Tag Archives: depression


I am sharing Dolly’s latest post. I have followed her blog for years and love how thoughtful, caring, compassionate and sensitive she is, demonstrating this with her deeply felt posts and kind ways!  Please support her and share her offer. And, if you would like to receive an offered love letter from her, she has a link to a form in her post where you can sign up!  I salute her light and bright being!

via A small gesture can go a long way…

A small gesture can go a long way…

Thoughts on Robin Williams and Depression


Thoughts on Robin Williams and Depression.

I’ve wondered for days what I could add of worth regarding the untimely death of Robin Williams. Today in my inbox I received this wonderful post from Nick Ortner, of The Tapping Solution. Nick is a well-known proponent of EFT, a wonderful, quick and easy tapping technique that is used effectively to assist in the resolution of many health and life challenges.

I love this post as it speaks to the depression that Robin suffered from as well as adding great clips of Robin’s work and several resources for EFT tapping for depression, the suicide hotline, depression resources and others.

I went through many years of dark and deep depression and suicidal thoughts. For many of them I was also working, a student and a single mother with chronic asthma so my plate was full. I dropped out of college one semester due to depression. I’d attempt to drive to school and end up in my car in tears before even turning the key to start the car. I managed to stay attentive to my son, but often didn’t really attend to me. Boyfriends and friends left my life, as many do when people around them are depressed. My parents urged me to just ignore my feelings, a tactic they had pressed upon me since early childhood. So I fully understand the pain and am very grateful that I don’t go to those dark places anymore.

I have used EFT effectively since 2000, and love how portable it is and how easy it is to use.

I, like much of the world, experienced great joy from Robin’s movies and the support he gave to the homeless and other charities. His light shone through it all. He will be greatly missed. I truly hope that he is now at peace, shed of the darkness that he struggled with and in a lighter realm freed of the heaviness that has engulfed this planet up until now. I appreciate all he shared with the world and wish that his life could have held more joy for him.

Hope you find this post helpful. If you are facing depression and/or suicidal thoughts, please reach out for help. This planet is going through immense changes right now, for the better, and I’d love for you to stick around to enjoy the wonderful world that is here now and will be even more wonderful in the future. We need your light!!!!

Keeping the Faith!


Heart cloud 2

This planet is going through so much transformation right now, with all the darkness getting flushed to the surface within us and all around us. It would be so easy to just buy into all the fear and believe that all the darkness is the Truth or here to stay. It takes great strength to believe in the light, when all around us might appear dark, but that is the time that our strength and faith is needed the most.

Light is pouring into us and the planet, which can feel unsettling. I used to have very deep depressions, even contemplating suicide at times. It is amazing to me to look back and realize that I don’t go to that place anymore. I still have down days and I have had more stress, betrayal, abandonment, injuries, a tumor surgery, a car accident, some horrible work situations, 3 main moves, a long frustrating law suit, attacks, estrangement from my son (my best friend), …you name it, since Oct. 1999 when my Mom died, the last of my birth family, than in my life up until then. And I’ve presently been on the road for 11 months, now staying in my 25th place. And yes, I have days I feel afraid, days that tears come, like today, days of frustration….but I don’t travel to that dark place anymore because I have filled myself up with so much light.

I have learned that emotions just come and go, thoughts come and go, that I am always connected to source, that good always shines through, that there is always a “plan”, and that in the end, I always end up stronger than before. Sometimes I want to cry “Uncle”, and yet, after all I’ve been through, there remains a curiosity, as I wonder what is next? What solution is going to arise? And something always comes.

So, please, cry when you need to, scream if you have to, and when you are done, fall into your heart and feel that connection with God and your soul, and know all will be well, all is well…and let the light shine!