regular in writing about it.  Here is the link to that blog:

Looking Beyond The Surface….


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Photos by Katelon T Jeffereys

Dear Readers……I was guided to take this photo over a week ago. Today I received the information I was to write to create this post.

There is SO much propaganda being written and shared these days. No, I’m not talking about CNN, MSNBC or the other media sites accused of fake news by our “dear” president. I’m certain that not all they report is accurate.  But I’m talking about the often shared and talked about Q Anon posts, shared and dissected by many spiritual sites. I’m talking about many channels who also laud Trump as the great white knight here to save us all and bring into being the new earth, shutting down the dark forever. I’m talking about the “conspiracy” sites that share the same.

For those of us truly working toward a new world, contributing our time, energy and gifts and talents to assist in bringing forth the Shift into the Light and the shut down of the dark, we want to hear that yes, this is happening, we do have humans we can see that are helping create this with us, we want to know that the truth WILL be revealed, that the dark IS being shutdown, along with all their heinous programs/institutions/governments.  We want to believe and have proof that we will be able to experience healing of ourselves, our planet, and that peace WILL come.

And indeed, it all IS happening, the light IS winning; we ARE going to have the world we desire.  We DO have help, but it certainly isn’t how this propaganda describes it and Trump is certainly NOT the white savior.

Have you noticed that all the sanctions against Iran are targeted at shutting down their oil production, all while Saudi Arabia and the US are experiencing high prices for their oil and increasing their production of oil? I’m not defending Iran’s government.  But the US has a very long history of supporting and propping up dark governments, like those in Latin America, past and present, like the present Honduran government illegally elected and killing anyone who opposes it.  The US has killed democratically elected leaders, and supports any government it can control, no matter how dark they are or how they treat their citizens.

Have you noticed how similar the present policy of putting immigrant children in cages, with hundreds missing, is to the reports  put forth in the propaganda of pedophile rings,  of course only attributed to supposed dark democrats?  Have you noticed that as more and more progressive democrats are succeeding in elections across the country as mid-term elections are coming up, that this propaganda is now calling these candidates communists, with Trump telling Evangelical leaders that if they don’t get out the vote and fight these candidates, their very freedom will be taken from them?

Yes, some of the information shared IS true (not the communist democrat stuff 🙂  I’ve explained in past posts about how the US dark, the Alliance, is attempting partial disclosure, attempting to oust the European dark from the US, the RKM, making themselves look like the White Saviors, while portraying themselves as innocent and working for the light. Their agenda is to oust THAT dark group so that they will have full control of the US.  It is a turf war and has nothing to do really with bringing forth a light based world.

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But you don’t have to look far below the surface to see the darkness in the Executive orders, policies, laws submitted, the Trump appointed Supreme Court justice candidate, cabinet members, and administration put in place right now to see the darkness, the corruption, the greed and inequality,  the agenda to destroy the environment/women’s rights/healthcare/rights of Natives and other ethnic groups/ freedom to protest/1st amendment rights on and on.

So please friends, keep your faith, harness all the power and strength within you, harness your connection with Source and do what you are called to do to assist in this beautiful Shift into the light.  Freedom IS coming, the light IS winning, we DO have much support from Source, the Great Central Sun, Gaia, the Wholeness of our beings, and the unseen light who are helping.  WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for, not Trump, not the GOP, not the Alliance. WE are the ones who WILL usher in this new world of Sovereignty, Abundance, love and light for the planet and all life and aspects of life on it.  Please look below the surface and see and feel your divine connection and your ability to assist in bringing us onto a timeline of Oneness and Abundance.

Thanks for reading, thanks for your contributions to this shift.
Much love, katelon

You might enjoy reading my previous post:

Come Together!


