Big Big Bad Ass and his frontman, Bad Ass


April 3 2013 Cam boh trail rattlesnake

For those regular readers, you’ve heard parts of this story….for you new to my blog, I’ll tell it again. (For regular readers…hang on….there’s more).

Ever since early childhood, I have remembered other lifetimes, all the remembered ones consisting of being horribly tortured and killed for doing my light work. This happened way before my 8 or 9 year old experience of Jesus and the gang (my name for them) appearing in my bedroom to talk to me and tell me of my work this lifetime – to do spiritual work again, at the world level, and to be a leader. I argued with them as I had no desire to go through more torture again. They insisted it would be better this lifetime – that I’d be safe.

Now “safe” is a relative term, as doctors and my parents attempted to label me crazy for this and other spiritual experiences I had and spoke about to them. “Safe” is a relative term when you grow up with these past remembrances, with severe asthma, large numbers of ER and hospital stays, in a home with 2 smokers, and consistent attacks from the dark, along with punishments for things the neighborhood accused me of and I hadn’t committed. “Safe” is a relative term growing up a light worker/warrior attempting to hide my light so I could survive and fit into the “normal” world.

Another early memory I had was of being in Oneness still, noticing the dark being created, and arguing with Source this was a very, very bad idea and needed to be stopped NOW!!!!! Source didn’t agree and said it would all work out in the end. I requested to be allowed to jump into incarnation and get to work right away to attempt to shut the dark down immediately before any damage took place, to restore it all back into light. Thus began my long interaction with Bad Ass, or Mr. Bad Ass, the name my spiritual work partner, John, and I, gave to him. Mr. Bad Ass was part of all those lifetimes of being tortured and killed for my attempts to shut him and his organization down and restore creation to love and light. He tried everything he could conceive of to shut me down for good….chopping my body into pieces, making sure my lifetimes were extremely challenging, often lonely, almost always ending in betrayal and violence. But I stayed determined. Osho once gave me the name Aradhana. In its original language it means to pray without ceasing, to focus on the desired goal or outcome until it is fully achieved. And so it has been for me. Throughout my lifetimes, no matter how serious my commitment, lonely or challenging, my loving compassionate heart has remained intact, with a devotion to Source and all life.

John and I have been working together on and off since Oct. 15, 2014, to shut down the dark’s rule and matrix and free all life upon this planet and help usher in the Shift into the light and full disclosure. We assumed our present work would only be focused on this planet, with perhaps some ET involvement, and that work to free the rest of creation might come later. Then on Dec. 19, I went through one of the worst attacks I’ve experienced from the dark. Starting in late Sept., attacks had increased from occasional to daily and have remained so, with perhaps 2 or 3 days attack free since then. The attack started more subtly, with pain in my tailbone. Then, as I was driving, suddenly my tailbone was in severe pain. I started using natural childbirth breathing, calling in Source and Source within, divine love and light, attempting to push the attacker out of my body. I could feel him moving into and up through my spine to my second chakra, below my belly button. I could feel this darkness all around me, violently attacking me.

I got back to where I’m staying and sent John a message. Soon we were on Skype doing a second session of the day. John managed to get him out of my body and we went to work identifying who had been attacking me. When we finally managed to identify that it was THE Mr. Bad Ass, we were stunned. We always ask Source within to make sure our information is accurate as well as check to make sure the actions we take are supported by Source law and for the Greater Good. We were told that since this soul was incorrigible, had continued a dark agenda consistently against Source law; we were told to call upon Source and have him dissolved back into Source. We did that and also were told we could have Source dissolve his entire organization and all the threads coming from it. We assisted with that and celebrated, thinking that surely we were done now and the Shift could happen.

Uh huh….

Then on Jan. 20th, over a month after meeting Mr. Bad Ass, I experienced a strong attack but it was quite different than the one I’d had from Mr. Bad Ass. This one had started the day before on my walk, with upper back pain, then including heartburn. It continued through the night with tailbone pain, head/neck/upper back pain. My night was a battle, my bed covers completely undone, waking up over and over, tossing, turning, commanding whoever was there to leave, calling in light and love. The pain wasn’t as strong or intense as the Mr. Bad Ass attack, so it was confusing.

That morning in the session with John, we asked questions of Source within and found that there was another entity above Mr. Bad Ass, that he had escaped our past clearings and soul exchanges and warnings as he had never been actively involved. Rather, he had been the one giving orders to Mr. Bad Ass. Like the rattle snake in the photo above (taken in the Tucson desert in 2013), he had remained hidden, with only the tail of his organization visible all those lifetimes and even in the very beginning when I saw the dark being first created. He was the head of the organization and Mr. Bad Ass carried out his commands. Just as Trump is the face carrying out the US Secret government’s bidding for the dark.

