The Divine You!


Good morning and happy Almost Valentine’s Day. FB reminded me of this older post today so I’m sharing it with you.

I’ve rarely been in a “relationship” on Valentine’s Day, but I’ve learned to use this commercialized holiday to remind myself to fully embrace and care for myself and my divinity.

We all come from love and light and this daily 24/7 work I do is to remove all that is in the way of all life on this planet being fully restored to that power Source and all divine capabilities. Love and light power all life at its core.

May we soon all be free, all recognize this love, light and Oneness and bloom. It is time for us to reveal all our beauty!

Much love, katelon

Empower and Balance

Whether attempting to bloom in arid circumstances


Bursting forth boldly


Rising out of prickly situations


Or surrounded by community


We are all seeking the light


All seeking to express our divine truth!

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Amazing Sky….a Sign of Times to Come?


Please don’t let the dark in power, their illusions, propaganda, agendas get you down. Take a moment to perceive, and receive all the beauty around you AND within you!

Love, katelon

Empower and Balance

I was at Balboa Park, in San Diego, CA, the other day.  I was stopped by the beautiful sky.


Looking up I could feel THE LIGHT, the new world we are getting ready to step into.


Deep sigh……!!  I stood there mesmerized by the depth and beauty of the cloud formations.


I turned in a circle, filled with delight and wonder. 


We can get so caught up in the illusion of this 3D world, when the truth is we really are ascending and creating a new world of love, abundance, cooperation, peace and joy.


I’m ready….are you?


Much Love to You!  Ready to be celebrating soon! Come share the love!


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Taking Our Power Back!


FB reminded me of this post and I wanted to re-share it as I still love the M and M ritual I created. (I’m not sugar adverse now, so I’d readily eat them again).

I need to qualify some of the statements in this post however. Since this was written in 2015, the second attempt John and I made to assist shutting down the dark power structures, we are now on our third attempt. In this attempt, which started in Nov. 2018, we are clearly ONLY working with Source for our information, and we’ve found out things not found in our previous two attempts. The dark did NOT surrender, which is obvious, and will not surrender. Rather, they and their agendas will be exposed, and will be shut down by other methods and the help being received by light ETs and other light beings assisting this desired outcome.

Also, I am no longer doing individual work and shut down my website. This present work is all consuming. Once the shift happens and I’m able to move on to other parts of my mission, I will be focused on more world wide objectives and work.

Again, thanks for reading, liking, sharing, and commenting on my blog. May this project and others quickly succeed, restoring us to the original divine design for this planet and all life upon it. May we soon all be free. Love, katelon

Empower and Balance


Photo from Wikipedia.

What do M and M’s have to do with taking our power back?  Be patient….I will get to that in a while 🙂  They refer to a ritual I created.  But first…some information;

I have read some metaphysical authors talk about the belief that if each individual just faced and healed their own darkness, the world would heal and we could just then move forward in a light based world.  I used to believe that, too, but now, although I believe that is part of the equation, I don’t believe it is the only part.  Through the work I’ve been doing with John, I’ve learned more about the dark technologies that have been directed at and placed in humanity to keep us in darkness.  I’ve learned more about the veil that was designed to keep us separate from Source and our divinity,  placed over us at…

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Photo by Katelon T. Jeffereys

To my perception, the reflection of the sun on the water looks like a heart.  I am longing to live on the timeline of love, light, freedom, greater good for all, abundance, rejuvenation and healing, joy and community.  Since I have devoted ALL my lifetimes, since the beginning of my incarnations, toward shutting down the Dark’s experiment and control, it feels like time to finally succeed.

In the summer and all of 1988 and into 1989 and some beyond, I had a partial relief from my lifetime of Dark interference and my intentions and affirmations actually manifested in the physical.  There was still some dark interference but it was as if the Dark had given me a slight reprieve and the light was able to support me more.  I ended up in Humboldt county and much blossomed for me. I wrote more music for my guitar, I started teaching creative music and movement for children in a Native preschool and publicly, I started teaching public and business workshops, I drummed more and I started leading ceremonies.

I thought I’d mentioned one of my songs on the blog before but couldn’t find it.  The title was Freedom.  It had arisen after an inner child workshop I’d attended, from a vision I had during one of the exercises.  I had seen how the dark had locked me up and I freed myself by singing, releasing me from their imposed dungeon.