Photo by Katelon T. Jeffereys

On this July 4th, Independence Day, in the US, it is time for ALL of us to come together to claim TRUE Independence in all ways….for ourselves, our bodies and minds, our families, our towns, our countries, the planet and all life upon it.  It is time for us to claim Independence from the Dark Forces that enslave us, pollute our food/bodies/minds/lives/governments/the planet, with their lies, technologies, greed, and institutions that separate us, keep us in fear.

There is so much love and light flowing into our beings and the planet now to assist in us breaking free, healing, claiming our divine power and sovereignty; to assist us in healing in all ways.

Let us come together now to transform in ALL ways.  Now THAT is something to celebrate and rejoice!!!!

Happy TRUE Independence for ALL!!!

Much love, katelon



We were like these flowers

Notice the geometry

Notice the symmetry

Our cells were more dense

Carbon based cells

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Photos by Katelon T Jeffereys

But as the love flows in

Light flows in

Opening us up

Letting go of our density

Freeing Souls’ truth

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The more our cells transform

Becoming crystalline bright

Shining Divine Nature

We fulfill our soul’s mission

Oneness and Abundance

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Happy Equinox Friends, Wherever You Are!


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Photo by Katelon T Jeffereys

Today is Spring Equinox, also called Vernal Equinox, the time of equal day and night.  After today, there will be more and more day/light leading up to the Summer Solstice in June.  It’s no accident that Easter, the  Christian religious celebration of Christ’s Ascension, return to the light, is tied into this planetary transition of lengthening days and light.  The Pagan celebration recognizes that the end of winter and the rebirth, blooming, bursting forth of nature, happens with the return of more Sunlight to thaw the snow, and feed the growth of all nature.  Many animals give birth during the spring.

Astrologically, it is also the day the Sun moves into Aries, the first planet in the Zodiac…fire, bursting forth, inserting its seeds of dreams into the physical.  Iraq celebrates  March 21st as a New beginning!  Kurdistan celebrates for 3 days!

I suggest that we, too, can let our past, our regrets, disappointments, any less than judgments we’ve placed on life or ourselves, any conditions/relationships/situations holding us back from our light path, and of these also holding the planet back from her light path, dissolve and transform as the light increases.

We’ve been held back by the dark matrix and elite on this planet for long enough, with their greed, self interest, violence, destruction, enslavement , divine denying, dis-empowering, corrupt, manipulative, power over others systems/governments institutions/technologies, wars, lies, and fear/separation/lack inducing rhetoric. We’ve been held in suspended caterpillar larvae state.  Time for the butterfly to be birthed within the light.

We are presently being given much support from the Great Central Sun and beyond, to return to zero point, start again.  Gateways have opened, portals have opened, light and love are flowing forth in great intensity.  My body has been burning in fever for a week, assimilating and integrating this energy for the planet, humanity and myself.  I spent much of the last seven days in bed, too weak to do much of anything else but hold the intention of my spiritual work to assist in the Shift into the light, and dissolving any remaining power of these old outworn and outdated dark beings and systems.

Today I arose, ready to begin a new life, in the light, on the path of Oneness and Abundance.  Care to join me ?  🙂

Much love and joy to all of you, katelon


The Shift Into The Light, WILL Shift Everything….It’s Time To Blossom!


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Katelon T. Jeffereys

My heart goes out to all those recently killed and injured in the Parkland, FL school shooting, as well as all those who experienced that shooting.  My heart also goes out to all those throughout the US who were driven to commit such shootings, feeling compassion and sadness for their pain, loneliness, and isolation, even while I don’t condone their actions.  All of humanity has been living in the matrix, held in economic slavery by the dark secret government, their allies, minions and dark opportunists, who profit off of and support their dark agenda.  All of life on earth has been poisoned by their dark technologies, and interference, ruled by dark governments controlled by the dark secret governments, held separate from our divinity and separate from each other.  Wars, abuse, poverty, illness, violence, and dis-ease have been the constant results.

