Tag Archives: dark timeline

Happy Birthday (Glad I made it this far) to me!


Photo by Katelon T Jeffereys

This last year has been horrific.  Those of you who have read my blog have read about the years, and lifetimes, I’ve spent working to end the dark experiment and restore this Universe and Planet to the light.  Most of my older posts are about this work.  My Canadian work partner, John Ross, writes about it in more detail :  https://freedom4humanity.wordpress.com/  

Starting last August the dark escalated their attacks on me, attempting to kill me.  I know, I know, it sounds unbelievable, but living in my body, being in extreme pain or distress, doing our work to shut down the offending attacker(s) and being relieved of the pain and distress, has made me a believer.  There are no other explanations.  I was getting sicker and sicker.  I’d be better for a few days, be able to do my normal walks, and then it would feel like walking through concrete.  This went on and on for months.  I followed my normal holistic training and tried herbs and natural supplements but nothing was working. I went to urgent care and that did nothing.  Finally, on Nov. 10th, I went to the ER, almost died and wasn’t even conscious of what was happening for days.  I grew up in ER’s and hospitals with severe asthma and chest infections but never lost consciousness. 

My friend’s Mom who got me to the hospital thought I’d die.  My friend in charge of my will and my emergency contact person thought the same.  They were all trying to get me to decide about my car and storage unit !?  Meanwhile, I’m just trying to stay alive. On admittance, my heart was at 5%, my lungs not much better.  Levels in my blood that above 100 are considered heart failure, and mine was over 23,000.   I was in and out of awareness and at times thought the doctors and nurses had given up on me, too.  I heard this strange Christian chant all around me the entire 20 days of my stay.  I was in ICU, and then got out, only to end up almost dying again with internal bleeding and shock. At some point, I had a near death experience and was in this field of consciousness. I could see these sparkles of consciousness all around me.  I knew what they were.  But through all of this, even the near death experience, I continued to focus on this work of mine, the mission throughout my entire existence…..to shut down the dark, demonstrate that love is more powerful than the dark and restore the light timeline and design for this universe.  

During my 20 days in the hospital the attacks continued.  Once John knew I was still alive (He too, had thought I’d died), he continued to do the work with the help of a friend.  I was terrified to sleep and was jerked awake from shocking nightmares.  I did all I could to stay awake.  I became very weak, only standing a few times, with lots of help, unable even to transfer from a bed to a wheelchair.  I was moved into a rehabilitation center and was there for 5 1/2 weeks, going from what I called “floppy fish” stage, of not being able to sit up by myself or roll over, to being able to walk again and be independent. It was more physical work than I’d ever been though in a recovery.  The therapists were great and I still do the exercises to this day.  My mental acuity wasn’t back completely until a week or so after getting out.  I continued to do my work with John via texts as my voice was very weak. I had lost it completely for weeks before I ended up in the ER.  

After getting out, I pushed myself to be able to walk long distances, starting with doing “stair laps” up and down flights of stairs with walking in between, walking around a building and then going further and further distances until I could do my hour walks. I only used a walker for a week after rehab. The attacks continued but I’ve managed to keep my lungs clear. except for a brief infection while still in the rehabilitation center.  After all the numerous tests, all the doctors could figure is that a couple viruses attacked my body, not covid, and the antibodies attacked my heart.  Of course they don’t know about the dark attacks that were the real cause.  

My living situation has continued to be unstable but I’ve managed to stay housed.  Somehow the light keeps me whole, keeps my lungs clear, and keeps my heart recovering.  I lost 3/4 of my hair due to the shock and trauma and the medications but it is growing back in strange little curly clumps lol.  And still I keep up the work.  AND…most of all, I’ve made it to another birthday.  I was taken a month early in a C-section as the doctor wanted to go on vacation.  It hasn’t been an easy life but due to my will, my mission, help from the light and my addition of holistic healthcare to my regimen, I’ve blown past the 30 year death sentence doctors gave my parents for me and I’m now 72.  AND I made it past this year of attacks, hard work, 2 near death experiences and unstable housing to this day.  I’m spending my birthday alone, have for over a decade now, but at my birthday lunch I told the waiter it was birthday and someone heard me and paid for my lunch. Then I picked up the free movie Redbox gave me to watch and I started the day making myself a loaf cake.  So Happy Birthday to me!  

Thanks so much for continuing to read my blog, share it, like it, leave comments and most of all support me.  I believe in a light timeline of Oneness and Abundance for this planet and all life upon it. I believe in a free planet of peace, harmony, greater good for ALL.  I believe in governments that truly do work for the greater good of humanity and the planet.  I believe in companies that honor and respect their workers.  AND I believe it isn’t just a nice dream but a soon to be reality.

Love, katelon

PS I want to give a shout out to my WP friend, Mohamad’s, wordpress blog. He has helpful articles about WP plans, tools, etc and as you’ll see in his directory, a wide variety of topics. He lives in Syria. Please check it out. https://mohamadkarbi.com/directory/




Over the last 9 years plus of my “on the road” journey and the work I’ve been consciously doing 24/7 to end the dark timeline and the power/greed etc of the dark, and restore the light timeline for this planet, I have learned to be even more of a detective than before.  I’ve been a lifetime activist and via my many metaphysical and spiritual experiences since childhood, I’ve learned to look under the surface of people and events.  Being an empath and becoming even more aware of that, I’ve learned that my body was already attuned to this “underneath”.  However, this work has taught me to also look at what is “making the waves” move, too. 

Activists learn to look “underneath”, just as you can look at the photo and see the rocks underneath the water, so they can identify where to focus their actions to attempt to remedy an injustice or support their desired outcomes.  I’m grateful for the activists in the world.  However, many haven’t learned to look at “what is making the waves”.  When you look at the water in the photo, the waves on the water, it is easy just to see the waves, or see the rocks beneath the water.  Often we don’t investigate or contemplate what is making the water move.  At the moment I took the photo it was windy, so the wind was making waves.  The dark have been behind so much of what activists have worked to change, but most activists have only been focused on the “underneath” and not realized the bigger/deeper picture of the dark systems and beings behind all of that.  So a law gets changed, someone new voted in, a new regulation put in place, a new cause or apology or movement happens.  But still nothing really changes on a deeper level, a sustaining level.  Wars, white supremacy, racism, slavery, oppression, genocide, destruction of the planet and environment, inequality, rights of all kinds taken away, poverty, sickness…..continue on and on and on.

So my work partner, John, and I have had to learn to dig deeper.  When I started this work I had hoped for success quickly.  I have learned though that the dark experiment has gone on for 6 to 7 million years and I’ve been in and out of incarnations ever since the beginning  attempting to shut it down and restore the original light design and timeline.  That’s a long time that the dark has had to put in place their dark agendas, propaganda, lies, weaponry, and structures to protect all that and more.  So it has taken an enormous amount of dark attacks on the project, John and me, especially me, to unravel it all.  And it has taken lots and lots of digging, questioning, and awareness.

I’m grateful for all the progress and soon we hope to finally achieve results.  I’m grateful for learning to look not just underneath but also at the powers and forces behind the surface effects.

Thanks for reading, liking, commenting, sharing, following. I appreciate the WP community and all those it reaches.

Love, katelon