Freedom, freedom, freedom going to carry me home 2X
Going to rise in the morning and spread my wings
Feel the love enveloping me
Freedom, freedom, freedom going to carry me home.
(The Chorus)

In the work with my spiritual work partner, John, sound has been an important aspect as light weaponry, to shut down the dark’s power structures and lift up humanity.  I’ve written in the past about the Sound keys I’ve channeled, (you can do a search for more info), and Sound ETs are part of our team and they channel sounds for these purposes as well.

It is time for this planet, this universe and all life to be living in freedom, to be living in a way and with the inherent powers Source designed for us in the beginning, before the dark experiment.   Project lockdown, control, and death needs to end.

And to end this post I’d like to leave you with a song.  I ran across an old blog post with it in it, including lyrics, but the video wasn’t available anymore. So I’m posting the lyrics here, appropriate for where I’m at in my life, and the video of the Van Morrison song “Dweller on the Threshold”

I’m a dweller on the threshold
And I’m waiting at the door
And I’m standing in the darkness
I don’t want to wait no more
I have seen without perceiving
I have been another man
Let me pierce the realm of glamor
So I know just what I am
I’m a dweller on the threshold
And I’m waiting at the door
And I’m standing in the darkness
I don’t want to wait no more
Feel the angel of the presence
In the mighty crystal fire
Lift me up consume my darkness
Let me travel even higher
I’m a dweller on the threshold
As I cross the burning ground
Let me go down to the water
Watch the great illusion drown
I’m a dweller on the threshold
And I’m waiting at the door
And I’m standing in the darkness
I don’t want to wait no more
I’m gonna turn and face the music
The music of the spheres
Lift me up consume my darkness
When the midnight disappears
I will walk out of the darkness
And I’ll walk into the light
And I’ll sing the song of ages
And the dawn will end the night
I’m a dweller on the threshold
And I’m waiting at the door
And I’m standing in the darkness
I don’t want to wait no more
I’m a dweller on the threshold
And I cross some burning ground
And I’ll go down to the water
Let the great illusion drown
I’m a dweller on the threshold
And I’m waiting at the door
And I’m standing in the darkness
I don’t want to wait no more
I’m a dweller on the threshold
Dweller on the threshold
I’m a dweller on the threshold
I’m a dweller on the threshold
Van Morrison “Dweller on the Threshold”

Thank you for taking the time to read, comment, like, share and follow. I appreciate all of you. I had hoped for the new timeline before this new year.  So may we soon all be free, all walking on the new light timeline, living the joyous life we were meant for from the beginning of creation.

Love, katelon

Let Your Light Shine…repost from 12/21/09


I ran across this memory on FB and love this old post of mine. Since I wrote it I have learned about the dark experiment and how the dark has interfered so much with humanity’s higher evolutionary path. There have been many many more dark players beyond just Lucifer. It has taken a ton of daily 24/7 work for over 7 years now for my spiritual work partner, John Ross, and I to shut down the dark’s vast array of weaponry and power. I’m so grateful for all the help we’ve had along the way. May success happen now and free all life to return to the original divine design created by Source. I apologize for not writing any new posts in awhile but this work I’m doing and the many dark energetic attacks I’ve withstood has taken all of my energy. Hope you enjoy this older post I am reblogging :

Empower and Balance

Yellow brick road

It’s a little early for this post as it isn’t Winter Solstice yet but I was reminded today of the song “This Little Light of Mine” so was led to re-read this older blog post of mine. It is still applicable today but I also feel we are much closer to full transformation on this planet. May it be so!!! ………….

Today is Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. This day was long celebrated as it meant that from tomorrow on, the light would be returning, more and more each day until the longest day of the year is reached on Summer Solstice. I can imagine long ago, that the increasing darkness in the months past, could have created concern and fear, as it was unknown if the light would come again. Christians took this pagan holiday and stationed the celebration of Christ’s birth near this day, so…

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A Change of Pace….Some Aromatherapy Recipes for Relaxation!


Empower and Balance

Fields of yellow

I don’t know about you but between this heavy work I am doing and all the energy coming into the planet, I am feeling pretty worn out these days. Then, on top of that, there is the frantic holiday season energy that kicks up the atmosphere about 80 degrees and things can get pretty dicey.

So I decided to take a break today from talking about ousting the dark and give you a couple recipes to make your own aromatherapy bath salts and scrubs, for relaxation for you and/or for DIY gifts to give as presents.

These are both easy to make. Sorry I don’t have pictures, but they are very easy to follow recipes. One year I made up gifts bags for friends with a jar of homemade bath salts, salt scrub, small bottles of an aromatherapy oil mixture and a spray bottle of aromatherapy oil mixtures in water…

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12 years on WordPress, 13 years blogging!