However, I can feel the positive shifts within me as the light increases around the world.  I can see the positive shifts in all the marches that have taken place around the world: Women’s marches; marches protesting racism and inequality; marches protesting the dark legislation and focus on continuing the extreme disparity between the poor and the extremely wealthy 1%; marches to protest the attacks on our environment; and many other positive protests.

A few days ago I experienced this wonderful transmission by Steve Nobel.  I was thinking of the powerful actions being taken by the courageous teens from Parkland, FL, protests to demand action by the US president and congress to counter the increasing number of school shootings across the US.  In my opinion, we don’t need to own guns, especially weapons of war.  I understand that others believe the US constitution’s 2nd Amendment is written to guarantee every citizen the right to own a gun, even though that amendment was written during the time of the American revolution and refers to militias, not stating that every citizen should walk around with a gun.  I was considering the difficulty that arises around not only the gun issue but the issues that arise in all legislation proposed in the US and all countries.  Everyone has their own opinion about what is right.

Suddenly, while experiencing the power of this transmission, I realized that in truth, we don’t get “there” with 3D solutions.  Although I celebrate the wonderful and empowering efforts by these bright students, as their efforts serve to wake people up, they serve to say NO MORE to violence and greed that overrides what is for the highest good for the planet and humanity, I understood that these situations will ultimately change not via laws but through all of humanity and the planet rising up to a higher dimension. What we are seeing presently via President Trump and especially the GOP, but not only the GOP, is the old: the ways of the dark, focused on greed, exploitation, the mind game that hides dark actions in promises of good for all, and in truth is to provide more profit for the wealthy.

While moving more and more deeply into this transmission though, I felt myself rising above the present 3D paradigm and while in this higher vibration, I could feel that NO ONE would even consider harming another or the planet.  I could feel the Oneness, my heart connected with the planet, the Elementals, all life on earth and beyond. I could feel the vastness of my soul and thus compassion, love, and empathy were in the forefront.

I feel and experience that we ARE in the midst of these changes, we ARE in the midst of Shifting onto a higher timeline of Oneness and Abundance.  When all humanity is lifted to this vibration, our united focus will be on caring for each other and the earth,  nurturing ourselves and each other.

I’ve included the transmission in case you’d like to experience it, too.

Thanks so much for taking the time to visit and read my blog.  If you like it, let me know….click the like button, leave a comment, reblog and share. And if you’d like to stay in touch, please join 400 + more and follow my blog. I appreciate each and every one of you and honor your contribution to the light of this world.

Love, katelon

It’s All A Matter Of Perception


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 I forgot I had taken this photo. At first, I couldn’t figure out where it was….was it a flood, water on the road, what exactly was it…then I remembered…it is a sunset photo of Mission Bay, Ingraham Street bridge and the ocean beyond, as seen from the neighborhood where I’m presently staying.  Life is like that now, too, for me, and perhaps many of you.

If I read the news or any of the many political emails I receive daily, the planet, the US, the climate, etc., seems like a disaster movie.  Our present US president alone, spews out one dark action after another daily.  I spent my life as an activist along with my metaphysical/spiritual work and life.  So I can get caught up in worry or concern, thinking THIS is reality and the world I’ve worked to help create, all my lifetimes, is nowhere near.   And in a way…it IS reality….the dark timeline reality, the 3rd dimensional reality.  This is the reality that my parents kept attempting to make me accept or “face”, when I was growing up talking to spirits and ascended masters, walking in and out of different dimensions, seeing so much beauty. 