We identified Big Big Bad Ass when we were working to clear two other humans who had already received soul exchanges but were calling back dark rogue souls to return from the monad and enter their bodies, pushing the newly installed light souls aside so they could continue their dark agenda. We discovered that Big Big Bad Ass was assisting them in bringing back these dark rogue souls even though the newly installed light souls were tasked with preventing this kind of thing. Thankfully we’ve been able to set up protections against this now and with Big Big Bad Ass gone, we hope this behavior is ended. John and I had come across what we called the head of the snake 10 days earlier but Big Big Bad Ass was different. Again, Source within led us to have Big Big Bad Ass dissolved back into Source. We made sure that the organization and any remaining threads were dissolved back into Source, also.

Our work hasn’t stopped there, so we continue on, now clearing other planets in the universe, and clearing away what is presented to us so that the path to full disclosure and the Shift into the light is a safe, open passage for the Disclosure team and all its supporters.

May we soon be free of all dark agendas and be living in freedom, love, peace and joy on the timeline of Oneness and Abundance.

Thanks for joining me on this journey, for bringing your light to the world. Thanks for taking a moment to read, like, and share in the conversation with a comment. I invite you to follow the blog and stay engaged with this journey.

Much love, katelon

Here are the two posts John has written on his blog about Mr. Bad Ass and Big Big Bad Ass.

A Solstice to Remember

Additional Support for Full Disclosure

About katelon

I had been a wellness trainer, therapist, consultant and coach for 40 years, trained in 16 therapies from massage and reflexology to hypnotherapy and NLP, to past life regression and various spiritual therapies. I did my work in person and long distance. I also offered workshops to companies in wellness, stress release, diversity, team building, communication and more. My deepest dream is to create wellness centers all over the world, for not only individual wellness but environmental, family, business, community, and international wellness, along with connecting us with other light citizens of the Universe. I envision a world of peace, harmony and cooperation. I am available as a consultant to work with the creation of wellness centers and eco-villages and often refer others to various wellness centers and resorts in the area of their preference. My present focus is on daily sessions, with a work partner, to shut down the dark control structure and timeline and help usher in a new timeline of Oneness, abundance, peace, and a world that supports the greater good for all, including the planet. It is time to be free of the enslavement and war against this planet and humanity.

17 responses »

      • The early childhood experiences with Jesus, the labels from family and friends, the fact that being a first waver, a blue ray is inexplicable to people. Frequent attacks and demands from the spirit world…We used to hide all this but everything seems to be in higher gear right now !

        Liked by 1 person

        • Wow, thanks for sharing. I never had demands or attacks from the light, only the dark attempting to kill me and stop my mission to shut them down and return them to the light.


          • Well the demands are from spirits asking assistance for loved ones here, but these situations often put me in danger. the attacks are pure evil, often dark disguised as light, trying to stop or harm me. I guess they feel their existence is threatened when we are around, they feel the burn !

            Liked by 1 person

            • It’s unfortunate you, too, have been attacked by the dark. Sometimes the ones I’ve experienced come through humans and often, it is at an energetic level that just hits me like a heart attack feeling, a sword in the side or back and/or the random physical symptoms I described in my blog post. What makes them even more awful is that most people would call us crazy huh?! Soon this will be over though as Full Disclosure will shut down all their dark technologies/organizations/systems/governments, expose all their lies and bring a clean up of the water, air, soil, food supply and all the aspects of this planet and beyond. It will connect us with other advanced civilizations and lead to people like us finally being honored and respected for who we are and all we’ve done and will do in the future.


            • It’s exactly similar to how I feel. As the light intensifies the call can’t no longer be ignored ! Soon everyone will see and experience for themselves…Shine on my !dear !

              Liked by 1 person

            • Thanks so much for letting me know Wiena, I thought you were female but had gone to your blog to find your name. Bloggers often shorten my name Katelon to Kate, and it gets annoying 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Dan. I appreciate your support and taking the time to read and comment. I’m better able now to deal somewhat with the attacks, and keeping their intensity less. But yes, I’m ready to be done with this part of my mission, FINALLY lol….and move on to the fun stuff.


    • The other thing, too, Dan, is that the attacks lead John and I to another group that needs to receive soul exchanges and now the etheric “probation officers” we set up, or dissolved into Source, by Source, if they’ve already been changed out previously. But I am ready to end my job as the target, the canary in the coal mine 🙂


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