WordPress let me know I’ve been blogging with them for 12 years now. I started blogging 13 years ago on Posterous, a site that shut down.  I started blogging after occasionally having articles posted in local new age/spiritual newspapers, online holistic health magazines, online spiritual magazines, etc.  I was weary of dealing with all the editorial issues, hassling with my grammar (which I know is poor at times), issues with paragraphs ….on and on.  So I decided just to publish my own way on a blog. 

I was watching a movie the other day, a romantic comedy, and the male lead chided the female lead when she mentioned she was a writer.  His response was “A blog?”, in a sneering voice.  Personally, I love blogs. I love how it gives a person a voice that is heard.  I’m not into the whole superficial “influencer” thing, looking for social media fame, but I do believe it is important that people have a place to express themselves, a place that doesn’t rely on big business to put a stamp of approval on them, nor the need to be “professionals”.

I read an interview with a famous actor, living in Europe, but American, who condemned social media and in his eyes, people documenting everything they do in life, attempting self importance.  I understand the dangers of social media, especially in young people, as it preys on youthful insecurities, making it look like everyone is having a great time, living a perfect life.  But on the other hand, in such an often isolating life, it gives people a place to connect, be seen, be heard, and build relationships, a place where a person can feel like they matter.  Certainly it doesn’t replace connections made in the physical, rather it adds to it.

I used to teach creative movement and music to children publicly, ages 2 1/2 to 9, and in Native American schools, grades 1-5.   Sometimes I’d teach familiar songs and then have the kids re-write them entirely or come up with new lines.  In one class, when my program was included at Humboldt State University’s music program for kids, I had a couple brothers, ages 3 or 4 and 8.  I had taught Claudia Schimdt’s song about a broken cookie, dented jelly bean, and other malformed treats.  I asked the children what other food or treat could we use in the song, and what happens to it to make it “less than perfect” but still quite delicious.   The young brother, who had always remained quiet, shouted out “Celery”.  The smile he was beaming lit up his face. He was so proud of that contribution.  I wanted to teach children that they didn’t have to be professional dancers, singers, songwriters….in order to have a dance/song/ note within them to share with the world.  To me….that is what the blogging platform gives to people.

There are so many types of blogs.  Some are created to be solid websites for businesses, are sturdy, and rooted.  They have a more narrow focus and target.

All photos by Katelon T Jeffereys

Some are purposely rude, lewd, funny, entertaining.  Some serve to create a safe place for people to be vulnerable about health challenges, disabilities, mental health issues, emotional challenges, traumatic events, offering glimpses of helpful tools, agencies for support, and community for others suffering through the same challenges.  These blogs are often tender and oh so sincere.

Other blogs are more esoteric, perhaps like mine, or looking into depths exploring poetry, fictional stories, or alternative views.  These expose us to viewpoints and information we might not run across so easily in other media outlets, especially with the often big business limitations that don’t open their doors to everyone.


Some are written quite articulately, with precision, footnotes, many chapters, fine detail.  Some are by amazing photographers and photo journalists.  Some like mine use their phone cameras.


Others have poor grammar, misspellings, and take more effort to decipher what is being said, so it takes a little more effort to decide the meaning. Mmmm….looks like a ?????


But no matter what, in my mind, they all have their value. Most are written sincerely, with the intention to connect to a particular audience.  All of them have worth because they reveal a soul’s effort to reach out to the world, send a call out to see who listens, and see who answers back.  Ultimately we are all one but the individual differences make life much more interesting and delicious.  I love seeing these blogs written by people all over the world; some living in villages or small towns, some in cities.  And I get to travel the world into foods, places, ideas, beliefs I perhaps wouldn’t be able to taste otherwise. 


So thank you blogging world.  Thank you bloggers.  Thank you all who take the time to read, like, comment and share.

Much love, katelon

Happy Birthday to Me…..thank you Source!



Photo by Katelon T Jeffereys

I grew up severely ill with asthma and other respiratory illnesses.  Doctors told my parents I wouldn’t live past 30.  I spent a lot of time in emergency rooms, doctor’s offices, hospitals and at home, struggling to breathe for hours, days, weeks. I’ve had two near death experiences. I have outlived my entire birth family, and outlived my predicted demise by decades. I am absolutely certain that the only reason I’m still alive is because of my study and practice of using spiritual techniques and alternative therapies and natural medicine; many wonderful counselors and teachers; sheer will, and Source and other light beings keeping me alive so that I could do this work I’m doing for the planet. Just like the invisible spider web holding the rain drops that show up in this photo, Source and the light have been shoring me up through all the challenges to my body and being over the years.  So still being alive, being able to dedicate myself to this work and the work I’ll be doing after the new timeline is in place, deserves acknowledgement and celebration!  Woo hoo!!!!