And yet, if you look and feel closely, if you feel into your heart, you can be assured, that a different reality is coming into view, a new timeline of Oneness and Abundance.   It can seem impossible that we could move as a planet from the dark timeline to the light/love based one, but the truth is…the light/love one has always been here, as IT is the TRUTH of who we really are, One with each other and the Divine.  The dark timeline was placed here, imposed on us by a dark group of beings that have maintained it.  They loved (although since their lights have almost been diminished with their dark contracts, love isn’t something they truly feel), enjoyed perhaps is a better word, although I’m not sure they enjoy much either…..they relished…how about that…relished keeping us feeling separate from each other and our true divine nature.  They used many technologies and methods, distorted religions, distorted health care and education, and the lists go on. All of this was established and maintained to keep us in fear, keep us dis-empowered, and keep us supporting all their profitable wars and economies.,  

But just like you can look at the above photo and perhaps see a flood, water in a street, a puddle , when I inform you that it is indeed a bay, a bridge and a vast ocean beyond that, you can see it clearly as you change your perception, change your focus.  As the dark is shut down and we move, and ascend, onto a higher dimension, embracing and filling with more light, re-connecting to our divine nature, all of a sudden, what was hidden before, appears.  All of a sudden, what we thought was truth is exposed for the lies within, and our reality becomes something much different.

I have worked for this steadfastly since the beginning of my incarnations.  When I go within, connect to the new crystalline grid within Gaia, connect with Source and all the light, I can feel the new reality, I can hear the sound of creation, freed from the veil cast around me to cloud my vision, and dampen my heart.

So please do not despair (and I’m talking to myself here as well), as the dark is being shut down, the dark timeline is dying and we are only witnessing its death shudders.  Things might not just switch overnight, it might take awhile to get new light based governments around the world, but look at what happened in Zimbabwe, …a few days of a coup and amazingly, at least to me, the new President really is moving forward and not extending the corruption that existed before.  When the shift happens fully, there is so much love flowing into us and the planet, along with so much help, seen and unseen, that I truly believe it will be a felt experience for many. I also believe that quickly, we WILL see huge changes for the better, not just in governments but in health care, finances, the climate, the air/water/soil/food supply, education, spirituality, business, on and on. I also believe we will quickly welcome our light ET friends and other unseen light beings, and take our place as galactic citizens.

So during this holiday time, please take care of yourself, rest as much as possible,  feel the light and love filling you and take care of your hearts.  And I invite you to join me in holding the vision in your perception of a New World of love and light, a world that works for ALL life, that is honoring and respectful, nurturing and supportive, uplifting and inspiring.

2017-11-28 08.10.47.jpgHappy Holidays to all!  Thank you so much for joining me on this journey, thanks for taking the time to read, “like”, comment, share and reblog my posts.  I appreciate all of you and appreciate the light you bring to the world  and all you are doing to help bring about this New world.

Love, katelon

Letting Go To Make Room For The NEW!!


A month ago I was led to drastically cut my hair. I’m used to wearing it long and I like the flexibility of being able to wear it different ways. But I had been building up this angst and urgency for a few weeks, feeling like I just HAD to cut it off.  As most things in my life, I knew it wasn’t just about cutting my hair, knew it wasn’t just about the surface reason. The cut ended up being shorter than I had imagined, and I’m already growing it out 🙂 But even the extra cutting was important and had a deeper meaning.

I’ve done the drastic cut thing before but never so consciously.  When I was sharing my shock of the new length, to another spiritual friend, she reminded me that what I had really done, been led to do, is to cut off the years of energy, old energy, from the past, as it no longer belongs with me.  Aha!  That really resonated with me as in addition to these 5 plus years I’ve been on the road, doing my more focused work to shut down the dark and assist with the Shift into the light, the last several years before,  in Seattle, had been filled with one shocking situation/circumstance/loss/injury, after another, more than anytime before in my life.  And since I grew up severely ill and close to death, that is saying a lot.

I wrote a blog post 8 years ago, called (R)evolution, about how my hair changed. I started out with some curls, but between my Mom braiding my hair often and all the medications I was on, it became very straight.  But in 1975, during my most amazing semester in college, filled with revolutionary topics leading to soul awakenings, the underneath and back of my hair became curly.  I still have a top layer, and sides that are a little wavy but much straighter, with this odd curly almost ringlets curl underneath.  Here is the link to that post:

Here is my before and after photos.  My long hair was very healthy, but had that straight layer on top, in the back, with the curls underneath.