Thanks for joining me on this journey, reading, liking, sharing and commenting on my blog!

Much love, katelon 

Manito Park and Some History


I left West Seattle, Seattle, WA Nov. 1, 2012, thinking I would only be on the road for a month until big positive changes happened on the planet  Dec. 21, 2012.  I’ve been on the road ever since, staying here and there, living on donations and faith, barter at times, and only twice in a friend’s home briefly.  I heard the call and leapt. I had started another blog a few years before, then moved it over to here when that website host shut down. 

In 1978, while briefly working at Prescott College as their communications directer, I attended a workshop led by people from Findhorn, a spiritual community in Scotland.  During the workshop I received guidance that I was to create a wellness center, community.  I knew there were certainly others out there but the guidance was clear. Thus began 40 years spent researching various wellness centers, resorts, and communities. I interviewed various people who had created retreat centers and wellness centers, project managers, construction people, organizational development people, spa managers, architects, looked into sustainability and permaculture,  and connected with a long time green builder architect.  I had a few people join with me at times, attracted a few possible funders that never followed through, and attended many group meetings regarding angel funding.  I even had a company who dealt with angel funders interview me about my plans.  One of the brief “team members” helped me write a business plan, with the help of some retired business consultants.  The architect and I put together some of the details to flesh out the financials.  Mostly though I worked on my own, did my own research and managed to get all the building, property, offerings etc. for the financial and business plan in place. 

Since I was on the road, I decided to tour various wellness resorts and spas I was close to along my travels.  I stopped in Ojai, CA to meet with a woman with a wellness retreat, looking to expand, and we discussed possibly joining forces. I followed every lead.  So far nothing has panned out but I managed to complete my own market research.  None of these research projects and details are part of my training.  As usual, I just follow guidance and figure it out along the way.  I’ve since realized that my wellness centers, which I now call “Transformational welcome centers”, will not be created until after we are on a new timeline.  They will be places to assist humanity in healing and learning how to live in this new world.

So, long story…shortened a bit, these tours led me to create a second blog .   I’ve since run out of room for media for that free blog and presently don’t have the funds to pay for the benefits of upgrading on WP.  So…..I”m sharing here my recent trip to Manito Park, in Spokane, WA.

I’m not fond of Spokane but it does have some pretty parks and nature preserves. My time in nature and walks around neighborhoods are what keep me sane and peaceful amidst this intense work I do daily.  Manito Park is a place I’ve visited several times and written about before on my other blog.  I’d never visited in the summer though, with all in full bloom.  Manito park was created in 1904 and has evolved into 78 acres of landscaped trails and areas, and 20 acres of botanical gardens.  It is located at 1702 S. Grand Blvd., south of I-90, in Spokane, WA.  There are playgrounds, walking and biking trails, some roads, a pond, a cafe, 5 gardens including a Japanese Garden, and Gaiser Conservatory.  I’ve been to the conservatory around the holidays when it is beautifully lit up with holiday lights.  So, I’m going to share some photos I took with my phone camera.  You can click on a photo to get a larger view. Hope you enjoy them and find some peace in your day or night 🙂

This group of photos were taken in the Gaiser Conservatory:

These photos are taken in the Rose Hill Garden and just south of it. Rose Hill is just to the west of the Conservatory:

This is Duncan Garden, a large formal garden, south of the Conservatory:


These are taken in the large Ferris Perennial Garden, which is north of the Conservatory:

Lastly, here is one of the trails:


Thanks so much for reading, liking, commenting, following and sharing my blog. I appreciate your time, interest and support.  The main work John and I do continues. We are making progress and soon hope to successfully help to bring forth a new timeline for all. 

Much love, katelon

Re-blogging a poem I shared before


FB reminded me of this poem I posted in 2015.  It is still appropriate.  Time for a new life, a new timeline, a new world! I’ve been on the road for 453 weeks, living on faith, dedicated to the work of shutting down the dark timeline, clearing all in the way of that and assisting in moving forward onto the new timeline…the one we were designed for, the one that is the TRUE timeline for this planet.

Expressway poem

Hope you enjoy it!  Thanks for reading!

Love, katelon