I wanted to share this to remind all of you, that part of the shift we are in, is about not only shutting down “the ” Dark, and dark within us, but letting go of all the relationships, situations, beliefs, circumstances, etc. that don’t fit us anymore.  Letting go of what doesn’t belong in higher dimensions.  We can shut down the dark governments, systems, laws and legislation, structures, corporations, institutions, etc. but/and, in order to truly create a new world, we have to step into a higher way of being ourselves.  We have to recognize our Oneness, honor each other as sovereign beings, recognize our divinity, and make decisions now based on the good of all and the good of the planet.  Operating from greed and power over others won’t fly anymore.  We will reclaim our power, restore self love, self confidence, and our worth.  Thus, many people, beliefs and circumstances in our life won’t fit anymore.  

And just as my new haircut, will over time grow out, as we let go of the old, we make room for the new, make room for what truly uplifts us, fits us, delights us, supports us in being the highest version of ourselves we can be.

May we quickly experience the full shut down of the dark, and Shift into the light.  It is on my Christmas list but I don’t want to have to wait until then to open it 🙂

Much love to all of you!  Thanks for reading!  If you like the post, please “like” it, reblog it, share it, leave a comment and come back for more.  You are a treasure and I bow to the gift you are and that you bring to the world.

Much love, katelon

11:11, Powerful Gateway Today!


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Today is a powerful day energy wise.  It is a gateway/portal opening called the 11:11.  I took part in the first 11:11 event on Jan. 11, 1992.  The information about it was channeled by a woman named Solara. People around the world received information about this event and the activities that Solara had channeled.  There were dances we did that resembled the opening of a portal, with one group facing out and moving in one direction and another facing in toward the center of the circle going in another direction.  Other parts of the ceremony took place as well. 

I was living in No. CA, in the Arcata area, and teaching a creative movement and music class for children ages 2 1/2 to 8.  I started the 11:11 day with the children, and we explored how many ways we could create gateways with our bodies, alone and together, and how many ways we could move through those gateways.  Then I moved on to the bigger gathering that included adults and children.  We had meditations, dances, chants, I led the group in a song I had channeled. It was such a loving and joyous day.  The main parts of the event were timed to coincide all over the world, so we got a sense of aligning with people worldwide.  I ended the evening with an 11:11 pm meditation with my son and a couple of friends. What a magical time.

You can read about the original event here:

The event throughout the years since as moved to Nov. 11th.  You might have noticed the numbers 11:11 showing up on your clock, your eyes drawn to look at the time at that exact moment.  There is so much support right now for the shift into the light.  Archangels, Ascended Masters, Great Spirit, many light ET races, light energies flowing into and surrounding our planet and all life on and in earth to support us in this shift and ultimately ascension for all who choose it.  Just like my photo above of a giant arm and hand gathering in the light, we are being guided and protected in this great Shift into the light, preparing the planet and all life on it and in it to move onto the timeline of Oneness and Abundance, shutting down the matrix and the dark Secret government, their allies and minions and all the opportunists who profit off their dark ways of wars, terrorist groups, violence, power over others, slavery, separation and greed.

So please enjoy this day, drink up the light,, anchor it in your being and the planet, align with Source and say yes to all the energy here to support us in this shift.

Here is a new transmission from Steve Nobel to assist you today:


Thanks for visiting my blog and reading it.  I always fill it with energetic blessings and healing for you.  If you like it please let me know, leaving a comment, follow and come back for more.

Much love to you, katelon



More Sound Keys…come on Shift Into The Light!!!!!


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Photo by Katelon T Jeffereys

Well, it’s been over a month since my last post. I had hoped, prayed, intended, desired, thought for sure we’d of received the Shift into the Light by now…but not yet 😦

I continue to do my daily conscious work with the team, providing clearing and healing, with my team, for all humanity; doing what I can to assist in shutting down the dark Secret Government and any other dark beings on or off planet; bringing in assistance when called to do so; opening Sound keys and setting them to work everywhere and with all; and doing my out of body work 24/7 to shut down the dark.  I wanted to let you know about the latest Sound keys:

#102 – Sept. 27, 2017 – Like a detergent. I had been using this image for weeks, in my daily healing work for the planet and humanity, but then it showed up as a more powerful Sound Key.  Like detergent, it dissolves and lifts away all the dark Secret Govt. and any other dark power, lies, weaponry, etc. and the darkness within humanity.

#103- Sept. 30, 2017 – Like Fog, in that it is able to creep into all spaces, find the hidden spots within earth, on earth, off planet, where the Dark Govt. and other dark  attempts to hide, into all their institutions/organizations/lies/weaponry, etc. and destroys it. It is very gentle but powerful.

#104 – Oct. 5, 2017 – It is about alignment, bringing everything and everyone into alignment with the Great Central Sun of the 22 galaxies, the Sun for earth and the core of Gaia…as above, so below, bringing all of humanity and the earth into alignment with this beam of light already coming from the Great Central Sun. 

#105 – Oct. 7, 2017 – It is a bright search light, to align inner earth, Gaia, the Sun, and the Great central sun of the 22 galaxies, clearing the way, searching out any darkness and transforming it with the light and/or shutting down the dark.

#106 –Oct. 15, 2017  – It is Intense Divine truth that not only exposes the truth of the dark, to all the world, but also, exposes both the hidden divinity and power within each of us in the light, as well as exposing the light hidden deeply within the dark to those in the dark. It also exposes the double agents who are so smug shouting that they are working for the light and against the dark when they are either carrying two opposing agendas or only working for the dark.

#107 – Oct. 20, 2017 – Opened  late evening, as instructed. Sound Key # 107 is a fine tooth comb, to comb through ALL the details of the shift into the light and all the light based programs that will roll out with the shift, making sure ALL is in order, adding anything missing, and making sure ALL is protected.

#108 – I was told about #108 the night before but told to open it on Oct. 21, 2017 –It is a key to finally and fully unlock the codes for the Shift into the light, Ascension, Rejuvenation and full healing.  Knowing that Sound Key #108 was keyed up, pun not intended, means it started working on the 20th.

I don’t normally do this but I’m being led to warn people about some of the disclosure info that has been revealed and will soon be revealed.  I recently read a couple articles about President Trump set to unleash hidden info about the JFK assassination, and other disclosure information. First of all, if you’ve read about the work John Ross and I did earlier, Trump is NOT to be trusted. He has been groomed, protected and propped up by the Dark Secret Govt., and elected by them .  The information that has been and will be disclosed by him, might be truth, (or might not as is usually the case with him) but you can bet it will only be PART of the truth, designed to make those aware of the Secret Govt. and spiritual folks, believe and trust in Trump, all while still hiding the dark Wizards of Oz, who will make sure they stay safe and hidden. This is called “partial disclosure” and is a weapon or tactic the Secret Government is using to attempt to stop the Shift. When the WHOLE truth is revealed, and FULL disclosure happens, you will know that the Shift into the light has happened, and you will feel it in your heart.

Just like the photo above, …look closely to see what is light, what is shadow, and look for the cracks and crevices in between. 

The Light is making progress, is gaining power, is getting the dark shut down.  Let us hold that vision of the TRUTH, the light, love, caring kindness, honor, respect, ONENESS, abundance, cooperation, welcoming, openness, transparency, …clear and simple…no double speak, no excuses. Let us see the Shift Into the Light here now, bringing all of humanity, the planet, all aspects of life on this planet and all beings on this planet seen and unseen fully and completely into Freedom and the light.


Thanks for reading my blog. Please take the time to “like it”, if you do,  and share it.

Sending you much love and healing light, Katelon

These are links to past posts regarding the Sound Keys: